Chapter two: Just Once

Days turned to months, and months turned to years and in the sixteenth year, after Kelvin was born, everything seems to be perfect in the Elven land. The used-to-be Elven village has turned into a city, there was more advanced technology than before, and buildings made of glass could be seen at every corner of the city.

Even though the Elven land which is now called the Sparkle City, has changed a lot, there is still a king ruling over them. The name of the king was King Darwin. He has two wives, one who bore him two children and the other who bore him none. Although the King realized later that the children were not of his blood and he had to expel them from the city.

Kevin grew up as a young teenager in the forest that the wizard took him to.

Although, when he was a kid, he would often sneak out of the forest to see what the city looks like, but the wizard would stop him before he could go any further.

Now that he's a teenager doesn't mean he's still not curious about the sparkle city which is also called the city of light.

"How many times do I have to warn you not to go out of the forest, what if you were killed by an elf or a beast?" The wizard said as he squeezed Kevin's ear. That was his way of punishing him when he was a kid. But now that he's a little bit older, the wizard makes him do a 100 squats.

"I.. I. I'm sorry, I won't do that again... please let me go, I'm so sorry." Kevin pleaded.

The wizard paused before letting Kevin leave, he sighed softly and then motioned for him to stop squatting.

"This is the 1000th time you will be pleading that you won't do that again. But you will still do the same thing tomorrow," The wizard said. "I don't know what to do with you anymore."

"Father, just let me have an excursion around the city for one day, then I'll come back to the forest. That's all. I just want to see what the city looks like." Kevin replied.

The wizard shook his head in disapproval of Kevin's request and then entered a room that he often mentions to Kevin to be his workshop.

It wasn't that he didn't want Kevin to go outside, he was only trying to keep him safe since he was a human.

If he happens to go out into the city, the elves will discover that he's not an elf nor a fairy and might be killed if caught. So he's trying to keep him in the forest till he finds a way of making him an elf.

The wizard stood at the entrance of his workshop and called out for the poor boy.

"Kevin, do you want to see the city so badly?" The wizard asked.

"Yes, I want to see the city. If you would just allow me to visit it once, I'll be grateful." Kevin replied, his eyes full of hope that maybe the wizard would allow him to go to the city.

"Sorry, but I won't be able to grant you that request. Practice more of your fighting skills with your brothers, you are still weak to fight a Baby Elf, I wonder if you'll be able to survive outside the first in the midst of dangerous elves." The wizard said.

He entered through his workshop, and shut the door behind himself.

"But I'm not... weak."

Kevin was saddened, he thought that the wizard would give him the chance to go out of the forest but unfortunately, he didn't.

He went out of the small house he has been living for the past seventeen years of his life and went to meet his brothers.

These do called brothers were the ones that had rescued him when he was still a kid. They were the disciples of the Wizard.

It was evening time so the disciples were discussing the things that were happening in the city.

But as the six disciples saw Kevin approaching, they quickly changed the subject and conversation or Kevin would be asking them about the city again.

They also wanted Kevin to go out into the city but they knew he was an abandoned child who could get killed if spotted to be a human.

One of the disciples had gone to approach Kevin as they saw how moody he was.

"Hey boy, is it about the city again?" The disciple named Derek said.

"I'm so tired of my father, why can't he let me see the city just once? Only ust once." Kevin lamented.

"You need to trust your father, he's doing this for your good. He's trying to protect you." Derek explained. "As you can see, we are all elves, including your father. A mistake occurred during your birth and you became a human. Your father had to hide you away from all other elves or you might have been killed."

While Derek was busy talking to Kevin, another disciple approached them with a bow and arrow.

"Kevin, it's time for your training. You need to get stronger than you are, or you might not see the city you always long for again." The disciple called Bona said.

Kevin sighed heavily before receiving the bow and arrow and then followed after Bona.