Chapter Three: The Three Elves

Every day, Kevin was trained to fight using his fists, arrows, and swords, but even after all these training, he was still weak to fight even a baby elf. It was as if his body was cursed from being able to fight.

The wizard was so worried about Kevin but despite all his magics and tricks, none of it were able to make Kevin grow stronger. He gave up and told Kevin to practice fighting, maybe someday, he would get stronger.

Kevin was with his bow and arrow as he followed after disciple Bona who was taking him far away from the house to hunt down some birds or rabbits in the forest.

They got close to a tree where several birds were spotted and Kevin assembled his arrow to hunt them down.

"Aim correctly this time," Bona said as he patted him on the back.

"You doubt." Kelvin drew his arrow, ready to shoot at one of the birds.

He had a bird in sight and targeted its chest. Once he had it cornered, he let go of the arrow and it hit its chest.

"Awesome!" Bona said, impressed. "I can't believe you manage to kill the bird. During all our time practicing archery, you never manage kill a single bird."

Kevin chuckled.

"I'll go get the arrow," He said as he ran off in a distance.

Another disciple who had been watching Kevin for a while walked towards Bona.

"Am I dreaming? Did he just kill a bird right now." Silas asked as he approach Bona.

"I'm just as surprised as you are. Are you sure master didn't get an awakening spell for him?" Bona said.

"No, he didn't. Our training must have paid off. He's able to fight with sword and arrows. At least he'll be able to protect himself from any danger. We could just create an artificial Elf ear he could use. Once that has been done, we'll be able to leave this forest."

"I agree with you, perhaps we should tell the wizard about this new development."

"Are you sure he's going to agree with us?"

"We could only try. I'm starting to get weary of this place." Bona said as he let out a sigh.

Due to Kevin's problem, the wizard had to stay hidden with him in the forest till he finds a solution to his problem.

His disciples had also stayed with him in the forest. Although he told them to leave without him, they insisted on being by his side at all times.

Some of the time, they would leave the forest to see their families in the city but they will still come back to stay with the wizard in the forest.

"So, what about the ring we found yesterday? Has the master discovered anything about it yet?" Bona asked.

"No, I think it's just a ring lost by someone. Although it has this creepy feeling about it."


Kevin had gone past the area where his arrow had fallen to, as his mind was flooded with lots of thought.

He was lost in thought that he didn't know he was nearing a group of elves who had come to hunt down some forest animals.

The elves were three in numbers and were males. As they were busy scheming through the forest for something they could hunt, one of them suddenly saw a human walking toward them.

"Guys, come and see this." An elf called his fellow brothers and they saw Kevin who was walking half minded towards them. They didn't see wings on his back nor did he have pointy ears so they concluded that he must be human.

"What if he's a fairy and only hid his wings."

"Have you seen a fairy with a brown colored hair?"

"Quick, we can't lose this opportunity, we'll be able to sell that human for five emerald gems if we capture him. That way, we'll be able to attend the academy." The eldest elf said and the other elves agreed with him.

"Let's do this."

An arrow was sent flying his way and at the last moment, Kevin snapped out of his thought and managed to dodge the arrow but it still sliced through his arm.

"Gosh, when did I got here?" Kevin panicked as he started running towards the forest house but the three elves started chasing after him.

He discovered that he had only a bow with him, his arrows had been left with Bona.

He would love to fight these elves but he had no weapon with him. Not even a sword. He could only run for his dear life.

While Kevin ran away from the elves, he mistakenly hit his foot on astone and he had a slight wound on his knee.

But then he saw a big rabbit hole and quickly hid in it. The three elves got near the rabbit hole but couldn't see any trace of him.

"Fuck! He must have escaped." The elf shouted and the other two elves got angry as well.

"How are we going to get an emerald gem at this rate. We got lucky for a few second and lost the opportunity."

"You should have aimed correctly." Another shouted.

"I couldn't, my stomach hurts badly." The youngest elf lamented.

"Let's head for the mountains, we could find something valuable to hunt along the way," Dan said and the two elves nodded in agreement. They picked up their bows and arrow and headed for a different destination.

After they were gone, Kevin was finally able to exit the rabbit hole. He glanced toward the direction of the elves.

"I swear I would have killed you if I had any weapons with me." Kevin cursed.

He made his way back to the forest house, he couldn't find the bird he killed nor his arrow, so he gave up and went back home.

He met Bona and Silas talking to each other and they all had this; 'what's wrong' look on their face.