Chapter Seven: Consider it done

Few minutes after, Kevin finally got to the foot of the mountain where the three elves said they were going.

He also found the mud that was located near the mountain. With his sword and weapons readied, he lured the crab out of the mud by placing lots of cray fishes at the mud shore.

As soon as the mud crabs caught the smell of the cray fishes, they scurried out of the mud and Kevin would instantly slash at them as soon as they got out.

< Congratulations you have successfully killed thirty mud crabs, gems would be automatically carved out for the user >

Just at that moment, thirty beast gems appeared in his hands.

It was the same ruby gemstones that was required to unlock his first magic.

< Ruby gemstone: 35/30 >

< Do you wish to substitute the gemstone with a new magic? >

< Yes > < No >

While Kevin was still thinking of which option to choose. He heard footsteps approaching his direction.

It was the elves that had attacked him back then. He could see that their bags and luggages were kept at the foot of the mountain close to where he was.

"They must be coming to get it." Kevin said as a idea suddenly struck at him.

"Time for payback." He grinned.

The three elves had been trying to hunt down several beasts but each time they try to attack, they always fail each time. The beasts were either stronger or faster than them.

They were presently chasing after a wildebeest beast but its speed was far greater than theirs, so they weren't able to catch up with it.

The three elves got tired and had stop to rest a bit. Just then, one of the elves tried to pick up something from his bag and noticed that all of their stuffs were gone.

"Guys, where's our stuff?" The elf said and the other started to panic.

"It was here just a couple of minutes ago, how come we can't find it?"

"Are you looking for this?" Kevin said, appearing in front of them. He had his bow crossed on his back, his sword was also sheathed at his side.

He had in his hands; the bags and stuffs of the three elves.

He frowned at the elves as he planned to deal with them for hurting him a couple of minutes ago.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the elves said as he tried to catch his breath.

"I should be asking you that. Who are you, what are you doing in my forest, why did you attacked me back then."

"Attack you? We didn't attack you, why would we attack you?"

"You shot an arrow at me and made me bleed from several wounds. You did all this and you think I'm going to let go. Never! It's time for payback!"

Kevin hauled the stuffs that were in his hands at the elves and immediately unsheathed his sword. The sword was a gift from the wizard for his sixteenth birthday. He cherished it a lot and would often sharpen its blades.

Due to its sharpness, it was able to slice through anything.

He ran toward the elves as he thrust his sharp sword into their bodies.

You know the feeling and fear of killing someone for the first time; they were lost in Kevin.

< The user's bloodlust has increased, you might turn into a Villain at this rate >

He felt like this was what he meant to do. He felt like killing more and more people but he immediately cautioned himself and stared at the message hovering above his face.

"Bloodlust? Villain?"

< The user has in his hands the blood sword, it is the only sword capable of killing Vampires. The sword has a power up that makes the user have a bloodlust and won't stop till everyone has been killed >

"Then this sword is dangerous and at the same powerful. I guess I shouldn't use it to slay people again. I might hurt the innocent Ones." Kevin said, glaring at his beautiful sword.

Too bad he was going to keep his most cherished possession away for now.

He had another plan in mind. He wanted to attend this academy that every magical creatures was attending.

Checking through the stuffs of the elves he killed, he discovered a map which had the location of every single place in the sparkle city which was also called the city of light.

The academy was located not too far from the forest. Normally, there were three different forest located around the city of light.

One was the forbidden forest where millions of dangerous beasts inhabited; most magical creatures haven't been to the forest in decades. Majority of those who go deeper into the forest didn't make it back alive.

The second forest wasn't as wild as the forbidden forest, although it serve as a border separating the vampire empire from the sparkle city. There are still some elves and fairies living in the forest though. They were said to be outcasts from the city of light.

The third forest was the one Kevin and the wizard spent seventeen years living. There weren't much beast in this forest but it was a very deep forest whose end leads to the human world.

Kevin proceeded on his journey to the academy and had eventually gotten to the city containing lots of elves and fairies. This was the first time Kevin will get to see a lot of people ever since he was born.

Although everything felt strange to him, he had an idea of how things worked, thanks to the disciples stories and the novels he read about this place.

On his way to the academy, he saw a male fairy calling for students going to the academy to board his teleporter. He offered to take them to the academy for free, so a lot of the students assembled around the fairy to be teleported.

Kevin was about to approach the fairy that someone grabbed his hands from behind.

"Don't go." A young male elf whispered to him.

He glanced at the elf and saw him smiling cheerfully at him. Behind him were two other elves who looked younger and smaller than him.

"Excuse me?" Kevin asked.

"Shh, those guys are kidnappers. They are not going to teleport you to the academy but instead a different place."

"Why are you telling me this? Tell it to the adults or somebody." Kevin replied.

"Too slow, I already did. They are going to capture them now." The elf glared at the kidnapper who was immediately grabbed from the back by a soldier working at the academy.

Three more soldiers appeared in front of the kidnapper with swords in their hands.

"These soldiers don't use guns?" Kevin blurted out.

"They don't. It was forbidden by the leaders of the sparkle city. They said guns are human tools, we shouldn't use the tools created by our inferiors since were superior to them." The elf explained.

The kidnapper was arrested and taken to the nearest dungeon while the students that have been teleported to the kidnapper's nest were safely returned back.

"Phew! At least many will learn their lesson and be more careful after this incident." The elf said.

Kevin discovered that this elf seem trustable so he decided to ask him about the academy.

"Do you know the way toward the academy?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. Just a couple of hours walk. But there's a shortcut that will lessen your journey to the academy."

"Can you take me there?... please."

"I would love to, but I can't go that far. Not when I still have to hunt for emerald gemstones for me and my two brothers."

Kevin thought about this for a while. It seems like most of the students were finding it hard to purchase an emerald gemstone.

"What if I give you and your brothers one emerald gemstone each?"

"Wait, you're joking right? This is not a joke, is it?"

Kevin brought out three emerald gemstones from the ones that he had and presented it to the elves.

"As long as you take me to the academy, they are all yours." Kevin handed the gems to the elf who had screamed excitedly with joy.

"Yes! We'll finally be able to attend the academy." The elf and his brothers were more than excited.

"Consider your request done, stranger." The elf said, smiling happily at him. "We'll take you to the academy."
