Chapter Eight: Mage Academy

Kevin and the three elves had became friends in just two minutes as they all head toward the Academy.

The three elves said that they won't be passing through the city because it was a long journey and they would have to enter about three transport cars before they could get to the academy. But they told Kevin that there is another shortcut they could pass that would take them to the academy in just an hour.

It was already night time so they had to sleep at the point where darkness had met them. They were at a safe region where no beasts could pounce or rip off their flesh while sleeping.

It was early at dawn and the four friends had started their journey to the Academy. They walked for about an hour and finally, they got to the gate of the academy.

Kevin was amazed at the sight that stood in front of him. Never in his life had he seen something like this, it was way beyond beauty.

The gate of the academy was black and huge, about nine feet tall. Soldiers where stationed at every corner of the gates.

Cars and other transport vehicles could be seen moving in and out of the academy. It was really a modernized world.

The four elves approached the gate and a soldier had asked them what they want.

"We would like to attend the mage school." The eldest of the elves said.

"I hope you have everything you need to bring with you?"

After confirming that they were with everything, the soldier directed them towards a small entrance where students would pay for their admission into the mage academy.

An old woman could be seen siting on an office chair as they entered the admission room. The lady wore a round glass and even though she was old, her skin looked as fresh as ever. Thanks to her reverse spell, she was able to stop her skin from aging and hair from turning grey.

"Welcome to the mage academy wonderful students. My name is Norby, but you can call me mrs Noor. I hope you are here with the required materials?" The old woman asked and the four students nodded.

"Fine, then let's start the screening."

She told the four students to sit down while she search for the admission book where she would register their names.

When she was done searching for the admission book, she started calling each elves one by one.

The first elf was called and was told to say his name and to put down the required gemstones. After that, the other two elves were also called before it came to Kevin's turn.

As Kevin sat before Mrs Norby, she spotted something in an instant. It was the pendant that was worn around Kevin's neck. It looked a bit familiar to her.

"Sorry to ask this, but, where did you get that thing?" Mrs Norby asked with a suspicious look on her face.

"What is that?" Kevin was confused on what the woman was saying. He was thinking that perhaps the woman had caught him for the gemstones he stole or maybe she was able to see the aura of the Ruby gemstones that was with him.

' She can't have that special eyes that I have, can she?' Kevin thought as he chuckled to himself.

"That." The woman pointed towards Kevin's neck. "That pendant, where did you get it?"

"Err.. my father told me that my mother gave me this before she died." Kevin almost rolled his eyes at the annoying old woman that was interrogating him.

"Oh, really? Sorry about that. Let's continue with the screening." The woman's eyes were still fixed on Kevin's pendant. Noticing that mrs Norby just won't keep her eyes off the pendant, Kevin had to button up his shirt so the pendant won't be visible to her anymore.

The woman saw this and had quickly came back to her senses. She collected the gemstones from Kevin, wrote his name and then exited her office for further processes.

"I'll be back soon." The woman said as she exited the room.

"Hey, you have a cool name." One of the elves named Reed said as he approached Kevin from behind. He was the smallest, youngest and shortest of them all. After him was another elf whose name was Zoe and the eldest of them all is Dan. Dan was at the same age as Kevin but the two other elves were a year younger than Dan.

Dan and the two other elves were brothers of the same mother but they had decided to attend the mage academy in the same year.

They were orphans with no other living relatives and they had to work as servants to survive.

The three siblings got tired of being used as slaves by the rich and wealthy elves and had decided to attend the mage school. At least, they can learn how to use magic.

It was every elves' natural ability to be able to create magic. And even if you're lagging and are as weak as a cockroach, you could still learn some magic spells that would make you a spell wizard or witch. Or you could train with swords and other weapons and become a soldier.


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