Chapter Nine: Access Cards

It didn't take long that Mrs Norby had returned to her office.

In her hands were four white plastic cards that were rectangular in shape and a bit thick.

The four cards were handed to Kevin and the four students, although they were curious on what it does.

"That in your hand is your access card. It will grant you access to some certain areas in this school. It will serve as the device that will allow you to receive food, drinks and any other things you would need. You can store money in the cards in case you plan to buy something from the convenience store or you want to pay for a game or something." Mrs Norby explained.

"But note this, you must take the card along with you no matter where you're going. Either outside or inside the academy. And you must not lose it or you'll have to pay for a refund."

"How much is it if we have to pay for it?" Reed asked and the old woman gave him a devilish smirk.

"Four Silver gemstones, no more no less." Mrs Norby smiled within herself. She went towards her chair as she sat with her legs crossed.

"Four silver gemstones?!" Dan exclaimed and the old woman just gave him a stare as if to quite him down.

"That's worth about twenty seven dollars." Dan replied and the other elves stiffened at the price.

Mrs Norby smiled as if her plan had just come to a succession.

"Well, before I forget. You guys are now students of the academy. Welcome to the mage academy once again. Your journey as a pure mage, spell wizard and mage soldier begins today. Each students will spend the amount of years he wishes to use as long as he's able to get to the required level.

Meaning, you will be in this academy till you reach the level of a mage soldier. Then if you plan on leaving the academy, you are free. But we encourage all students to reach the level of a spell or mage master."

There are three levels that each students must reach. From an ordinary student to the level of a mage soldier then to a pure mage or spell wizard then finally to a mage master or spell master. That's the hierarchy that was present in the mage academy.

Each students can either learn spell or magic, that's why the first level was split into pure mage and spell wizard.

"You can leave now, I guess you'll be the last students we'll be taking in for this year. Go on, teachers are waiting to give you a tour around the school." Norby said pointing toward a door located at her right hand side.

"Once again, welcome to the academy." Mrs Norby said but her eyes were fixed on Kevin.

She saw that he had at his side a sword and a crossed bow.

"No weapons are allowed at your current level, once you get to the mage soldier level, you can come take them." She said and Kevin who wanted to reduce his attachment to the sword, gladly handed them to her.


After exiting Mrs Norby's office into the mage academy, what they saw surprised them a lot.

Kevin and the three other students began to lift their heads to look around them.

There were currently a total of six hundred students standing on a plain open field, in a strange place that none of them seemed to recognise. The puzzlement on their faces could clearly be seen. Kevin couldn't believe that there were a lot of students who were willing to attend this academy.

"Alright, the last sets are here." Kevin heard one of the teachers said.

"So all the time we were talking with that crazy woman, there are students here who are waiting for us to arrive?" Kevin asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, don't you know.. A lot of them has been here since yesterday morning. Today is the admission day, we were the ones who came late."

"But surprisingly, this place is more beautiful than the city." Dan said and the students looked around the school.

The green plain was not the only thing the students saw. There were three, huge buildings standing directly in front of them.

Academy uniforms were given to the students to put on once they get to their dorm rooms.

But the students were more amazed at the mechs, robots, and cyborgs that were moving around freely. Some were even hovering above the ground. The technology was too advanced for their time.

While the students were standing, amazed by what they were seeing, a teacher had started talking. "As you all know, the beasts we all think are once powerless have managed to make a leap in their evolution and are far stronger than we think."

The teacher was a male, whose long wavy hair were tinted green. Not only that, but his eyebrows were also green in colour. The students noticed that someone was talking and they had suddenly paid attention to him.

"My name is Chris and I am your homeroom teacher. I will be explaining things to you as we have the tour around the Academy."

Kevin was also listening attentively to the teacher. He didn't know a lot about this world and he can't miss this opportunity.

After the students had quiet down, teacher Chris continued his speech.

"After the first war between the humans and the evolved beasts, the humans managed to make leaps in all sorts of technological fields.

This was because they had managed to salvage a lot of equipment from the evolved beasts once the war was over. The human military had decided to keep most of it for themselves. Some of the things they had found would just be too dangerous for the public to use. At least that is what they claimed.

But some of our kinds who are among the military have claimed to know where every of this equipments are stored but we need twelve strong, wise and skillful students who will be taken to the human world.

These twelve students will have the opportunity to learn things that humans do, the powers they could use, and their ways.

After which he's able to grow stronger, and if he's successful, he might become one of the Human leaders but as a representative for all magical creatures. But firstly, we need twelve best students who will be sent to the human world."

The students started murmuring amongst each other and after the noise died down, Chris continued with his speech.

"Different types of tests will be given to you and if you're lucky to pass the first level of the test, you will be selected and taken to the next level."