Chapter Ten: Library

After the teacher had finish explaining the important thing that all elves needs to know, he then told all the students to be in six groups. Eventually, there were a total of 100 students per group in the front of the teacher Kevin and his group had been assigned to. They were quite lucky for being assigned to their homeroom teacher, Chris.

"Okay, all of you should follow me as I take you around the school." Chris who was upfront told them.

While Chris was walking around, describing the various places in the vicinity of the academy, he had a perpetual, easy smile on his face, and it made the students feel welcomed as they walked around with him.

"You guys should start to get to know each other as much as you can," Chris suggested. "Since you all will soon be classmates, try and make friends with each other while we move."

All of a sudden, everyone started to get chattier, talking to each other as they were being shown around the school.

"You know, we guys looks great together. How about we become friends?" Reed, the youngest of them all said.

Kevin thought being friends with the elves wasn't a bad idea, they didn't seem bad.

Having friends was a new thing to him. He spent most of his life being locked up in the forest, it is only advisable for him to have friends so he could catch up with how things worked in this world.

"Sure, that sounds great." Kevin replied.

"Then we're friends as from today." Dan replied as he shook Kevin's hands and his brothers also did the same.

' Friend? So I finally have friends?' he thought within himself.

The four new friends continued the tour while the teacher kept leading them around the school. In the midst of the tour, a battle arena was shown to the students, there where lots of training equipments that students could use to see how strong he had gotten.

They were also shown their homeroom classes, battle classes, sports rooms, and all sorts of facilities. Chris never failed to provide a little bit of explanation about each area of the school they visited. However, Kevin was uninterested in most of them until they had finally reached the library.

"As you can see, the library here is split into three floors. Ordinary students and mage soldier students are only able to access the first floor. Pure Mage and spell wizard students can access the second floor. Finally, the upper floor is only for Master Mages, Master Wizards and other authorized personnel."

Kevin was interested in the library because it contained books that weren't available in general. In this place, Kevin just might be able to find some information about the system and more about the types of magic that was present. Although he earnestly hoped that it would be on the first floor.

Eventually, the tour came to an end just outside the school's dorms. "And this is where you will be living during your stay here. Once you have dropped off your things, feel free to explore around the academy. There will be no lessons today, so enjoy the free time and make sure to be in your rooms during the curfew."

Each student was then handed a number written on a piece of paper. These papers displayed which room they would be staying in.

While Kevin was looking at the paper that was given to him, the three elves had approached him.

"Hey Kevin, what room number did you get?" Zoe asked.

"Err... 54."

"54!" The three students exclaimed at once

"Wow! What a coincidence. We all got the same number! Seems like fate is really bringing us together," Reed noted excitedly.

"Is that it? I thought it was because we came at the same time." Kevin replied and the elves only realized that it was true.

But right from a corner, Kevin could see someone staring at him. It was a female with a purple coloured hair and a white beautiful skin. She was looking at the paper that was in her hands and kept on staring at Kevin.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked but he said it was nothing and the four elves made their way into the dorm room.


After Kevin and the other elves had finished unpacking, they were free to do what they wanted for the rest of the day. It was still morning so they all had plenty of time to explore the academy.

Kevin ended up becoming someone who could leave the forest to live with other elves.

The thing he had been denied to do ever since he was born was now what he was doing now.

Although he would say he didn't miss his father, the wizard, he still feel like he did something bad by escaping from home. He knew he had to do this. He had to prove to the wizard that he could take care of himself without the need of the wizard worrying about him.

He's sharing his room with three student elves and to his surprise, he knew all three of them, Dan, Zoe and Reed.

There were five single beds in the room, each spread out from one another evenly, but other than that, the room was pretty empty.

There was just a single desk and a chair apart from that, there was no other furniture.

Students were expected to spend most of their time studying or practicing their skills as there was no time for pleasure. That was why the rooms were designed for efficiency.

"I guess we're suppose to be five in this room or what do you think?" Zoe popped the question out.

Kevin had noticed this as well, perhaps the girl she saw previously was their fifth roommate.

But that didn't make sense, why would boys and girls sleep together in the same room, what if something bad happ... No, Kevin do not want to think of it.

"It just didn't make sense." Kevin blurted out, he had forgotten that he was in the midst of other curious elves.

"What is it Kevin? What doesn't make sense?"

"Err.. that.." Kevin stammered before calling all other students together as he started whispering into their ears. "I think our fifth roommate is a female."

They all burst into laughter after hearing Kevin talk.

"Wait, who told you that?" Dan asked.

Kevin felt a bit embarrassed after saying what he said. It was just an assumption, he's not sure if the girl was truly their fifth roommate, but he decided to watch as things go.

"Don't mind me, I'm just joking." Kevin laughed it off and they quickly changed to another subject.

"What do you guys plan to do today?" Zoe asked the others.

"I'm still unpacking, but you guys don't have to wait for me. Feel free to go out and explore," Reed, the youngest of them all replied meekly.

"I was thinking of heading to the library," Kevin said, "That will probably be too boring for you two."

"Boring? Nah, reading won't be boring to me. Besides I love reading books, …" Dan paused.

"Which kind of books brother? I don't think I ever saw you read a book once." Reed said.

"Alright that's it. It's been a long time since I last read a book. I'm not going to lie again, so don't embarrass next time Reed."

The four of them laughed and then, Dan and Kevin agreed to head to the library together, while Zoe said he would be staying with Reed to do the unpacking.

When they arrived, they found that the first floor was surprisingly bustling with students. Kevin noticed that there were multiple round desks spread out where students were sitting and in the middle of the desk was a glowing device that looked like a crystal. It displayed different colors and only stopped once it has been touched.

"Ahh, you're probably wondering what that crystal thing is in the middle, aren't you?" Dan asked, "It looks like they don't have them at public schools. If you touch the crystal, it allows you to create an isolated space. Inside, only those people who have been invited can hear each other. This way people are able to chat as much as they want without disturbing the others."

"Wow," Kevin was quite surprised at how far technology had evolved. Being locked up in the forest was really bad, there are things going on in the city that he didn't know are happening. Thankfully, he's gaining a lot of informations, he won't be left behind when others are chatting or discussing with each other.

Kevin and Dan chose a table that had two other people sitting on one. Just as Dan had explained, Kevin could see the two talking but couldn't hear a word. According to Dan, the orb had a limited range and could only cover the surrounding tables.


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