Chapter 166: Vanished?

The two charged bolts kept on flying at a very fast pace toward Graham. But something surprised Kevin as he watch the bolts head for Graham.

He was calm and unmoving as if he wasn't scared of what was to come.

Graham's reaction seems so strange to Kevin. The two bolts came from both sides of Graham and as they were about to hit him, they vanished into the thin air.

Everyone gasped as they saw this. They thought the bolts would really hit Graham with how strong the force was.

"Nice attack Kevin. But I guess you didn't know of the fact that we can't attack each other while inside the game. No one dies in game life, so even if I drop Max from here and he falls to the ground, he won't die." Graham snickered as he watch Kevin's surprised face.

Graham levitate from where he was and stood right in front of Max.

"I know who you are Kevin." Graham whispered into his ears.