Chapter 167: Apology

"Noise?" Kevin inquired.

"Yes, if we are able to create some kind of noise, devilclaw will be chased out of Graham's body."

"I don't have a loud voice. How do we chase him out of the body?" Kevin asked impatiently.

"Look beside you. Sophia is holding a staff of some sort. The Staff's Power is able to create a loud noise if stomped on the ground and applied with an adequate amount of Mana." The system explained.

"So what do you suggest?" He asked again.

"I suggest you grab the staff as fast as possible before Graham uses his telekinesis magic to take it away from you. If he spots you trying to chase him away, he might do the unknown to you."

"Okay. If that's the only way to stop all this madness, I'll do as you suggested." Before Kevin could finish his speech, he had grab hold of the staff.

< 20 points of Mana to activate the power of the staff >

< Proceed > < Reject >

Without wasting any time reading the options, Kevin chose the Yes option.