chapter i

the dinner at mom and dad place

Last year was scary, Josie got kidnap and almost raped by the * Cowboys* thanks to the family to came to her aid and got her back and arrested * the Cowboys* the sleeping in a Gator prison camp for the rest of their lives, during a calm peaceful day in the west Marco and Josie is hugging in the swinging chair, that he build for them, " what will we do without the gals Marco, asked, Josie, " they are what we want to be, they are amazing, said. Marco, "Yes you did an amazing job raising them, your sister be so proud of you, said, Josie, " how about we throw them dinner tonight, have a family sleepover, " you know that is a great idea plus grandkid twenty-four is on the way they could use the rest, said, Marco, " can't believe we about to have another grandbaby, twenty miles at the homestead, yes Jordan and Jessie are about to have their twenty-four baby by their husbands, pulse they got a new grandbaby, Hank and Heather had and baby the named London and Clayton and Kingsley had their daughter which Jordyn pulse the ones that left came back with wives and husbands as well, so the family is back together as well." mom you need to rest, said. Jessica, " I will soon Jessica, " just tell me I get a brother this time? " you got plenty of brothers fifteen, " I do add you were lazy too, " C I was a kid, and four, said. Teeno, "Five yes you were and a big brother son, Cameron, and Heather and Weson look up to you, Frankie laughed, " why are you laughing Frankie you're the same anything he do you follow, said. Jordan, " Was that hard man to take me under your wing, asked. Preston, "Really P no, I as fourto and kid, too be told you a big bother, not something you want to hear from your mother, said. Frankie, " You were five, why not honey I thought you wanted a little brother, said. Jordan, Frankie clocked his eyebrow at her, and they sat down in the family room to rest their feet, " after we rest for a while we get dinner started, said. Jordan, Thomas, and Hank walked in and kissed their wives on their heads, the Talkies beep Thomas cut it on, "[ yes, sir.] said, Thomas, "[ we want you to come here tonight for a family dinner and sleepover, we won't take no for answer, you all went through high water for us, what can mother father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather grandmother, grandfather-in-law, grandmother-in-law, pappy, and granny show their greatest love to their children children-in-law, grandkids, grandkids-in-law, and great-grandbabies, ] said, Marco, "[ easy let us relocated you ten minutes from us dad, you are welcome dad, I don't think I able to get up, ] said, Jessie, "too bad mom I am hungry, so can we please go? asked, Trevino, "[ Hank help your wife to her feed, no, we like it up here,] said. Josie, " [twenty miles too long if you get in trouble again, have you near where we can get to you, okay give us a few minutes to get situ ablation first it would be nice not to cook today, said. Jordan and a telegram came in from Solar City it was from their parents, " you got telegrams, they help their wives to their feet, " will they said they were in town last year, I guess they meant, they were here in Houston, I am in no rush to meet them, you okay? " yeah just tired, maybe he gives us a day off tomorrow so we can sleep in, you never told us we had in-laws, " Jessie forget if you not her image of perfect daughter-in-law she not going to welcome you, she not going to hurt the mother of my kids feelings, you know he not what's always said? said, Hank. " I can hope right, I let to start class some day guys let's go, dad sends your folks a telegram telling them you have things to do with your wives and kids Tonight not a good time, said. Jordan "Nope, I need forever, " come on mom sing forever, said. Levette, "We follow children and husbands, they sang the song as they walked out of the house, " hey forever, said. Teeno, they got in the wagons instead and headed to Marco and Jsie meanwhile in Solar City, at the inn, " I can't wait to meet them what are their names? asked friend 1# " Thomas and Hank, you send them a telegram?" yeah they probably outsaid. Mr. Garrett, "Image we are courting to famous judges in Houston the other one said, they pulled up at the house, and Josie and Marco, finished cooking dinner and setting up the living room, Marco walked out of the house, he never loves them so much more then now, to know the beautiful gals that he saw and was there for born, seen then turn out well on the path he patted for them, that they married well and blessed him with forty-six grandbabies, they finished sing the song, " I love that song, said, Heather, her love is wonderful. "my love goes on Heather don't forget, it about time you did, they got off the wagons, Kendall starts to cried, " shhh, shh, that my sweet gal, daddy want the best for his baby gals and baby boys, said. Hank hekissed his daughter on the head, Jessie crossed her arms, " you not relocated us, just get your butt here quicker said, Marco. " you work for me, " sir, sir you said by hire remembered? said. Jessie, "Correct I by hiring you to protect us when you not on the clock, said, Marco, "Does this mean our steamed new Govenor going from town to city, to county letting his people he for the people now?" not a bad idea Jordan heck half don't even know Houston has Govenor now, said. Jessie, " what you two on about, dinner is ready, thank you for coming, they walked into the house, they have dinner ready and the living room is set up." we glad to come, everything smells good, we need to move your lease ten feet sir, " forget it I like that idea, we talk about it over dinner, said. Marco, they walked inside and sat down at the tables, they brought the meat and sides to the table, blessed the food, helped the little ones to plates, and passed it around, they started to eat, " I agree that they need to meet all of you, us and our team, so they know we got their backs, " okay we do the town runs first, Lake-town, Motgan, town, Freedom Town, Dodge town, Boomtown, Cape town, Gobbertown, Spring town, Peach town, Flower town, we sit to meet with the mayors then residence, business owners, said, Marco, " we do a Governor tran were you in mom in the center, we take the front and Jordan and the kids take the rare, said, Jessie, she drink some of her tea, " switch off before we leaving, which town you want to go to first? asked, Jordan. " Lake-town I want to speak with the mayor, the court house, and the town office, said, Marco, " we plan and prep everything in the morning sir you Govvenor carriage, the train, and stops, said, Jessie, after they finished eating their dinner and help clean up, they went to bed for the night, as the wind howls and the coyotes howl in the distance,