chapter ii

It was a hot morning, and they rode up to the house with Govenor Cheriot, Marco and Josie walked out of the house, " Heart dismount, said, Jessie, They got off their horse, " Will, "Mr. and Mrs. Anderson we are you protection train, the heart searchers which is me and Hank with family will lead the front, Teeno and Jessica will drive you, said, Jessie, " rare as watching the Heart investigators which is us be in the rare, we switch up and drivers before we leave for the next town they open up the door and Teenoand Jessica got in the drivers seat, Marco give the Town list, 1 Lake-town, 2 Dodge Town, 3 Morgan town, 4 FreedomTown, 5 Boomtown, 6 Spring Town, 7 Gobbertown, 8 Cape Town, 9 Spring Town 10 Flower Town, 11 Peach Town, " the first town is Lake-town Hearts mount up, beheading out to Lake-town, said. Jordan they got up on their horses and left the West, Marco pressed the button on his Talkie, "[Mr. and Mrs. Anderson I request you not leave the train, we will be at Lake-town soon, no work, or recurring while we on the job as your protection, ] said. Jessie," [ the way we do this is wait for us to dismount then you dismount, grandkids stay in the wagons, do not get out, Mr. Govenor who do you want to speak with first?] asked Joran, "[ the mayor of the town, Jordan, you are working you take your government around,] they rode into Lake-town and stopped at the Mayor's office, Jordan and Thomas, Jessie, and Hank got off their horses, then their sons, daughters, sons-in-law, and daughters-in-law got off their horse, they walked out and help them out of the carriage, Just in time the Mayor walked out, " I our new Governor Mr. Anderson and my wife Mrs. Anderson, we was hoping we talk and you take us on a tour of your town, tell us about your town, history, and business, and what you want to prove and us to focus on, said. Marco, "Welcome to Lake-town, please come in," walked around the town, scanned, taking notes, "Dad, " to make your selves known to them, you are dismissed, we call you when we are done, they walked inside the house, so they walked up the town, the mayor closed the door behind them, " can I get you some tea? asked. the mayor, " that would be great,  when did Lake-town came to Houston Texas? Asked. Marco,  Hepburn them some tea, and said. In the 18s sir, and congrats on making Govenor,  said. The mayor, they  drink some of their tea. " what is precisely he want us to look for, asked. Savannah,  " nothing  just keep a eye out for trouble, answered. Jordan,  we being working soon, so just be ready guys, said. Jessie,  as they walked up the town, that is fight between two cowboys is about to happen, back in the mayor office,  " shall we tour the town, asked. The mayor,  " sure [gals we heading out and getting ready to go tour the town, how far you?] They fight broke out in the saloon, " who want to break up the fight?[at the salon we be up that way soon.] Said,  Jordan.  " come on sweetheart we got this. Said, Hank,Heather and Hank walked into the saloon to break up the saloon fight,  Marco pressed the button on the Talkie, "[ okay we see you.  Find anything?] Asked. Josie,  they resolved the issue,  and walked out of the saloon.  They walked up to them.  " this is our finest law team  the Bounty of law queens and kings  of hearts by hire, the way that works,  is you tell telegram my office with a offering and we send them out to talk with you, said. Marco,  " that way your  marshal can attend to the town, said.  Josie,  " I see them around, I was wondering what they do. " gals you want to take this? Asked. Marco, " we do searches patrols, prisoner transfers, arresting, and we also teach marshals and deputies the right way to do the law. Said, Jordan. " we are not bounty hunters, we don't kill for a buck, we are family, we give those who looking for a job or an second chance, said. Jessie, " that sounds very impressive, said. The mayor, " like I said just telegram us with offering and they be send to you, come let's tour the town, they walked up the town talking and talking about the town, Joesph and Randolph is starting to f ussed, " son you need to not release yourself, said. Thomas and Hank, " They are their our their fathers son, said. Jessie, " like their big brothers right Frankie, Preston, Devon, Cullen, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter, Nano, Railey, Clayton, Daytona, Greyson, Kendrick, Yohan, Jesse, Jacob? Asked. Jordan, " right about what mom? What she on about? asked, Asher. " I resist that I do not wet myself mother wolf! Said. Cullen, " you did when you were a baby nephew like your cousins is that right my baby boys, Teeno, Cameron, West, Joshua, Trent, Trevino, Warren, Warner, Renshaw, Renskin, Brett, Rico, Dayton, Dolton, Jessup? Asked. Jessie, " do not put that on us your daughters and nieces did to! Protested, West. " boys what you embarrassed about you were babies and little ones, said. Jordan, " that what babies and little ones do, you fourteen take after your fathers, " Mrs. Garrett I do not wet the bed, not when I was a little boy either, infant yes,said. Hank, " not when were little ones. Said, Thomas. They change their sons changing rags and clean them up and put a clean one on them. " there you go Joesph like daddy,

Teeno, Hank, Cameron, West, Joshua, Trent, Ted, Trevino, Warren, Warner, Renshaw, Renskin, Brett, Rico, Dayton, Daniel, Dolton, Danny, Jessup. Said, Hank. " that's daddy little big man, Randolph, like daddy other little big man, Frankie, Preston, Devon, Cullen, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter, Nano, Railey, Clayton, Daytona, Greyson, Kendrick, Yohan, Jesse., Thomas. They walked inside of the inn, the innkeeper walked up, " This is our inn, said. The mayor, " so do you need anything in your town. Asked. Marco, " nope we are good here, said. The mayor, " okay will you do telegram my office, said. Marco, after they seeing Lake-town Inns, saloon, court office, town hall storefront, poker house and dinner, check of the list is Lake-town.

1 Dodge town

2 Morgan town

3 Gobbertown

4 Cape town

5 Boomtown

6 Spring Town

7 Freedom town

8 Flower Town

9 Peach town

Said. Marco, " thank you for your time and the tour, Jordan and Jessie brought up the Govenor train and open up the carriage down." After you Mr and Mrs Governor, said. Jessie, " hearts mount up. Said, Jordan. They got up on their horses and wagons, and women saw them, and walked up. " excuse me are you a part the u. S marshal? I always want to joining up. Said, the women, " hold gals, no this is Houston Texas Bounty of law Season hearts, what can we do for you? Asked. Marco, " if it's something wrong it have to wait until the tour is over, said. Josie, " oh, what they do. " women go away we are in a hurry, said. Yonett, " don't be rude Yonett, dad can this wait you going to be behind schedule for the next town, you can't keep the mayor waiting, said. Jordan, " it going to look bad on the both of you and us. Said, Jessie. " we are not going to let that happen, tell you what if you are interested stop my office we tell you about our team, what they do, and the class that is about, and how many days it is, said. Marco, " now it is not a good time, they got in the carriage. " sir that is bad idea to have a stranger to your house,I am against, size there is no more spots with us if it is they go to family members kids, grandkids and great grandkids, plus future in-laws, said. Jessie, she shut the door and got up on her horse. " I agree with Jessie dad, we are full, if you want a recurring office, we will have one built for you, no recurring without running it by us, there no spots and not going to be for a while, Jordan got up on her horse, " keep in mind, and wait for a spot if you are still interested meet us I Dodge town at the inn lobby, we talk, said. Josie," Hearts move out, they rode out of the town leaving the women standing in the road, "