chapter xvi

back on the trail

After they are breakfast, they left the town and headed 6.2 miles towards the canyons, " okay did we give them a head start. Said, Libby. " maybe my daughter-in-law, said. Jordan, "How far is the Canyon? Asked. Cooper, " Jessie are they trying to get out that way? Asked. Kelsey, "There is no borderline, or train depot, said. Jessie," They try to hide out so that they can see out of sight, said. Jordan, "Mommy mommy called, Bryon who is three years old now," yes Bryson, answered, Jessie. "we camping?" no we are on a bounty trail we are after the gang that escaped from the camp, they are hot tire and top of everything they have been run all night to get to the cliffs, but the cliffs are forty miles away, will they ever get them. before the bounty of law royal hearts get them, "Mommy momy, called, Thristan who also is three-years-old, " yes my child, answered Jordan, " why are they running? asked, Thristan. " because son they don't want to go back to prison, said. Thomas, "But why Daddy, and Mommy? asked, Bryson, " they outlaw baby, bad man that did bad things, who think they sid no harm, or anything wrong that they don't have to pay, said. Jessie, "Grandma Grandpa, called, Brandon, "Yes, grandson, Jessie and Hank answered, The mayor knocked on the door, "[ morning guys how far you out?] he open the door, "[20. 1-mile Uncle Marco the cliffs are forty miles, they won't make it,] said, Jordan, "I was thinking your right we need to clean up the cities before doing major events, I am sorry for not thinking ahead of myself, said. Mayor 1#, " [ they weren't thinking right, get to them gals,] that what we trying to do answer someone these telegrams and direct the checks in their account, you see to Dodge needs and how the law, said, Marco. They are catching up. With them, a few minutes they stop running as they ride up. They. Shackled them. Put them in the Diamond, after they return them, they arrived at Didge down, and they got off their horses, Bobby and Billy looked at them, " what you to looking at, asked, Kendrick, "You want us to knock, " Kendrick Dayton! called, Jordan and Jessie, " huh?" you are wearing a badge on your backs, said, Jordan, " you can't threaten to beat up people, son, and nephew, said. Jessie, they knocked on the door." why are they looking at us, keep your freaking eyes off my mother, Aunt, sisters, nieces, and wife, snapped. Dain, "Mine your own bess wazz get lost, said, Cameron, " Dain, Cameron is it brother you that bad that they are looking at handsome family here in Dodge, asked, Jessie Thomas, Marco open up the door, "Yes can I just, " No, you the law Cameron, let them look, said, Jordan, * Hank* his one of his boys on his head, " good job with the case, you want to rest before heading to Baker? they walked inside the office and sat down, he closed the door, " sleep is more like it Dad it's been an early morning for us, said. Jordan, "Sleep what I need is a nice huge cup of mothers milk, said. Warren, "I hear you bro and nice piece of humble pie said. Warner, "That pie was really good Mom, said. Frank, "Goes great with mothers milk too, said. Tom "There is any of both boys, what's going on in Baker my sick sense doesn't like it, said. Jessie, "Something is off about old Bean, either the mayor or town, said. * Hank*, "What I need mother's milk, cried. Nancy, " And humble pie, said. Aaron, " We told you to go lite on it, not easy to pump milk from a cow, said. Jordan, "What do you want us to do, " all of the towns cities, and Counties I hear from, they the only ones who didn't send a wire, either they had been taken over, the mayor is crooked, or the marshal is crooked, " let me get this straight you to worry about not hearing from them, Aunt Jessie and mom when did you get sick sense? asked. Yohan, " isn't that good they have no trouble uncle Marco, asked. Jessup, " Grandsonsi would be pleased if that was in the case, Baker town just pops up in west north, not on the maps, of the towns and cities and counties Houston taxes, said. Marco, " an inspection of our towns, cities, and counties, said. Jordan, "Yes, starting with baker, talk with everyone, find out when the town came in, look around, take anything in, my family, I will be watching and listening, I order lunch, " and mothers milk, mothers milk I must have it, said. Tanner, "Son just milk they gave you, your mothers had to come up with a way to get you all to drink it, " we try telling them that they don't want to hear it, sad. Jordan, " Mom mother's milk please, I need the good, cried. Heather, "Dear daughter, he put me to work now you putting me to work, Mother is too tired to pump milk and drink water for exchange, said. Jessie, " She got to be kidding Rico right water? said, Dolton. " can we rest first guys eat little lunch, we promise we get you what you all want back home, said. Jordan, "What about Dodge Uncle Marco, "Every town has its dark spot since we are here, and could you order three to-go boxes for Joseph, Freddy, and Randolph, we minus will start with Dodge, " Baker town then Dodge I'll send wires to the wires about Houston state inspection and why I doing one, said, Marco. he sends a wire ut for a food carriage, from Freedom down, also there going to be a prison camp inspection too, we get to that after we do this, said.Marco, the food carriage arrived, the delivery driver knocked on the door, Marco open it and paid him they talk about the inspection and eat, after they rest and ate, they left Dodg town, Marco send a inspection wires to Houston Town, city, County, and prison camps,