chapter xvii

high evening

The Govenor has issued a state inspection of Houston Taxes towns, cities, counties, homesteads, and prison camps, it is a high evening not as hot as the high morning, The Bounty Of Law Royal Hearts arrived in Baker town, Joseph, Randolh, and Freddy walked out the depot as the town mayor walked up wired, " inspection of what! this is ridiculous! the mayor said, they got off their horses, " he made sure needs are met, he wondering why he hasn't heard your cries yet, we hold him, boys lunch from uncle Marco, send him a thank you wire later, said, Jordan, " mom her not him, said, Randolph, " female mayor this new and odd, we handle her, everyone spread look around, take it, write down, and talk to the people, business owners, boys go enjoy lunch, said. Jessie, " Mom Freddy want to ask you and Dad something? Do you like the parents he never had in life, " I would like to be a part of your family Mrs. Garrett and Mr. Garrett, asking would you take me in? " son we already have taken you in as one of our sons, and nephew, here the check to pay off the bank do it now on, " on it thanks mom and dad, he head to the bank, " yeah Freddy bring you food, buying you clothes, getting you a room giving you abed at the homestead what mother and father wolf does for their young you are one of our young, go eat boys, said, Jessie, Teeno pet him on the back, " welcome to the family little brother, they spread out and head off into different directions, they walked into the depot and eat, " Kels she here, said. Joan, "I see she doesn't know how to wash yet, Jessie Jordan. They ran up to them, " she here, " whose here, Kelsey? Daily inspection why are you sweating what are you hiding? asked, Jordan "Nothing, how long is this going to take, you state permanently ruining and inspecting things? " feisty Jordan I like this one, soon you take us to your office and answer our questions, soon we hear from them we say you need to look into more or in the clear, said, Jessie, " Doras a.k. a Dekokota, she how owe a showdown, said. Kelsey," We so she you hiding and in a bunch, " I don't know what you talking about, I'm too busy to answer your questions, the mayor said, "Say you but the law and state say you have no choice, since you new to Houston Baker town mayor, marine her shackled and put her in the wagon, get your showdown, Kelsey, let's go come, they take her into her office, " I got this Doras to bring your ^ss out here now I calling you out! said, Kelsey, Doras walked out the saloon, " the red velvets thought there were more of you gals, said, Doras. " former you looking at royal hearts, i told you we cross again I owe you a bullet, today is my lucky day funky, said, Kelsey, Cameron starting to warm up to her, " is a big brother like Kelsey, asked. West, " No, she okay, I hold a candle for mom, and only mom, said, Cameron, he walked away, Jordan sat her down, " When this town pop up her? asked, Jordan, "how should I know that? asked the mayor, they draw their guns in fire, Kelsey missed her, but she didn't, Kelsey got hit in the stomach, Kelsey!!!!!! they yelled out, Cameron ran out he slide, and fire hit her in the arm, he got up and ran up to her, " hang here there, Kelsey, mom! dad! Aunt Jordan! Uncle Thomas! hang in there, she looked at him, and they ran up, Jessie got her bed, Lordan got the water, they took out the bullet, and rinse the blood off, " you going to be okay Kels, they bandaged her, "I think your fan, West Ellie shackle her and put her in the wagon, we send for a judge later, said, Jessie. " who, kid nice shooting, said, Kelsey, " who you think, Cameron, I think he falls for you, let's get her in a wagon, said. Jordan, they shackled her and got her up, " look it grazes you, but you got a new home soon, they put her in the prison wagon and lock the door." go to her son, said, Jessie. " Mom?" Cameron you don't need me anymore, you got and have your backbone, you're over your heartache, you're over her, and top it off you fall in love again with a good woman, the right woman, Mom is not mad or sad she proud of you how all of you come up, no Hank I do not want anymore, said. Jessie, "I didn't mean to replace you Mom, or take you out, I love you I need you still, she strokes his face, "Sweetheart I am not replacing or taking ot of your heart I am still there, it is okay that you want to be in love go to her, said. Jessie, "I see how you look at Toni Preston you should go talk to her, said, Jordan. " which way you my women mom, said, Preston, " son fluttering am I always going to that woman in your life, you don't need me as your backbone, you found it and have it, you got over everything, go talk to her son, said. Jordan, " mom I love you with my whole heart, " Preston i love you with my whole heart, to you didn't replace or take me out i am still and always going to be in your heart, it is alright to found love go talk with Toni son, we got inspection to finish, said. Jordan, Cameron, and Preston looked at their mothers headed back to the mayor's office, " go on boys they right, go talk with Kelsey and Toni, said, Hank, everyone went back to inspect, they walked up to them, " how you doing, asked, Cameron, " how you guys knew she was here? asked. Preston. " didn't smell her order, that gal doesn't believe in bathing, said. Toni, "Mind us of our older brothers, said, Cameron, the Baker town inspection is done,