chapter xxvi

The family plans

Jordan and Jessie are in the bathhouse thaughthing off from being in the snow, " he not a bad man he great, you love James, his father is a twin, my grandmother in law call them mouth 1, and 2, oh my god momma she and my great Aunt in law Are so beautiful, said. Barbara, " sounds like you married into a handsome family, we met him he a good young man, said. Her father, " we love him, and we wish you bring him with you, said. Her mother, " we here at the inn, hang on,[ James, James.] Called, Barbara, "[ yes you calm down now, ] asked. James, "[ what you talking about I wasn't mad, tire, cold, hungry and wanted to see my mother and father, could you come to the house?] Asked. Barbara, "[ are you crazy have you seen how bad it is outside, my parents and grandparents not going to allow me to go, I not going out there anyway. ] said. James, they walked into the room, " nothing like a hot shower to warm you, family meeting Warren and Tammy go fed your daughter in law, said. Jessie, "[family meeting you need to get here,] said. James, " what you kidding me? Asked, Warren. " we didn't tell to run off and leave the family, said. Tammy, " do I look like I kidding son, forget I rather not have you both out there, [Barbara honey this is grandma, could you find your way to the inn your grandfather in law will meet you ,] -[and grandmother in law, ] said. Warren, " [ yes me to, ] let's go Hank, "[ she staying here tonight, it to bad to be out I'm this mess, and mother to one,[-[" sir you talking to a woman with twenty-nine kids, her father in law is number nine, also she still my granddaughter in law and a part of my family, Barbara I totally understand what you are feeling tired, cold and hungry of course that you want your family, nothing wrong with that we about family first, stay, if you decide to come with us, James will fill you in, ] said, Jessie. " wow that is a lot of kids, said. Her mother, "[ thank you grandma, grandma grandma, ]-[" yes honey I still here, yes I love you still, you will always be one of our grandkids, ] said. Jessie, "[ are you In grandpa getting back together he loves you grandma, ] asked. Barbara, " [ I know he does, we are going to try to work it out and talk, I have an family meeting to get on so keep your relievers on, then children and grandchildren to get in the bathhouse, ] said. Jessie, " okay everyone we are in Gobber town for this winter, we probably need to, said. Jessie, " We obviously go back home see what damage is done, get supplies agian to fix, reforce, then come back before nightfall, said. Jordan, " they right the outcast homesteads is going to need help, searches and supplies, I set up care packages at the store, do what you can and get back here, said. Marco, " we will freeze mom and Aunt Jessie, said. Tonia, " we get us new thermal winter wear, while we getting breakfast. Said, Jessie. " what about the gun bullets? Asked. Brett and Porter, " that probably need to go through the Governor of Houston, son he not in office right now to order it, said. Jordan, " what about the others mom Tony, Harrison, Kelsey, Linda, Toni, Joan, Debra, and Chuck and Billy? Asked. Clayton. " nephew it's to far from them to come, and cold and deep, said. Jessie, " everyone will still be paid, we are on our own here, said. Jordan, " so everyone head to the bathhouse and wash up makes sure you use stop and water our babies, we be back with breakfast and clothes, said. Jessie, " why are you keep doing this to us mom and Aunt Jordan? Asked. Teeno, " nephew what we always say to you? Asked. Jordan, " you actually going to make us say that again? Asked. Aaron, " you should know your mothers are not that type of woman, until you get the concept and go to the bathhouse all by yourself, said. Jessie, " mom, and Aunt Jordan you know I love you right? Asked. Cameron, " we know nephew we are the women of your dreams, said. Jordan, " go on son, they walked into the Barnhouse to wash up, they walked out of the inn, the snow is thick in deep as they walked in to the clothing store, which is open, they dust the snow off them, "[ guys stay home this to deep for anyone to be out, it is just checking out the homesteads] are you open or closed? Asked. Jessie, "[okay are you all safe these freaking Winter wolves are ridiculous, ] said. Harrison, " open for now I am about to close soon. What do you need? Asked. The store keeper, " oh good do you have thermal wear, we need lots, said. Jordan, "[tell us what you need, we will make an stop by,] said. Jordan, " [ you are great bosses, can goods, and meat,] said. Harrison, they paid for the wear, " thank you, [we send an order to Longhorn county for you, how much meat we talking Harrison, does anyone else need anything, now is the time to tell us, ] they took the bags and walked out of the store, he locked up and went home, " morning grandpa and Aunt Jordan, said. Barbara, " dear it's to cold to be out, " she your grandma in law ? I bet your grandfather in law must be crazy about her, said. Her father. "[ I good Jes you sure you don't want us to come?] Answered. Tony, " [ no, this is mess to deep to ride in Tony where you at we swing after leaving Harrison place, you sure you don't need food?] Asked. Jordan, "We trying get them to take Uncle Thomas and Grandpa back and take the decree off the table, said. Barbara, "We are talking with them, your cousins and uncles and cousins will have a cow and drive grandma up the wall, said. Jessie, "[ I am Peach Town Could I get a house where you at Jordan and Jessie is the offer still good? Could you bring us prime rib and the fixings from the dinner and coffee, Black] asked. Tony, "[ yes it is still good, after winter we give you land and send you to have a house built for, yes we bring you a plate of food son, stay in the inn, Gals were are you at an you need anything, ] " hon you stay here or going with latter on? Asked. Jessie, "Going you think James let me come? Asked. Barbara, " you still his wife, and his parents in law and my granddaughter in law and her great niece in law, said. Jessie, she hands her new winter wear, " we send him over when it is time to head out, said. Jordan, they walked into the dinner, and ordered breakfast for everyone, "[In Freedom can we get a house to, Jes that prime rib and the fixings sounds great, ] said. Kelsey, Jessie ordered five more plates,"[ what you want to drink, and it's about time gals, ] said. Jessie, they paid for the boxes and walked, "[Chuck and Billy do you three need anything?] Asked. Jordan, "[ we good Jordan, you sure you don't need us to come?] Answered. Chuck, " [ no stay in son, we stop with your first check,] said. Jessie, " you need help I can take some, said. Barbara, we got it go spend time with your parents, and get in out of the cold,"[ we see you all shortly we also give you land and send you to build you all houses too, after winter, everyone better have wash with saop and water, ] said. Jessie, they carry everything back to the inn and walk inside, " there eyes are grey. Said, her mother, They went back home. They walked up the stairs in their room, they just walked in the room, " Teeno, Cameron Dolton up on the beds, let mom rebandaged you after put these on after you eat, said, Jessie,