chapter xxvii

The Inn

After Jordan and Jessie got done changing their bandages, " Yohan and Dayton bring the wagons up to the inn and be careful boys, said. Jordan. Jordan, " nephew and son put your thermal winter wear on put them on guys Hank and Thomas get Ryan and Bryson, Connor and Thristan on, said. Jessie, " come on boys let's get suit from the snow, said. Hank and Thomas, " James get your wife tell Barbara we are getting ready to go, said. Jordan, " aw do I have to Aunt Jordan, asked. James, " no, answered. Warren, " he still her husband, and wearing the trade name, and his wedding band. " he my son if don't want to get her he doesn't have to, said. Warren, Jessie shot him a look, " mouth why you mouthing at me early this morning, get your tail in your winter wear please, call her tell her to get ready that we heading out, is everyone fill? Asked. Jessie, " whose mouthing will you stop calling us that, said. warren," the day you decide to stop mouthing and terrorizing me the day I will," thanks for breakfast mom,and Aunt Jordan, said. Jaydan, they helped Teeno, Frankie Cameron, Preston , Dolton and Grayson up and walked out of the inn and helped them into the wagons, " sweetheart how are you, asked. Jessica, " sucks when I can use my arm,when we going after the prick that tried to blow us up and shot my mother while her back was turned, asked. Teeno, " it's going to be winter for an long time grandson, freezing in his house will do him some good, don't forget the boxes gals, said. Marco, " you think that worst, try to get up why you Chest is open up, I want revenge I hold he turn into a ice sickle, " son we Garrett don't wish bad on others, said. Hank, " and you are wearing a badge to Edward, don't worry God has is punishment in stored, they walked into the storefront, "[ Barbara come on we getting ready to head out, ] said. James, " [ grandson wouldn't it be the right thing to do is as her husband to go get her, asked. Jessie, " So when is this talk with grandpa and Uncle Thomas going to start, " son we love you stop acting like your father who is touchy, said. Tammy, " baby I am not touchy, no men and I don't care how tough you are is not going to get used to his own mother kicking men in the middle, said. Warren, " was he always liked that Mom? Asked. Tammy, " no, I haven't kick anyone in their middle for awhile, mother is retain herself, said. Jessie, they put the boxes and the wagons, Barbara hugged her parents saying see you later, " they your in laws. Asked, her mother. " yes mom and dad my parents Mr. And Mrs Thompson, they shake their hand, " as you can see I am nothing like my mother, " I would have to agree with you son, you and your better half are like your father, let's go. We bring her back, " I would like to get to know her mother in law and grandmother in law, said. Her mother, " would you come to tea. Asked, her mother, " we will have to see when we get back right mom and Aunt Jordan? Asked. Tammy, " do not stay out to long hurry back before it gets to cold and start to snow again, said. Marco, " yes sir, if it not to late, that guide the wagons out of Gobber town, Marco walked inside of the inn. They walked into the house, the snhas gotten deeper, Hank kissed his twin sons on the head, " dad wouldn't want it any other way, said. Hank, Thomas kissed his triplets on their heads, " who thought that our wives would not only gave us twenty-two kids but twenty-nine life can't get any better than this, said. Hank, " that why we need to get them back brother and do right to keep tthem. Said, Thomas. They arrived up to the first homestead, Marco took his screen into the lobby, "[gals what's it like is anyone hurt?[ ask , Marco. "[ we just got here dad,] said. Jordan, '[ what I see they are well Fort up, and walked out of the winter shed, Jordan and Jessie walked up, " Bounty of law royal hearts of Houston, how you holding up? Asked.Jordan, " we are good we didn't think through gals don't come this way, said. The men, " if you need up, or a search it on the house and are glad to help if you need our help, Rico get the crank of food, today we are delivering cranks of food ro all of the homesteaders, Rico and Clayton got off the wagons and got the cranks one can goods and the other sugar cane, flour and spices and crops, they walked up to them, he opened the door for them, " thank you, " a wagon of meat be delivered from Longhorn county, and you good people are welcome, they sat them on the floor and walked out and got back in the wagons. Jessie and Jordan got up in the wagons and set off making delivery through Houston Texas homesteads, they have two cranks left, " [ tell her the Governor of Houston is sending food to those who are in need. ] said, Marco. "[ if they are still there dad.[ they arrived in the west, the house is in tact, I guess that a good thing. They got off the wagons and walked up and knocked on the door, Dora walked up, " Jordan Jessie could you get a doctor, my husband and sons took illness, said. Dora, ' we do have a way with meditation and healing Dora, they put their bandanas on, she let them in, John,Jim, and Jared all have high fever, can't keep anything down, they examine them, " what is it Mrs Garrett? Asked. Marybeth, " [ Dad we going to need an doctor out here, a virus string came from Laguna town, they all have it, ] said. Jessie, " [ gals to be safe, you going to need Tolstoy out of the rooms, Jesse Daytona bring the cranks in, Savannah and Jayden get the sanity tube with boiling water, Yonett and Levette get the sick house opened the bed down please, ] said. Jordan, "[ Warner call the others tells them we be up their way in a few minutes, ] said. Jessie, " we can break the fever, and get the cramps down, a doctor will be here to permit cure them, " you said sick town, why would you want to be out here! Cried. Dora, " there are sick town, city and county all over Houston Texas, few feet away up North we are close to one, to rest our kids, we told you our husbands wasn't really around to helped us, we had to be mothers and fathers to kids, said. Jordan, " moving to the West was a good idea to do, even if we didn't have no money, only one pig so that we went without so they can eat just that day, going to city. Town and county to see will they let us odds and ins dew bake goods, while we had our children with us, answered, Jessie. They sat the cranks on the table, " mom Aunt Jessie!? Called, Jesse and Daytona, " thanks my nephews go see is the tube is ready, [darling daughter is the house ready?] 3.Jessie, they are busy trying to break their fever, " [ mom Cameron and Preston will not lay down, ]" snitch!! They both said. " boys mom will be out soon, don't call your sisters that,said. Hank and Thomas, " mommy, "[yes,keep your tail in that wagon Edward,] said. Jessie, "[ that goes for you to Henry.] Said, Jordan. "[ they got a point I want out this freaking thing and ride a horse mom,] said. Teeno, " son you are not well enough to ride, chill, said. Hank, " said mom and Aunt Jessie, I think they like us this way Teeno, said. Frankie, "[ we prefer you able not hurt up, quite.] Said, Jessie, "[ mom Aunt Jessie, it ready,] said. Yonett, they help them carry them out the house into the sick out, they lay them in the beds,"[ mom they said okay.] Said, Warner. " some times during winter or a strong wind the virus carriers leaves in the wind, when that happens don't go outside, specially in the winter. Said, Jordan. " take your clothes off so they can be stirlize, they hand them their old dresses, " we thinking about leaving going to Mayflower city, we can't live this way, anymore. Said, Sue. " you must do what you have to do, we are custom to being out here, not just away live for us and more kids, grandkids and great grandkids, what they used to Freedom, said. Jessie, they break the fever and the doctor arrived, he walked in, " our queens, what we got. " we break the fever and muscles cramps, digest problems out our comfort zone, q virus from Clippers city, must came with the winter, said. Jessie, " you both miracle workers I got it from here, said. The doctor, he went to attend to them, they walked out of the house, Dora followed them out, " I loved your uncle, I not the same women, I am not after his money, said. Dora, " you are a married woman and back with your husband, who is illness, you dare to spit how you feel about another man!? Said, Jordan. " everyone back in the wagon please, not very wife hood of you if that was ours we be by there side helping the doctor making sure that he is okay, making sure our sons are okay, not in someone face spill how we feel about another man, no Dora you don't care about dad not even your sons or husband, they got in the wagons and left the west, heading to Peach town, they arrived at Harrison ranch, him and his wife walked out of the house, " Betty my bosses the two of the sweetest women Jordan and Jessie, hey gang, I was worry about you all with the wolves, said. Harrison " we not sweet to? Asked. Hank, " and two the best supreme judges, boss you shouldn't, " we were out anyway and pay day, they paid him his check, and give their family their, " Ryan and Bryson mom and dad will put your in the family account, said. Jessie, " So will we Connor and Thristan that way boys it will be there for you, said. Jordan, " thank you mommy and daddy, all of them thank their parents, " you are