chapter xxviii

the north

After they delivered food cranks around to the homesteads they headed to the north to see there, as they pulled up in the wagons, there is no winter wolves around, " Teeno, Camron, Dolton stay in the Wagons Ryan and Bryson keep a eye on your big brothers, said, Jessie, " that goes for you to Frankie, Preston, and Grayson, Jordyn, Gregory, and Connor and Thristan make sure those three do not move, from the wagon if they do get mom and dad, they shake their heads yes, they got out the wagons to looked around the homestead, " Ryan Bryson you love love Teeno right? asked, Teeno. " yes Teeno we love you, said. Ryan and Bryson, " my little brothers Frankie love you, so could you get us, " boys don't do it, stop baiting on your brothers love Teeno and Frankie, said. Jordan and Jessie, " they didn't do to much damage that's good, said. Nancy, " the livestock is okay we feed them and give them food and water, and locked the door back. "[I recoiled telling you to come back Jordan and Jessie, ] said. Marco, "[we on the way dad, your ex claim her love for you still,] everyone back in the wagons, said. Jordan " why does Preston and Grayson get to sit up, asked. Frankie, " Preston and Grayson lay back down sons, said. Jordan, " come sons lay," I am tired of laying down mom and dad, can I sit up please. Begged, Preston. " I am getting back sores please mom and dad, also Begged Cameron, " yes it's okay if you want to sit up Cameron and Dolton, just keep your leg up, Son Teeno you have to stay still and your are prop up okay mommy sweet big boy, said. Jessie, " sweet him. Mom he was a main big brother, he push me outside through the door, is that right Teeno, you wait for mom and Aunt Jordan left, they got in the wagons and left heading back to Gobber town, " you can sit up to Preston and Grayson, Frankie my wonderful son you need to lay so you can keep your arm up,said. Jordan, " this guy he terrible not wonderful, he trip me in the way when we were kids, said. Nancy that telling us you are definitely not ready to step up two lead full time, said .Jessie, " crying out loud Teeno and Frankie what are going to do with you boys, cried. Jordan, they ride into town, Marco walked out of the inn, it is getting dark soon. " we didn't want to be a big brother, you would think the mother wolves will catch on, said. Teeno and Frankie, " pardon us that wasn't are faults, I recoil having that talk telling you going to have the talk withour oldest Teeno, Frankie, Cameron, Preston, Heather, Nancy weston, Devon, Joshua, and Tanner about they going to have little brothers and sisters soon they need to be big brothers and sisters, said. Jessie, " we had the same talk with Trent, cullen Trevino, Tonia, Tiffany, Tanner, Warren, Asher, Warner, Dain, and Porter that they are about to be big brothers and sisters, said. Jordan, " you talking about him not being a decent brother, what was the thing Cameron putting a bug down my dress, " yeah Preston, Jordan and Jessie looks at them and crossed their arms, " mom I was playing with her, " yeah it was harmful kid fun you believe us right mommy, asked. Preston, Barbara parents walked up . " your older sons and daughters Hank, they do not take after their mother, he help her off the wagons, " bugs in clothes sound like what Thomas did to me in our youth, said. Hank, " does it now your children and nephews and nieces are taken after your path in picking on their siblings, never mind what their mother says, is that right boys and gals, said. Jordan, Thomas helped her down, " What you mean boys right mom? Said. Tonia and Tiffany, " Tiffany did you not pick on Chessie?" Yes, she pulled my hair and threw water on me, said. Chessie, they got off the wagons, " Aunt Tiffany, said. Barbara, " I protest I was four and a kid, said. Tiffany, " and like Cameron and Teeno you didn't want to be a big sister, said. Cora, " Cora you are in the third group, She was carrying you, Chessie didn't want to be a sister Heather didn't want to be a big sister, said. Tiffany, "How would you know who I was bare, four, that was daddy doing.Said, Jessie."Easy every time you and Aunt Jordan come back from meeting up with dad and uncle Thomas you barring a sibling, said. Teeno, " Was it going to hurt you all to be big boys and gals and help us out by watching your siblings why we clean the house, do farm work, feed the livestock and cut wood, cook food for you all to eat, even made candy for you all, " you made them candy what the big deal you won't let me give my own grandkids sweets, said. Marco, " we didn't want their dinner to be spoiled, that would happen if you gave them cakes and cookies dad, said, Jordan, after they put the wagons in the stable barns and locket it up, " so they are my grandbabies, said. Marco, " how many are there, you said twenty-nine, said, Barbara, " would you both join me for tea? Barbara smiled, " each queen has twenty-nine babies by their husbands, they give dad a total of fifty-eight beautiful grandkids, said. Marco, " have to feed the kittens and puppies, and I am tired but I think the mother-in-laws should get to know each other, guys head in get out of your winter wear, and wait in the lobby, with your grandfather, we be back with dinner, " mommy I want to go, cried. Bryson and Thrisan, " okay, you going to stay with us boys? asked, Jessie. Bryson shakes his head. " You promised boys not to run off where we have to look for you? Thristan shook his head yes, " brother our wives are going to need our help, said, Thomas, " I agree, we were going with you, they walked inside the inn, " I need my wife, " Warren you be fine this has to happen, mom you sure he wasn't drop or touch, " Tamy come on now I wasn't touch or tounchy, if mu mother stop kicking men in there middles I wouldn't be phase, " relly I haven't kick anyone asked Trevino and Cameron, said. Jessie, he looked at them, " mom kept her word to you, said. Cameron, " she contained herself, said. Trevino, they walked inside and took their winter gear off while Jordan and Jessie entered the dinner to get dinner,