chapter Lii

The depot

They arrived at the depot, Cameeron and Preston stand up, finally they ride up, " they made it? Asked. Hank, " no dad, cried, Cameron and Preston, " boys your mothers is okay, they on the way, [ your family needs you gals,] they are behind them, " they followed sis, [ stay were you are, we be that way in a few minutes, Cameron you see me again son, take a deep breath and have a seat,] said. Jessie, '[Preston sweetie mommy and Aunt Jessie will be there soon, just breath for me son,] said. Jordan, they went down the canyon and did a spilled on them,"[ Jessie Martina Garrett you better make it to the depot,] said. Jordan, "[ the same for you,] said. Jessie, they lead to a mountain dead and and ride up the mountain, they look at them and couldn't believe it, they meet up and head off to the depot, " [ mom Aunt Jessie there is smoke in the air but tracks to,] said. Randolph, "[ stay son, tell us where the track leads, good to see you again my baby sister, ] said. Jordan, "[Same here sis, score one for the mother wolves, I love to see them try to get up it.] They ride up to them, they jump off the wagons and run up, "Good way to give your sons a heart attack Mom!! Said. Cameron and Preston, " Family first son me for my family, back up at the wagons we got to go, said. Jessie, " Parry dogs can do what they want to me, never my kids, up, said. Jordan, "That would be over our dead bodies!! Said. Hank and Thomas, got back up on the wagon and left the depot, "[ is everyone okay?]asked. Marco, "[The family is back together and safe dad, Where the tracks go boys?] Said. Jessie, "[ mom Aunt Jordan?]-["Yes we back son, you going to answer our question?] Asked, Jordan. "[ east you want to follow, ] " they know Megifcent Eight is back they trying to lose their tail, [ no follow the smoke, stay we on our way to you.] Said, Jordan. " a agreement may be in order if theyDryson want security, said. Jessie, "[ tell you gals update your agreement status to?] Asked. Marco, "[Yes Dad, and they have to sign it as an agreement too,] answered. Jessie, " Mommy daddy, called. Bryson, "No stay in the wagon son, said. Hank, started to cry, "Mom and Dad got to lead Bryson, said. Tiffany, "So, I want out and ride with Daddy, said. Thristan, "Me too Daddy, called, Bryson, " I said no, behavior and sat Bryson eugine Garrtet do I make myself clear to you, said, Hank, " Mommy? She looked at him, "Do what your father said sit, you can't ride with us now son, said Jessie, They rode up to them, "There indeed smoke in the air Good job boys, let's go, said. Jordan, "[ when you shackle them the Governor to say to words, Hank and Thomas send a judge and jury,] said, Marco, "[ we will, sir, guys send a telegram and docket wire to judge 6# to come here for a trail, said, Thomas, they got on their receivers and telegram a docket wire to him, they ride up to camp, " everyone waits here, said, Jessie, their husbands help them off their horses, " be careful, please, said. Thomas and Hank, Jordan and Jessie, stroke their husband's faces, they walked down to the campsite, " dad it's sent, we really going to hold a trail here, asked, Kendall, Ronald is fast asleep in the baby wrap, " Chris, it's time our daughter is coming, said, Jane." now? said. Christopher, "Little niece you not picking the best time to come in the world, said, Jessup,"[Mom!]-["What?] said, Jessup."[Your grandchildren are coming,] said, Jessup, "[ Heather you know what to do right?]-["Yes, we got her, ] said, Heather, At the same time they headed to talk with the maroon clowns Jessie and Hank's granddaughter is being born into the world, * The Maroon Clowns saw them, "Before you fire and kill us you want to lower and heard what we have to say with an agreement, said, Jordan. " we know * The Megifcent Eight * is after you because they want to take over Chesterfield, and you might want to hear what the Governor has to say, what is t going to be boys or boys and gals? asked, Jessie, "Can you get them off our #sses? asked, Their leader, "We can disgust that to be free of them, and the murders of Chesterfield, be a year, we can see what our loveable Governor would like us to, all this can be talk about if you come out to us, said. Jordan, " Which gang is this, I don't think so, their leader said, "We are not a gang more like family, team, outfit, said, Jessie. "The bounty of law season hearts, feel better now or maybe you would of this one queen of hearts, said. Jordan, they perk up, " Queens where have you been, we need your help, I heard of the agreements, do you still do them? asked, their leader, Judge 6# rode up in time, " perfect timing six, said. Hank, " If anyone of find a wife, have a family it would be you two, where you get grey eye women at they say they are rare and gorgeous, said, Judge 6#, " We met them when they were in Lake-town, you are right the Mrs. Garrett is very, very, said. Hank, "I love to meet them, where we had asked, Judge 6#, "[ Jes Jordan, were you at Mrs. Garrett, Judge 6# just arrived,] said, Thomas, "[ that was quick Mr. Garrett,] they open the door and walked out, they drop their side arms and rifles, got on their knees with their hands behind their hands, " we want to get off this state, " you want to go to Gator prison camp, how bad they want you? asked, Jessie, " dead, double month max, deal, asked, their leader, "In order for that will you hear us and the Governor, Jessie pulled out the agreement docket, and read it to him, * they will have to do Thriple sets, and prison camp of their choice by a judge they pick* they agree to everything and sign it, "[ bring the prison wagon and Judge 6# down, let's begin, tell him they choice to go to Gator prison camp and they want to do a double max, which both agree and on the docket, go ahead dad, I boardcast the screen,] said, Jordan. she turns the screen on, "[ i am the Govenor of Houston, * The Maroon Clowns, this meet is allowed on your half that you sign the docket, now after you servred your timeyou going to make it up to Chesterfield county for your acts of volience, they need an inn, storefront, and few bank clerks, if that is not good I haave a class of bounty, first you need to take a even-year class on how to act, talk, and dress as a person of houston, if not you wish to leave Houston, we need to meet in person talk, to do that send me a wire saying you need the hearts to transsfer you to me, i wish you luck on whatever you decide to do,] he went off the screen, Roger pet him on the back, * Judge 6# sentenced them double month max to Gator prison camp,* " thank you for your help six be safe on arriving to Lake-town, they skake his hand and he left, Grayson and Dolton got off their horses, shackled them and put them in the wagon, and locked the door, " we going to the ship yard mom and Aunt Jessie, asked, Grayson, " yeah, to transfer them to Gator, said, Jessie. they got on their horses and left,