chapter Liii

The updated and upgraded bounty law season hearts

they arrived at the ship yard, and rode on the ship, " grandma Auntie Jordan can I drive, asked, Henry, "Sure I show you how grandson, Dolton Dayton put the wagos in the stable decks Cameron and Preston put them in a holding cell, said, Jessie. They take them out of the prison wagon and transfer them into a holding cell, They take the wagons below deck, and Jessie shows Henry how to stir the ship, "I got this, said, Henry. " That my grandchild, nice and easy slow when you bring it around, I or your grandfather be back to check on you, " [Dad we on route to Gator prison camp, we see you three tonight for dinner, the holiday Passover is still on, ] said. Jessie, "Okay, we see you at the house. Good job, my law team. We still have to find the banker replacement and take a look at the bank,] said. Marco, " [ Roger that, you think Ill will goes with the banker?] Asked. Jordan, " See, we told you both, shady business," said. Trent, " really Trent not everyone is like that. Since mom and Aunt Jordan brought us up right, we were never around anyone, so why are you thinking like this? Asked. Chessie, " Out with it, son, what happened to you, who hurt and rubbed you the wrong way. Said, Jessie. " really mom we going to do this now? Asked, Trent. " nephew, this is not the day to make us drag it out of you," said. Jordan, " Come, little brother, why was you a bounty hunter? Asked. Teeno, " the same reason you were a marshal trying to make a living big brother, answered. Trent, Henry is doing a great job stirring the ship, Hank walked in the door, " How you doing Henry, asked. Hank, " Great grandpa, is the after holiday dinner still on? Asked. Henry, "[jes is the after holiday dinner still on?] Asked. Hank, "[ yes, grandson what you desire for dinner]-[" How you know i wasn't asking it?] Answered. Hank, "[ were you my husband what you desire from Mrs. Garrett to cook?] No son, that is not the reason I know you better than you do, "said. Jessie, " me to you want to try again?" He got taken mom, by a cowboy in a game of chance, said. Carter, " really Carter I don't gamble. No one took me. Said, Trent, "[ can we have fried chicken grandma and Aunt Jordan, ]-[" that do sounds great my sweet little wife, How is our daughter doing?]-["Dad would you tell Mom and Aunt Jordan to stop, There is nothing they can dig out. Said, Trent, " [what you doing to our boy,] -["grandma we here, what you want me to do?] Asked. Henry, "Mother will have her way one way or another, I love you son, [ good job grandson, ] "Fine I needed money for someone, odd in jobs wasn't paying enough, $375 to hunt Outlaws seems like a good idea at the time, said. Trent, "A woman sweetheart? Asked. Beth, "Was it a woman's nephew? Asked, Jordan. Jessie walked in. They were in Gator prison camp gates,"[ this is the bounty of law queens of hearts with a prisoner 99# for transfer,] said. Jessie, Hank rubs her stomach, "[Mom you and dad has a brand new granddaughter, they named her Caterina. ] said. Heather smiled, and Christopher and Jane walked into the room wither, Caterina said hi to your grandfather Hank and grandmother Jessie, and they gave her to them to hold and meet. " Hey, our little one, we are your grandparents," said. Jessie, "[ welcome queens you may enter, ] said. The guard opened the doors of the prison for them, "Seal in grandson, welcome to the family sweetheart, said. Hank and Henry took them to the gates of the prison, They closed behind them, the guards walked up, they got them out of the holding cell, unshakable them, " You go safe and sound, and out of Houston Texas, double max sentence, said. Jordan, " we keep our end. I suggest you boys or boys and gals think about what the governor offers. We be in touch," said. Jessie, they take them down to their bunks. They get back on the ship, sail out the back gates, and sail back home, "Mom, you okay? Asked. Cora, " yeah Grandma how are you and Auntie Jordan? Asked, Bayton. "We good nephrew, said, Jordan, "We got fried chick, who wants something? asked, Jessie. "I dying to have your famous stirred mustard greens Mom and Aunt Jessie, said Yonett, " Ohh, Candy Corner, said. Jesse, "Honey biscuits I have been dreaming of them," said. Warner, we got Passover dinner for tonight, "said Jordan, " we don't have a dessert you know what I want my daughters, wait to you tried their cherry cake it's to dead for, said, Marco, " please mom and Aunt Jessie, begged. Aaron, " cherry cake? asked, Dekato, " wait it so freaking good. They bake the cherry halves into the cake," said. Aaron, " let it set for a few minutes then they pour on the homemade cherry sauces, Mom and Aunt Chessie can cook and bake, said, Nancy, " one in while we get a sweet if we are good, some almost blow it for us is that right Warren, warner, Asher, Dain, and Porter? asked Savannah in a tone, " Why are you asking s? asked, Warner, " You sound like we are the bad ones, Mom. said, Warren, "Boys, we do not get into the oven we we were six? I told you both to stay out we just got done cleaning it, asked, Jessie, "Did we not break five plates, or turn over chairs when we were four, asked, Jordan, "Dag you did that guys? asked Asher. "You three join in boys don't act like you didn't, All five talk Renshaw to join in, "You six went room to room messing the house up, said. Jordan, "Mom we called you both none of you came to see what we wanted or needed, said, Ashr and Warren, " we been up with all of you since dawn, feeding, clothing, bathing, playing, taking you outside, your mothers were play out, said. Jessie, "It was nap time Warren, Warner, Renshaw, Asher, Dain, and Porter, what little ones supposed to do at nap time boys, asked. Jordan, " In our defense, you were tired, not us," said. Renshaw, "In our defense we weren't done playing you were, said, Dain, "In our defense you were done we weren't, "said. Porter, "That why in your defense you didn't get no blueberry cookies after lunch, did you boys? " i was offended How come we got punished for what they did, I dream of those cookies all afternoon, asked, Daytona " yeah mom and Aunt Jordan that wasn't fair that we got share of that blame, you know how bad that day i want a blueberry cookie!? snapped, Rico " relaxed why you jumping us, that was your little brothers fault, "tell you what mom is sorry you right they shouldn't get the cookies, so we have two desserts cherry cake and blueberry cookies, forbeing good little boys and little gals, mommy and daddy so proud of you, said, Jordan. " very much ths our gift to you, holiday bonus, for last week and today work, we give Tony, Harrison, Kelsey, Toni, Linda, Joan, Debra, Billy and Chuck theres tomorrow, said, Jessie, she give them their checks they arrived back at the yard, Henry drop the hanker, and cut the motor off, they got on their horses and wagons and headed home, few minutes latter they arrived at the homestead, the gals is fixing dinner, as the boys setting the tables, the chicken is done, Jessie cuts it off the bone and put it in the frying pand to fried it, Jordan pull out the cookies, " blueberry cookies so that what they looked like, said Heather, " where you been all my life cookies i missed you? said Nancy, " You asking food that question? asked, Jordan, She put them on a cooling plate to cool, and everything was almost ready, after the chicken got done frying Jessie put them in the sauce after dipping them she put every pieces onto the plates, they set the food on the tables, everyone came in and sat down and blessed the food, they dig and enjoy the supper, this has been a great day, for the Garrett family.