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Chapter 8: Drunk Phone Calls

Remi’s POV

It’s Saturday morning and the sun is beaming down on me as I run along the sidewalk not too far from my apartment. With the new job, I’m unable to get out for exercise because I’m spending a lot of time in the record label building, traveling, or in random locations for interviews.

The past week has been both intense and exciting at the same time. Being able to work with a celebrity is fast-paced and thrilling, but it also means I have to deal with Gray Wilder and his insane mood swings and cocky attitude. Ever since I saw him outside of Lucy’s office the other day, he has been much more pleasant, but he is like a rollercoaster at times with his emotions. It’s a lot to keep up with, but I think I’m handling it well.

I exhale harshly through my nose as I try to keep my breathing even as I reach the last half a mile until I’m home. Despite it being 9 a.m., my skin already feels as though it could melt off from the heat of the blaring sun. Note to self, go earlier in the morning next time.

I round the corner and stop out the front of my apartment building, doubling over with my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I needed that as a stress reliever after the long week I’ve had. It is only going to get busier from here after reviewing Gray’s schedule for next week.

Instead of thinking about Gray, I head inside and find Ava singing in her bedroom to what sounds like a Blood Ink song. I chuckle to myself as I drop my keys in the bowl on the table beside the front door, and walk down the hallway, following the sound of her voice. Now, I don’t want to say she sounds like a dying cat… but she kind of does. I would never say that to her face, though.

My eyes peer around the edge of the doorframe to see Ava jumping around the room using a hairbrush as a microphone as she sings along to Gray’s voice. I lean my shoulder against the doorframe watching her as I let the sultry and rough voice of Gray Wilder consume me. I have never stopped to listen to his voice, to his words, and I must admit that they’re both… deep and rich, which isn’t what I was expecting from him.

“You should go on a talent show with that voice,” I joke, startling Ava.

She spins on her heels to face me, clutching at her chest. “Jesus, Remi, you scared the sh*t out of me.”

I shrug and point to the hairbrush in her hands. “Are you trying to be like your idol?”

Ava walks toward her desk where her speaker is and shuts off the device, cutting Gray off mid-sentence. “Ha-ha very funny. No, I was just enjoying myself. I didn’t think you would be back so soon.”

“Me neither,” I say with a shrug. “What should we do today now that we’re both free? The world is our oyster.”

“You mean the city is our oyster,” Ava chuckles and walks past me into the hallway, making me follow her to the living area. “And I thought we could go shopping after breakfast. There is a new collection out at my favorite clothing boutique that I have been dying to get my hands on.”

“And then lunch afterward?” I suggest and sit on one of the bar stools across the kitchen island from Ava as she prepares us bacon and eggs for breakfast. “Maybe not the Astro Lounge. I would rather not risk the chance of running into Gray on my day off.”

Ava’s hands stop mid-air as she cuts into the packet of bacon. Her eyes bore into mine and it’s the look of confusion that has me realizing my mistake. I forgot to mention to Ava that I saw Gray while we were out for drinks the other night. She was too busy on the dancefloor and when she didn’t mention the mass crowd that had formed around him, I had assumed she didn’t witness a thing.

“Oh,” I say slowly, chewing on my bottom lip. “I guess you missed it. While you were on the dancefloor with your plaything, Gray came into the bar. We exchanged words briefly before he headed to the VIP section. I thought you knew.”

Ava’s jaw almost hits the floor. “No! Remi, if I had seen him you would’ve known. Why did you not mention this piece of information sooner? I could’ve met Gray f*cking Wilder!”

I cringe into my seat, annoyed at myself for slipping up and mentioning him to her. I was hoping to enjoy a day of relaxation without thinking about him. His presence seems to have stuck with me since first meeting him and I can’t escape him even when I’m at home.

“I mean, yes,” I say slowly because it’s true, but I don’t think I was in a position at the time to stop a man I barely knew – or know now – to ask if he can take a picture with my best friend. He seemed preoccupied with the busty woman that was hanging off his arm.

“I can’t believe this,” Ava shakes her head. “You have to find a chance for me to meet him at some point while you’re working with him. Please, Remi. You know how much I love Blood Ink.”

“Yes, I know. But it might be hard, and I can’t promise anything, okay?”

“I’ll take whatever I can get,” Ava smiles and continues to prepare breakfast. I’m glad she was able to let go of what could’ve been so easy with the promise of potentially meeting him in the future because it could’ve been a long morning otherwise.

Ava and I engage in casual conversation about how our weeks have been. Ava works at an indie bookstore down the road from the apartment, so she tells me about the rude customers she’s had and the new book arrivals she is excited to read. My goal is to one day have my own book in that bookstore and be able to pick it up off the shelf. A girl can dream.

My phone vibrates on the island beside me, interrupting our conversation. I look over and see Lucy’s name at the top of the screen. I tell Ava it’ll be just a minute and walk over to our balcony to take the call in private because I can only assume it’s about Gray.

Thankfully, she didn’t chew my a*s out over what happened in the interview with Gray. She knows it’s not my fault that Gray was the one to spike his drink with alcohol, but she does want me to be more mindful of that in the future, which is fair enough, but it also feels like something a parent would say to a babysitter of a naughty child who gets up to no good. But I took it on the chin and told her I will do better in the future.

“Morning, Lucy,” I greet into the phone after answering.

“Good morning, Remi. I hope you’re enjoying your day off.”

“I am,” I say as I lean my elbow on the railing and my eyes scan the city skyline. “What can I do for you?”

“I was calling to remind you of the schedule for Monday. Gray has a wardrobe fitting for Blood Ink’s upcoming show next weekend in preparation for their upcoming world tour. I need you to make sure he’s on time and actually attends rehearsals with the other members. He has been known to skip those at times, so make sure he is there.”

“Will do,” I nod, hoping and praying that Gray will make things easy for me Monday morning. I don’t want a repeat of the other day. “I will keep you updated.”

“Thank you so much! I will talk to you soon.”

“Bye,” I smile into the phone before hanging up. I exhale slowly and rest both of my elbows on the balcony, enjoying the warm breeze as it whips across my face.

I’m going to enjoy my day off because I know next week is going to be exhausting, especially if Gray doesn’t want to cooperate with me.


My eyes are heavy with sleep as the persistent buzzing continues to echo across my room. I had planned on ignoring it because I don’t think I can physically drag my exhausted body over to the other side of the bed where my phone is, but it hasn’t stopped buzzing for what has felt like minutes, so whoever is trying to reach me must think it’s important enough to wake me at this hour.

I manage to pull my phone off the charger. The screen illuminates the dark room, blinding me slightly. With squinted eyes, I’m just able to make out that it’s 2 a.m. However, my eyes widen when I see Gray’s name across the top of the screen. I had completely forgotten we had exchanged numbers before leaving for the talk show interview in case I needed to reach him.

Why the hell is he calling me at this hour of the day? He’s insane.

I answer the call without thinking, hoping I won't regret it. “Hello?”

“Rainy!” Gray’s deep voice shouts into the phone, making me tear it away from my ear because of the volume. “You’re not sleeping, are you?”

“Yes, Gray, I was asleep because it’s two in the morning. What do you want?”

A pause. His heavy breathing is clear through the receiver, and I wait not so patiently for his response. “Do you want to come out for a drink?”

My brows furrow together. Did I hear him correctly? Did he just ask me to meet him out for drinks? By the way his words jumbled together I know he’s drunk, so I’m confused as to why he’s drunk calling me at 2 a.m. when he likely has a lineup of girls who would be willing to jump at the chance to meet up with Gray Wilder. I’m not one of those girls, though.

I can admit that it would be great to have a drink with Gray and get to know him a little better, but I can’t get involved with him because of the contract I signed with the label. The last thing I need is a scandal after my first week.

“I don’t know, Gray…”

“Come on, Gray, let’s go take another shot!” A woman’s voice appears in the background, making me frown. If he’s with another woman, why is he calling me to meet up with him?


“Don’t worry about it. Good night, Rainy.” Gray mutters before the call falls silent, leaving me alone wondering what the hell just happened and why Gray Wilder just drunk called me.