WebNovelBlood Ink18.00%

Chapter 9: Show Time

Remi’s POV

It’s been a week since Gray Wilder drunkenly called me at 2 a.m. His voice still repeats itself in my mind at night when I lie awake staring at the ceiling. I don’t know if it’s because I’m curious about him and want to get to know the real him after he admitted that who the world sees is a façade of his true self. Or if it’s something else I can’t quite put my finger on.

I haven’t had a chance to speak to Gray this past week because he’s been so busy with his schedule that he hasn’t had a moment to himself, which means I haven't had a chance to speak to him. But what would I even say? I want to ask him why he called me, but every time I think about doing it, my throat tightens, and I chicken out. I don’t know if it’s because Gray can sometimes be intimidating or because I’m nervous to hear the answer.

Today is the day of Blood Ink’s concert before they announce their world tour, which will be at the end of the show from what Lucy has told me. I’ve only been part of the team for two weeks so I’m not fully in the loop about everything that happens behind the scenes or any upcoming events. I only get told about things like that a short time in advance. As for their world tour, I have no clue how my role as Gray’s PA will play out or if I’ll be needed. The thought makes me feel nervous and anxious.

“Are you sure you can’t get me last-minute tickets?” Ava whines from the bathroom door while I brush my teeth.

I look at her through the mirror and shake my head. “Do you think I’m superwoman? I’ve been with Vital Records for two weeks. There is no way in hell I’m in a position to ask for free tickets for my Gray Wilder obsessed best friend. Not happening.”

“This is their first show since releasing their new album ‘Inked Rose’ and I’m dying to listen to it live.” Ava huffs and slumps against the doorframe, her back pressed against the wood.

“Why didn’t you buy a ticket? You have the money for it.”

“It sold out within a minute, and I wasn’t quick enough. I honestly could’ve cried.”

I spit the toothpaste from my mouth into the sink and bite my bottom lip to conceal a laugh. Ava is so dramatic sometimes, but I still love her. I used to be a fangirl like her when I was in high school for a boy band that disbanded after five years together. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re missing out on something amazing like a concert where like-minded people gather to share their interests in the same group. I understand her sadness, but I think I’m passed that fangirl stage now that I’m twenty-four.

“It’ll be okay,” I say as I turn to face her. “It’s being live-streamed on tv so you won’t be entirely missing out.”

“I’ll be missing out on hearing Gray’s sweet voice in person, though,” Ava huffs and I can’t help but chuckle as I walk past her into the kitchen to collect my handbag. I can’t be late for the sound check otherwise I’ll never hear the end of it from Lucy.

“I have to go, but enjoy the concert, okay? Just don’t have the volume too loud otherwise we’ll get another noise complaint.”

“Sorry,” Ava chuckles, remembering the time she played a Blood Ink concert so loud we got several noise complaints in the one night. I thought we were going to get evicted for sure, but thankfully, we didn’t.

I say goodbye to Ava and head downstairs to the parking garage. The drive to the arena where the concert is being held is only a twenty-minute drive away excluding traffic. Glen promised me yesterday that he will get Gray to sound check on time, so I don’t have to waste time driving, which I appreciate. It’s one less thing I have to worry about today.

I’m a little on edge given what happened on my first day, so I’m praying that nothing like that happens today. I’m sure people wouldn’t care if Gray is drinking while performing because Ava has said he is known to do that, but I just don’t want anything going wrong to the point it’s concerning.

When I arrive at the arena, I pull into the restricted parking area and show the guards my ID card to show I’m with Vital Records and on Gray’s team. I have to park at the back of the lot because all of the parking spaces close to the back doors are filled, likely by the production crew and stylists. I spot the black SUV that normally drives Gray around, and relief floods my veins as I enter through the back door.

My feet pad against the polished floors as I walk the long corridors trying to find the green room where the members will be. I am yet to meet the other two members of the group because they have been busy with their schedules. Nervous energy courses through my body and I take several deep calming breaths, telling myself everything will be okay.

As I enter the room, I notice the tables set up against the back wall with mirrors in front of them, acting as a station for the hairstylists to get the members ready for tonight. There are multiple mini-refrigerators filled with an assortment of drinks and cold food, along with two tugs filled with snacks. In the second of the room is where the large leather couches are placed for people to relax before the show starts. Behind the couches are several racks filled with clothes for the members and at least twenty pairs of shoes between three people.

It honestly feels like a circus back here as I weave through the throng of people and spot Lucy sitting on one of the couches. She lifts her eyes to mine when she feels my presence.

“Good morning, Remi. I’m glad you made it here okay.”

“A lot of traffic as usual,” I say as I sit beside her, looking through the crowd of people to find the one person I didn’t think I would be wanting to see this much. “Is everyone here?”

“Bronson and Noah are on their way in now and Gray is sitting in the corner on his phone as usual.”

I follow Lucy’s eyes to the opposite side of the room and spot Gray sitting on a chair with his eyes locked on his phone. His hair is covering his eyes and he is only wearing a tank top in this morning’s humidity which allows his tattoos to be on full display. I swallow hard when I remember him calling me in the middle of the night, wondering if this is how he looked while doing it – focused and unmoving with his long fingers gripping the device tightly.

Before I can open my mouth to ask Lucy if Gray is okay, two new loud voices fill the large room. I look toward the doorway and see two unfamiliar faces enter the room. By the way they’re dressed in ripped jeans and graphic t-shirts, they must be the other two members of Blood Ink.

“Boys,” Lucy greets them as they walk toward us. I stand from the couch, ready to also greet them. “You haven’t met Gray’s new PA yet, have you?”

“I don’t believe we have,” the one with dirty blonde hair responds as a charming smile spread across his lips. “I’m Bronson.”

“Remi,” I smile, nodding my head slightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You too,” Bronson returns the smile and turns to the other guy. “This is Noah.”

“Hey,” is all the mousy brown-haired man says before walking past us to sit on the couch with his phone in hand.

“Don’t worry about him, he’s not very talkative,” Bronson explains Noah’s kind of rude behavior. “He’ll warm to you eventually.”

“I hope so,” I mutter as I try to force a smile on my face despite how anxious I’m feeling at this moment. I already have to deal with a moody Gray, so I don’t want to have to deal with another one. At least Bronson is lovely with his big smile, kind brown eyes, and inviting presence. I look down at his right arm and notice he too has black ink swirling across his skin in intricate designs, much like Gray.

“So, which instrument do you play?” I ask, trying to ignore the fact that I can feel Gray’s eyes watching me from across the room. When I look at him, he is quick to look away. What is going on with him?

“Bass,” Bronson responds, breaking me from my thoughts. “And Noah plays the drums.”

“And how do you know Gray?”

“We were friends in high school and decided to start the band one day. It’s a long story that I’m sure Gray has told you about.”

I shake my head no. I had never thought to ask Gray how Blood Ink started. “He hasn’t told me the origin story. He’s a little… moody at times, so I don’t like asking too many questions.”

Bronson chuckles and turns to look at his friend. “That’s just Gray for you. He talks about you all the time, so I’m sure he’s just trying to get used to having you around. He’s not used to someone being so… close to his life, besides Noah and I, of course.”

My heart stutters in my chest at his words and I raise a confused brow. “He talks to you about me?”

Bronson nods and turns to face me. His brows knit together in confusion when he reads the expression on my face as if this is common knowledge. “All the time. But don’t worry, it’s all good things, I promise.”