Chapter 25: Soon

Hudson's POV

The light from the living room window hits my eyes, and I close them tighter, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep before I have to get up. I try to move my arm to block the light, and searing pain shoots down my shoulder. I open my eyes and let them adjust to the light. The blurry figure next to me sharpens, and I realize Thea is lying next to me.

Nothing is making sense. I try to turn my head the pain in my shoulders and back return. As my eyes adjust more and my sleepiness ebbs, I realize that I am lying on my stomach on the floor. Why am I lying on the floor in the entryway?

"Hudson, you're up. How's your pain?" Thea asks me in a gentle voice, as though I am a hurt puppy.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask.

"You were hurt. You said that some of the Alpha's men attacked you," she answers.