Chapter 26: The Oaken Boar

Thea's POV

"Please be careful," I beg Hudson as he pulls a flannel shirt over his crisp white shirt.

"Relax, Thea. You mended me up perfectly. I feel great, I promise," Hudson responds with a small smirk appearing on his mouth at my worry.

"Thea is right, Hudson. You don't want to cause damage to your newly healed back. Are you sure you are ready to go back to work?" Emma says, siding with me.

I think back to the conversations I had with Hudson while caring for him. He told me all about his physically demanding job at the pack's lumber yard. I share Emma's fears of Hudson overdoing it but he has been insistent on going back. He does not want the Alpha to think that he is weak, but I keep my thoughts to myself.

"I will take it easy," Hudson smiles at his sister and turns to look at me. "I will see you later tonight."