Chapter 27: Peppermint Tea

Thea's POV

A quiet knock sounds on my door, but I can't find the willpower to get out of bed.

"Thea?" It's Emma's sweet voice on the other side of the door, and I can hear the worry in her tone.

I get up and crack open the door. "Sorry, I have a bit of a headache. I am going to sleep in a while if you don't mind."

"Of course. Do you need anything?" she asks. I answer with a small smile and a shake of my head. As she leaves, I make my way back under the covers and let my mind wander back to the previous night.

My date with Hudson did not go at all how I had hoped it would. Part of me thought it was Hudson knocking on the door to apologize for barely talking to me all through dinner. Then he only brought me up in the conversation to sell me as an asset to the pack.

I start packing my few belongings to move back to the cottage. I know that Hudson will not like the idea, which is why I am not going to ask.
