Chapter 6: Trending

I sat back at my table for only five or so minutes before I see Felix hesitantly approach and gesture to the seat.

“Is… this taken?” I look up into his pale, icy-blue eyes and am instantly cotton-mouthed. I’m thrilled he actually came over, but now that he’s here I find that I’m rigid and losing my mind. Heart palpitating, I nod and gesture to the seat. Hopefully, he doesn’t see my hand shaking slightly.

“No, it’s all yours,” I say. Felix hesitates just for a moment before sliding into the seat across from me. He reaches up and scratches his hairline right by his ear before folding his hands and resting them on top of the table. I think he’s nervous too.

My mind starts racing. Can he sense how nervous I am because of my body language? If that’s the case, I need to calm down. I readjust in my seat and take a breath like I would for a performance. It’s just a conversation. It’s just two people talking.

My mind suddenly goes blank. Oh gosh! Now that he is over here, what are we going to talk about? Does he play music? I thought he did. I’m sure he did. Every fact I once knew about him suddenly flies out of my head and I can’t think of one thing to talk to him about.

“How are your classes going?” Felix’s voice jolts me out of my mental spiral. I’m trying to get the dazed look off of my face when he continues. “I don’t want to sound creepy or anything, but you come in here to study a lot. I’m guessing you’re a full-time student and not just a stranger on the street?” I release a micro-exhale and nod, feeling the edges of my ears burning with heat. Praise be that Felix found something to help break the ice.

“Um… yeah,” I say. “I’m in the music school. There are a lot of cool study rooms over there, but I like it over here. The atmosphere is nice and, honestly, the background noise helps me focus.”

“Yeah?” asks Felix, a half quirk of a smile tugging at the side of his lips. Gosh! He’s so cute! “I would’ve thought it was the amount of caffeine in the air.” I giggle and tuck a few stray strands of hair behind my ear.

“You know, I’ve never thought about it that way, but it makes so much sense,” I reply. “Are you a full-time student?” Felix shrugs.

“Part-time. I have to work most of the day and take evening classes,” he says quietly.

“Oh? What are you studying?” I ask, leaning forward and resting my chin on the back of my right hand that’s propped up on the table.

“Well, I’m technically undecided at the moment. There were some… um…” Felix averts his pale ice-blue gaze away from me. Oh no. Did I say something wrong? I definitely struck a nerve, and instantly I loathe myself for it. “Let’s just say complications with my application.”

“Wow… I’m… sorry to hear that. Do you mind if I ask which school you applied to?” I ask, genuinely curious. Felix’s eyes flick up to meet my hazel eyes just for a moment before he looks over to the other café patrons and then back to his hands.

“Well, I wanted to go to the music school,” he says quietly.

“Wanted?” I ask involuntarily.

“Yeah,” Felix shrugs. “I wanted to get into their guitar program and teach, but I don’t know if that’s a good idea anymore.”

“No? Why not? If you have the desire and the drive, you can do anything you set your mind to. Don’t let jitters and nerves get in your way if you’re really passionate about something,” I say, leaning forward and getting excited. I don’t realize until two seconds later that I basically went into a motivational sales pitch.

I’m instantly embarrassed and lean away from the table, biting my lower lip. I’m about to apologize when Felix gets this look on his face. It’s a fascinated, thoughtful look that makes him smile sadly.

“Thanks,” he says quietly. “That… it means a lot to hear you say that. Still, I don’t think parents would like a… well… never mind.” Felix leans back from the table and folds his arms before bringing them closer to his chest. My insides twist uncomfortably. I know exactly what he’s getting ready to say, and I instantly feel myself bristle.

Felix was getting ready to say that he didn’t think that parents would like a Lycan teaching their children.

I’m instantly disheartened, but I also know my time with Felix is limited and precious. We’re finally talking, and the last thing I want to have happen is him clam up and pull away from the conversation. I decide to change the topic.

“Okay, so you’re into music. Favorite band of all time, go,” I say.

“Ooohh, that’s a hard one,” says Felix as he leans forward, body language becoming slightly more relaxed again. Perfect. He lists off a couple of bands that I know instantly.

“No way! You like them too?” I ask excitedly. Seeing this spark of excitement makes Felix smile and nod.

“Yeah, they’re a bit niche, but they’ve got some great stuff. There’s one song, I can’t remember the name, but it starts with him humming, right?” asks Felix. There’s a spark in his voice. Excitement? Enjoyment? Whatever it is, I love seeing that smile on his face.

“I know exactly which one you’re talking about. Hang on, it goes like this, right?” I ask as I start to hum the beginning of the song Carmen’s Heart by Inkmonkey. When it gets to the lyrics, I start singing quietly, fumbling some of the lyrics accidentally.

I am almost at the bridge of the song when I hear Felix’s voice chime in, singing along with me. Every part of me shivers with delight as we fumble through the bridge and the chorus together.

Everything feels right being with him, even if it is just for a minute. It feels natural, like we’d been close friends for years. For the next couple of minutes, we talk about songs and other bands we enjoy. I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun hanging out with someone.

I’m having the time of my life when I hear my phone chime a couple of times.

I ignore it and think of another band Felix might’ve heard of when my phone starts chiming again. Mildly annoyed, I wrinkle my nose and pull my phone out from my bag.

“Sorry, I’m going to turn this off,” I apologize to Felix.

“Not at all,” Felix says as he smiles shyly.

“Seriously, it’s ridiculous how much we rely on techn…” I stop short as I glance at the notifications on my phone.

The little bubbles on my phone show that I’m being tagged over and over, the social media platforms blowing up my phone. I swipe my phone open and look at the subject line.

Instantly, I feel a pit in my stomach as my eyes capture the headline.

“Sterling has a sweetheart? Does Shania have a secret boyfriend?” I scroll through the notifications in record time, feeling more and more nauseated as I read. What makes it worse is that I see that people have tagged me in the café, pictures and all.

I look and see several people who are obviously taking pictures of Felix and me sitting together. I bristle and look away from them.

“Are… Is everything okay?” asks Felix, eyes narrowing slightly as he starts reading the expression on my face.

“Well, define okay,” I mutter. Oh gosh… now I’ve gotten him into trouble. Felix glances toward the other patrons of the café and his body is instantly rigid.

“Are they taking pictures?” he asks, voice just above a whisper.

“Yeah,” I wince. “Please, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think they’d notice me. I didn’t mean to cause trouble for you.”

He timidly looks away from the crowd but keeps his eyes down, so he doesn’t look me in the eye as he starts to get up from the table.

“It’s okay. I’m… used to it. I’m sorry too. I… I know I’ve caused you trouble now. I… good-bye, Shania,” says Felix as he quickly darts away from the table, body stiff and rigid, as he makes his way to the back of the café to continue working.

I almost follow him when my phone starts ringing. Dread creeps through my veins as I catch a glimpse of the caller’s I.D.

Mom calling.

Shoot… this isn’t going to be good.