Chapter 7: Scolding

I stare at my mother’s caller I.D. for at least ten seconds. What does she want? Is this about what is going on with me being tagged on social media? I hate to admit to myself that there is only one way to find out.

I brace myself and swipe the little green arrow to answer her call.

“Hey, mom. How’s it going?”

“Well, Shania,” she says. Great. I roll my eyes and slump in the café seat. Already, I know I am in for the lecture of my life. I’m tempted to keep the phone away from my ear as she gears up to scold me. The pause in my mother’s words tells me I need to prompt her. It is part of the dance we do.

“Yes?” I say. I mouth the words as she starts to talk, knowing exactly what she’s going to say before she says it.

“I was having a lovely morning drinking my tea when I started getting calls and notifications on my phone. You wouldn’t happen to be in a café at the moment, would you? Because, crazy story, I’m getting notified you are currently on a date in a café with a mysterious boy who allegedly works there,” she says.

I feel my heart pounding hollowly in my chest. I wish she would just get on with it; or, better yet, if she didn’t address it at all. What is the big deal? I wanted to talk to someone who I have a crush on, not that she needed to know.

“Now, sweetie, tell me if this is true or not,” says my mom. I sigh quietly so she can’t hear and quickly try to think of a way out of the current mess I’m in.

“I am in a café, mom,” I say. Of course, I hear my mother’s “good heavens” on the other end. I can picture her now sitting in her stiff back chair, hand covering her eyes as she rests her elbow on the arm of her chair. “Mom, take a breath with me. I was having a hard time studying in the apartment and decided a change of scenery would be nice. I left the apartment and went to the café on campus.”

“Please tell me you went to the nice one and not that hipster place further down the road,” moans mom.

“Technically, it’s industrial,” I say, correcting her. Big mistake. I hear another “good heavens” and can see her eyes rolling in their sockets. “Mom, it’s a really nice place on the inside. I like studying here.”

“And this is where you met the guy? Is he a supporter or a fanboy of your music? Please say yes. Please say that he just wanted to talk and get your autograph. That would make this P.R. nightmare worth it,” says my mom. She is practically pleading with me at this point.

On the one hand, I could fib to her. I could say he is a fan and leave it at that. On the other hand, I’m a lousy liar with the added bonus of having a mother who is basically a human polygraph. She would know the instant I open my mouth that I’m lying. Gritting my teeth, I sigh and accept the continued reaming I’m about to receive.

“If you define a fan as someone who has listened to my music, then yes, he’s a supporter. But, honestly, he’s one of the employees here,” I reply.

“Good heavens, Shania!” scolds my mom. Here it comes. “Do you know what this could do? You’re supposed to be more careful when you express interest in someone. We need to make sure he’s not a complete psychopath and vet him. Anything you do reflects on your image, and that most certainly includes people who you decide to let into your personal circle of friends, not to mention in a romantic setting. If he’s into naughty things, it could present a massive scandal. Remember, you’ve got a big contract coming down the line and we do not want to do anything that will jeopardize it.”

“Yes, mom. I know everything I do reflects on my image. It’s just… he is a really nice guy and I thought that it might be nice to actually get to talk to him for once. You know I’m always careful and all of the pictures that were taken were without consent, so I don’t know…”

“Okay, two things,” interrupts my mom. “One, you are a public figure so consent, while you’re in a public setting isn’t something that you can legally pursue without jumping through some very significant hoops and, if that’s the route you wanted to go for, you could’ve gone to a private college. Two, what do you mean by for once? Do you know this guy? Or did you meet him today?”

Shoot! I can’t believe I let it slip!

“I…” I hesitate, which is a fatal mistake when it comes to my mother.

“Shania, do you know this guy or not?” asks mom. I bite my lip and wince. I hate this. I hate it so much. Why can’t I just duck out? Why can’t this just be left alone? Why can’t I just be left alone?

“I… do. Yeah, I know him,” I say reluctantly. I am sure I’m getting ready to throw up now. The acid is burning at the back of my throat and the whole room feels like it’s spinning. I’m keeping my voice low, but I can see that there are still prying eyes with cameras that are probably capturing my every move.

I need to do something - anything - to make it better, but nothing will save me now.

“Okay? Well? Who is he?” prompts my mom, determined to get it out of me. No. Please no. I sigh reluctantly and rub my eyes. The moment I say his name, mom is going to flip out! I see the edges of my vision blur slightly.

It is getting warm – too warm. I need to get out of here. I slowly start packing my things and continue smiling, giving a couple of waves to people who are watching me.

“I… well, I don’t think you’d remember him, so a name isn’t going to do much good,” I say, sliding my bag over my shoulder and slipping out of the booth. As I get up and head for the door, I glance over my shoulder to just barely glimpse Felix’s eyes from the kitchen in the back watching me leave.

“Shania don’t be like this. Come on,” I hear my mom say. I had just barely gotten outside when I hear a curious hum from my mom across the phone line. “Wait. I. I think I’ve seen this boy before. Shania, that isn’t that one boy, is it? Oh, what was his name? Was it Finn? No, it was Felix, right? Felix MacKay?” I feel my stomach drop as I clench and unclench my jaw.

My silence is enough of a confirmation for my mother. When I first developed a crush on Felix, I made the fatal mistake of telling my mother about him. For a while, it was great. Mom was supportive and thought he was a cute young boy.

When Felix developed Lycanthropy, I tried keeping it a secret from her because I was afraid she would tell me that I couldn’t see him or be in the same after-school activities. Sadly, the secret didn’t stay secret for long.

It was at a school event where Felix’s parents let it slip to some of the other parents, including my mother. Afterward, I was limited or supervised, as were the other students, when Felix was involved in an activity.

Knowing this, I hear my mom shift in her chair.

“Shania!” she scolds firmly. I try to cut her off at the pass before she can get too riled up.

“Mom, it’s okay. Yes, it is Felix, but it was just a conversation. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, and I finally got up the courage to…”

“Shania Denise Sterling!”

Middle name.

I am definitely in trouble now.


“That boy is a Lycan! A shifter! You cannot be seen with him out in public. Oh heavens, this is a P.R. nightmare. Okay. I have some damage control to do,” my mother says, sounding exasperated.

“Mom,” I say again. “Lycanthropy isn’t contagious, and you should’ve seen the way they were treating him. They were harassing him and hitting him, making him trip. I thought you would’ve been proud of me for trying to be nice to someone. Isn’t that what you taught me?”

“Shania, don’t you dare twist my words around like that. Being nice is one thing. Jeopardizing your future by associating with dangerous and misguided individuals is another,” scolds mom.

“They’re not misguided,” I mumble, more to myself than to her.

“They rally together in packs and gangs and covens and who knows what else they’re calling themselves. Shania, you must promise to be more careful when out in public and do not associate with this Lycan shifter. Do you understand?”

I want to defy her. I want to tell her that this is my life and I’m going to live it.

Still, if I do, I’m going to get another earful if I talk back now.

“Fine, I’ll do what I can,” I say. Satisfied, my mother says her goodbyes and goes off to manage the so-called “damage” I caused. Little does she know that I have no real intention of staying away from Felix. I promised to do what I can, and I intend to put as little effort into staying away as possible.