Chapter 45: Shake the World

The Back to School Bash is in full swing. There are strings of silver and pale blue balloons the length of a basketball court and streamers jam-packed in the main event hall. The stage is glowing with twinkle lights. Booths line the walls for clubs, food, trips, and classes for the semester.

There is a hum of people talking, making an echo chamber of white noise all around the room.

It doesn’t bother me though.

I don’t hear any of them.

I only hear the beat of my heart in my chest.

I am present where I need to be, and that is with Felix backstage before the Back to School Bash performance where I’ll be the quote-unquote guest of honor.

I feel his hands on my hips. His breath warms my neck. I’m feeling jittery all over, and it is not because of what I am about to do. It is the man behind me. It is Felix standing there supporting me that sends sparks through my body and shivers down my spine.