I Don't Know What I AM Anymore...

After taking to Piyush I found out that he shifted in our neighbourhood today and his staff will be arriving soon enough. His father and my father worked at the same company. To be honest their duo looked like Ram and Balram. At a glance, you won't be able to tell that they are just friends and not brothers.

My mother and his mother also became good friends she was a beautiful silver-haired lady in her early 30s even my grandmother was impressed by my friend and my friendship and treated him as his own son. As time passed my friendship gradually became deeper and deeper with Piyush and we were at that stage where we don't even need to talk we could easily find out what others is thinking without even asking.

We did many mischievous things like (1) Throwing laughing gas bombs in the teachers' staff room of the school (2) Stealing some of the food, and snacks and Offering prasad before they could even be distributed (3) Making a hole in the tyres of the bike of our teacher and many others and I don't know how many time we were caught and punished.

These days continued but every single time just before going to bed thinking about that overly realistic dream of those 2 weird-looking demons and their fight. A few days after that incident my patient died in an accident. I don't want to talk about that moment when I heard the story that how some bank robbers killed my patients in the bank. I was so shocked that even after the funeral for more than 5 months.

It is all thanks to Piyush that I regained my scenes. in the 10th class, Piyush went abroad because his father got a promotion and was planning to shift to the U.S with his family. Soon after we were separated by the force called fate. But after the went abroad I studied harder and harder so that I could get a well-reputed job in the U.S and could meet him again.

Wake up, Mr Rakesh (Teacher shouted) this time it was my anatomy teacher. He was angry and told me to get out of the class because I was sleeping. I decided not to argue with the teacher. The reason why I was not getting enough sleep these days is because of my grandmother. She can't take care of me like she use to. She is over 80 now and isn't capable of raising me anymore.

Now, I need to earn money and for that, I work 2 part-time jobs. One is at the pharmacy from 2 PM to 7:30 PM and then in the hotel as a chef from 8 PM to 11 PM and then goes back home and studies from 11:30 PM to 2 AM. Well sometimes I also distribute Newspapers for some extra cash and because of that, I was sleepy the whole day.

I have got a 100% scholarship from the college which is a big help and I am able to study without any problems. But my life is not normal anymore. Since that incident in my childhood I have felt some weird changes in my life or to be more precise it's my body it feels like I am not normal. I don't know what I am anymore. I am sure that maybe I am not a human anymore but if I am not a human then what I am?

Sometimes when I think that I want to visit a destination I have been to before then suddenly I got teleported to that place and even sometimes when I want something then it usually appears in my hand but the fact is that tool or thing is usually a copy of the original and when I found this ability I was shocked, both of my abilities have a lot of limitations like I can't jump to a spot I have never been before, but whenever these abilities of mine activate I ask myself a question, can I go back to being normal, I have many questions in mind but I don't think I need the answer. As long as I believe I am normal, I can be normal, everything is gonna be alright at least it has been up until now. But thinking that was my biggest mistake.

The next day news was forecasted at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England 🇬🇧. The news was about how the strangely arranged huge rocks of Stonehenge were glowing. News spread like wildfire someone said that is because of the minerals in the rock, some said pollution, and some even claimed that this is just a scam and this is all just fake news. Everybody had a different point of view regarding the matter but who knew that this was the beginning of a storm? A practice session was about to begin just before the war which was going to happen 3 years later. And that day we humans realised that we humans are not alone in this wide never-ending multiverse.