Beginning of a Rollercoaster ride in my life

Let's talk in detail about what happened in these past few days, in the whole European region kidnapping of males was progressing at a rapid pace. Within 9 days they have kidnapped over 80% of males including newborns only the senior citizens were safe from this highly coordinated attack. Scientists and doctors stated that this could be due to some kind of disease only affecting males, but this theory has a lot of flaws, especially because if they are dying due to some disease then what about the dead bodies or why not the elders, does it only affect a specific age group.

But after this news was not that popular among people ultimately they attached everything to the recent weird events which were occurring during the same time. People who have investigated the matter of the comet which fell from the sky after taking a hit from that laser beam hit by the stone henge found out that this thing looks more like a frictional spaceship but a few hours later somehow the ship got missing. At that time it was in invisibility mode which is hard to detect through our old tech. But to these factors, we were lacking behind. If this would have been continued then we would have lost the battle against those creatures without even getting a chance.

But thanks to those huge statues left behind by our ancestors we were able to detect and somehow defend ourselves against those creatures. Basically what it did was that living beings which were not of this planet lost their special genetic abilities and we're on the level of humans to defeat, also this shield was capable to block any attacks or invaders from outside, a complete checkmate. Due to this, we were able to find out that there were some kidnapers from another world go were performing human trafficking at the intergalactic level. Altho we were not aware of that trafficking part but that was still possible on paper. But we stick to the topic of aliens using humans as test subjects.

Ok, Cummings back to the present day. When these theories were on trend our major population thought that it was globe level prank and decided not to believe them. But at the same time government was going through a tense phase because this was not a joke and the government knew it. They started performing lockdowns almost every day in almost every part of India. Only men were there the main target but we were not completely sure about that.

On one such day during the lockdown, after finishing my part-time work I headed towards the district library for studying for my upcoming test, which was cancelled but could be announced any day. While studying in the library I lost track ok time and before I knew it was past 9 pm which was 2 hours have passed more than the time I have planned to leave this place. The lockdown starts at 7 p.m. every day but I was late. I hastily packed my bag and was going to leave but suddenly I heard a voice...

"Are you Rakesh"

"The man mentioned in the prophecy"

'What now' I asked. Well, I am Rakesh but, why are you dressed like 'Baron Mordo' from Dr Strange?

"Sorry kid, but I need your help," he said

"What help, I am just an ordinary medical student "

"I want my daughter back from those bastards"

"From whom those aliens which were all over the news"

"In one way, yes but they are Smaug's "

"This is a prank isn't it, ok just-just tell me where is that camera"

"This is not a prank"

"Ok I am done with these sick jokes, I am going home, your cosplay is good by the way "

"I am repeating this, this is not a prank, joke or anything like that" he was red-faced when he said that.

"What about the cosplay, " I asked

"This is not a cosplay, this is legit low-grade portable armour"

"Ok ok ok just chill bro, so why are you here"

"Ok I don't have time for this so let's make it quick, do you know magic or alchemy "

"Wait those stuff from fantasy games or movies," I asked

" In a way, yeah, but by your replay, I think you are a total dumb ass and don't know a thing. So for the time being take this," he threw a book towards me.

"Let's meet again tomorrow here at 8 pm and discuss our future plans then and there" and that man vanishes into thin air.

Out of curiosity, I opened the book and my surrounding went blank.

"Justify your intentions, if you are pure of heart and seak power to protect then only your wish would be granted"

"Wait what, what..."