Project Nemesis : A New Theart To Humanity

3 pairs of footsteps could be heard in a distance coming from the same direction in a narrow passage with stone walls. 3 men were running away from something.

The first man spoke "Daam what the hell is this thing? I bet these are not Smaugs. What's your opinion on this Big Brother"

" Those cold-blooded purple lizards are up to something" The man who was looking just like he replied.

They were so similar in physique, looks and even choice of clothing that without noticing their conversation no one can distinguish them at first glance. The only difference was their hairstyle. One of them had a Two-Block Korean Haircut and the other was having Slicked Back With Side Part Haircut.

"Caption, at this moment the only life that matters the most at the moment is yours. You are having all of our gathered intel and our hours of hard work. Your survival means a lot for the survival of our planet" Iqbal's voice was so loud that it could be heard from very far but it was nothing compared to the stomping that suddenly begin as soon as he finished his sentence.

"Hell, they are fast and know how to surround their prey. Any idea how to kill them" Their captain spoke up.

"Big Brother I have a plan" Donghyun the little brother of captain Dohyun was pointing towards his m416 on his back perfectly hidden inside his thick brown leather jacket.

"Yeah, I also have the same idea. No use running we have to take them on. Besides, I can't die before I kill that bastard Mahmud with my own two hands" Iqbal agrees with the situation.

"So much for keeping a low profile. How assassins like us got dragged into this mess anyways. We would have easily escaped this situation if they were orderly Smurgs but these creatures." He murmured. " Listen!! we must submit our intel and this specimen to Kamakshi but now that we are in this situation we must collect more specimens" Dohyun was ordering while zipping his leather bag on his and taking out a pistol from the pocket of his jeans and aimed and pressed the trigger. BLAM!, BLAM!, BLAM! The sound of gunshots echoed.


"Rakesh, Liam both of you in the meeting room ASAP..." Pragya rushed into the target zone and ordered us to meet in the meeting room. "What is it?" Liam asked.

It's the Korean twins and Iqbal they are in trouble we need your assistance, sir.

"Ok, let's go" Liam looked at me. Just by looking at his eyes, I could see that he wanted to say follow me.

After following them for a bit I got out of the training zone. After walking for a bit we reached the waterfall. Both Pragya and Liam stared at the waterfall.

"So why are we standing here exactly, I thought you needed our help," I asked.

"Well yes, we need your help maybe because your teacher requested to send you on this mission and just to make you aware of the current conditions of our world. Almost half of the world is defeated by those Smaugs. Currently, the world is in a very critical situation we are cornered by those Smaugs. The only thing going in our favour is that our world's military is very strong. Technologically, physically and even when it comes to numbers we are better than them." She said that with a dejected look.

"Hay, you said we have an advantage over every single aspect of battle then what is the problem ". I asked in a panic.

"The problem is psychological. The humans of the earth are weak when it comes to fighting something completely new or unknown to us, that's why we are losing. Besides many countries took it as a joke in the beginning and they are paying the price now. No, let me correct myself, the entire world is paying the price. You know what, North Korea still believes that all of this is a lie just so other countries can invade North Korea." She started chuckling as soon as she finished. Anyone could easily guess that she was laughing in pain. The world is about to end and the world leaders are playing politics even at this point what could be worse than that?

<< In a small ally of Cardiff, Wales >>

Round of bullets was being fired in almost every possible direction but not a single bullet missed its target. Every short went piercing the creatures in front of them. Three people holding their own against a huge number of unknown beasts. They were Iqbal, Donghyun & their captain for this mission captain Dohyun. They were taking cover from house to house. Every house was empty because of the alien attack on the world. Wales was one of the only countries which shifted their citizen from their county to some other county for shifty. Because of this, the entire wales was now with almost no population. Suddenly a wall of flames encircled all three of them.

"This firewall is my sixteenth today. Don't know how long I would last at this rate." Iqbal was gasping and sweating not because of the heat of his flames but due to exhaustion.

"We are out of ammo as well. My ice magic won't help either. It only stuns them for a little while." Donghyun was also gasping due to exhaustion. He changed the magazine of his gun and prepared for another wave of monsters.

"That's also enough my water magic doesn't even come close to what both of you can do at this moment. I bet I was alone I won't have lasted 15 minutes." Dohyun said that with a weird smile.

"You would have lasted that long although your magic is weak against them is itself is an amazing thing captain. I don't know if I would have lasted a second if I was alone. " Iqbal smiled back.

"For now the information we have gathered so far is that these creatures are afraid of fire and won't even come close to it. They are also very weak against fire-based attacks like FIRE-BALL or SALAMANDERS BREATH. So the only one we can count on for our survival is you, Iqbal. I hope you mean what that means. The burden of our lives lies on your shoulder." Dohyun look straight into the eyes of Iqbal and confessed a harsh truth.

Suddenly, the noise of something being sliced down echoed down. Someone was chopping off these creatures like butter. The creatures looked behind and charged toward the warrior in black samurai armour. The warrior was carrying a Naginata(a kind of weapon often used by samurai in battle). The warrior was also carrying a katana as a spare weapon.

"Hay brother heard that, feels like those things are moving away from us" Donghyun spoke up.

"Yeah perhaps you are right, I also heard some noise. Like something is slashing and tearing someone's flesh. " Dohyun responded.

The wall of fire suddenly started to shrink and within moments dissipated.

"That must be the reinforcements. Finally, someone came to rescue us" Iqbal fell on one of his knees due to exhaustion.

<< Back in the base >>

Suddenly the waterfall split as soon the full moon was up in the sky. It was because of Pragya. I don't know how it happen but she went inside the waterfall and the waterfall split into two equal parts. There was a pair of huge metallic doors around 1 meter thick and 15ft tall in height. The doors opened and a lot of stairs leading deep down appeared. We were following Pragya down the path.

"So what's the status is it about Dohyun's squad? Did something happen to him and his squad?" Liam asked.

"Yes, his squad found some interesting data and sent that to us. They also told us that they are bring back specimens of what they found but suddenly the communication got interrupted because of the background noise. The last message we got from them was to send reinforcement ASAP" Pragya replied.

"So are those, not Smurgs you are talking about and who are Dohyun and Korean twins are they some kind of threat as well ?" I asked.

"Dohyun & Donghyun are known as the Koren twins and they are on our side moreover the threat we are dealing with could be Project Nemesis " Emily sitting on a roundtable with her Bow replied and answered my question.

"What is Nemesis?" Liam asked. I think he was as clueless as I was.

"The story goes way back in time on planet Terramos" An old lady in a saree sitting on a table right beside Emily replied and trend her chair around.