A Top Secret Unofficial Mission


"So why are we here in the middle of the night?" I (Rakesh) asked Akari.

"We are waiting for some people," Akari replied.

"Wating for whom, are we seriously here just to pray for our lives with other people? Our world is being ravaged and here praying even if we have the power to stop them. "

"Yes, we will that is our objective after all"

"So praying here will work. I thought we were here for an unofficial mission. Never thought that this would be that mission"

"Stay calm will you, nothing will ever be able to succeed if you panic like this. Besides before eating us do you think there was any chance you would have the power to even think of going up against those Smaugs. Just tell me."

Rakesh looked down and said "No, you are right. Let's pray for our success in the future." I moved towards the shrine and joined his hands and started praying.

"That's not a shrine boy, it's just an imitation" Suddenly Liam's voice hit my (Rakesh's) ears and I turned around.

"Liam" The only word that came out of my mouth was the name of my arms teacher.

"Not just him Iqbal is here as well," Akari said to me.

"Nice to meet you again." Iqbal greeted me.

"Wait how did you..." I was about to ask something.

"Don't ask, did you forget that I can create portals" Liam answered before I could complete his question.

"Yeah, I forgot that for a moment, sorry." I apologised.

"Ok let's go inside," Iqbal said to Akari.

"Yes," Akari responded.

She moved towards the shrine and opened its gate. The shrine had a beautiful statue. Alina moved the head to one side and the statue moved from its original position slowly towards the back of the room. A small piece of rock with looked like a part of the base of the statue remained on the floor like a door handle.

After the statue stopped moving Alina grabbed the handle and pulled it with all of her strength and it popped opened and revealed stairs going down in the darkness.

"looks like things are gonna get rough," Iqbal commented.

"Yeah, good thing I brought these" Liam opened a suitcase in his hand and showed its content. There was a disassembled Ak-47 and a bunch of magazines. But the spotlight was stolen by 4 small earpieces in the bottom of that suitcase.

"Good, now we can stay connected even if we get separated" Akari added.

"Well, actually I was showing you guys my Ak but well who cares." Liam was disappointed a bit.

"So you were not showing these communicators?" Akari questioned.

"No, I mean they are compulsory if you are in a team even if it's an unofficial mission" Liam answered.

"Believe me Liam no one wants to see the guns you already show them off pretty often. Besides, that is a weapon, not jewellery that you would show it off to everyone around you." Iqbal added.

"Believe me I hate that bastard as much as you do the only difference is that you have something personal with him," Akari broke the heavy atmosphere and said to Iqbal.

Liam assembled his gun and closed his suitcase and both Iqbal and Liam started walking in unison. Iqbal took out his pistol and a small torch from this pocket and Liam gave him a communicator. Iqbal went down the stairs and Liam went next. His Ak already has a torch attached to it.

"Akari, your Yuri it cant fit inside. how are you planning to fight here" I asked Akari.

"Well yeah I professionalise with Yuri but I often carry a few tanto with me as well," Akari replied.


"Well, they are small daggers around 30cm in length, here take a look"

I took the dagger and examined it by removing its scabbard "It's.. it's beautiful."

"I know that's why if I was not able to use my big boy then I will use this instead. Ok, let's go and observe me."

"Here take it back."

"No need I have 3 more of them with me here."

"3 more?"

"Yes, I came completely prepared for this just like you."

"Yeah." I pulled the straps out of my bag out of nervousness and generated a pistol out of thin air with a torch attached at its bottom. "I am ready for it."

"Good now follow me."

Rakesh followed Akari downstairs. As he was going downwards with her but he suddenly got a headache for a second. During that one second of sharp headache, he had some disturbing visions. He didn't mind it at all at first but those headaches kept coming back. One second his headaches are like hell and the other his head is normal.

I held his head out of pain. "Tsk, aah.."

"what? Is something the matter?" Akari asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Ok, as you say."

Even after saying that his series of short headaches didn't stop. It continued, for one second his head remains normal the other it hurts like hell. During his headaches, he was small but disturbing visions and this phenomenon occurred again and again with in-sink with headaches.

Altho this phenomenon occurred, again and again, each vision was different from the others. In one vision he saw someone being dragged. In the other, he saw a kid crying. In one he saw a boy directed. These disturbing visions were more trouble than the sudden headaches themselves.

"The hell! What are these? I can't believe at a place like this why so suddenly these headaches started. I can only hope that this won't get me killed." I thought to myself.

."looks like they went a little bit violent." Akari commented.

"Haan, what." I looked around and found that the stairs ended and there were dead bodies of several people. they looked like normal people. Except they all have guns with them.

"Well, you can't expect them to hold back when we are at the entrance of a beep-dark burrow" Akari added.

I ran towards them to heal them but Akari held his shoulder and stooped him.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? If you think they were ordinary citizens let me warn you buddy they are not ordinary citizens. They are terrorists." Akari said with a heavy tone in her voice.

I was stunned for a moment. He was confused but collected himself and regained his composure and said "I am a doctor, it's my duty to save someone's life."

"Fine do as you please." Akari looked away and said in a sarcastic tone.

We walked a bit and found both of them standing in front of a double door. The three of them looked at the door with fire in their eyes. Akari pushed the door and it opened. All 3 of them looked added there were 3 routes.

"Which one?" Iqbal asked.

"Don't know he told me about this place but not all details," Liam answered.

"It's better if all three of us split up. These guards are no match for us" Akari said.

"Easy to say for the Titan killer. But anyone thought who will take care of the noobie" Iqbal said and everyone started looking at me (Rakesh).

"What?" I asked nervously.

"Don't worry as I said I am the one who will responsible for everything for you. Including your life." Akari said with confidence.

"Ya.. Yeah," Sady I didn't have the same level of confidence.

Out of the three, Liam took the middle path, Iqbal took the left path and Akari & Rakesh took the right route. They walked ahead and they smelled blood. The walls were coved with light red stains here and there. Clearly showing that this is a messed up place.

"AAhh.... Wahh.... The..." Rakesh's head started to hurt really badly and horrible visions started to pop up in his mind. Rakesh crouched because of the pain.

In one vision he saw a girl begging and struggling. A boy whose leg was being cut off while he was conscious he has chained around so he could not escape. One Smaug talking to some strange guys one woman who clearly looked troubled. That woman moved forward and moved her hand in order to grab something or someone.

"Go away" I strike someone's hand in real. It was not a vision this time.

"What is your problem? I am trying to help you." Akari shouted. Apparently, I struck the hand of Akari. "Dude, is something the problem? Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am. I am." Suddenly Rakesh's headache stopped. "What the hell why now of all times? What are these? I didn't bring my pills with me either." Rakesh taught.

They ented a room with complete darkness. The room smelled like blood. The spooky sound of rats filled the room. They moved around the torches to find a light source. But Rakesh found something else a body or more like a skeleton with a little flesh on it that was being eaten by huge rats.

"What the hell? What is this?" I was shocked, or should I say that I was not able to process everything around me.

Akari found the light switch and turned out the light. After the room was lit up room was full of dead bodies and a table with shackles and a saw which looked like a torture table. Rakesh stepped back and fell near the legs of Akari and slammed his head against the wall.

"What the hell is this place?" I was stunned after seeing such a terrifying sean.

"Good thing you didn't vomit because I am pretty sure that you think that is more than disgusting but, if you think this is one of the most disturbing things you have seen then you are wrong. There is much more to it. And this is not even half of it. This organisation is the root cause of malice on earth." Akari said.

I gained his composer and somehow stood up. "So now will you tell me what the hell is this? Why are we here and which organisation is doing this?" I asked.

"Even if I tell you the name, what will you do? Use Talk No Jutsu on them." Akari asked back.

"No, I know an organisation this messed up. There is no forgiveness for such bastards. Akari is a person who has no remorse for other's life and uses them and is simply a psychopath but if that madness grows this large then it can only be called a disease, one that needs to be cured asap." I looked at Akari and said.

"Aah haan, Now you are behaving like a grown-up." Akari teased me a bit. "Fine I will tell you the name. It's very well-known in history you know. It's the Kirmada...".

Bang!! Suddenly out of nowhere a man from behind shot Rakesh from behind, went straight piercing his heart....