A Recording from the Past was Predicting My Every Thought

"Wait there are others, who have attributes for every element?" I asked with enthusiasm.

"Indeed there are. But as of yet, you do not need to know that"

"What? then why did you keep my hopes up."

"Just for fun. Please take it as a punishment for always thinking about other stuff while I am teaching."

"Wait, how did she know."

"You know even tho I don't have eyes I can still see more than you do."

"Under... Understood."

"Fine, let's get it over with quickly. I'm too sleepy right now"

"YES ma'am"

"So what you see here are all the known forms. And let me tell you the research is still going on. So here earth is the opposite of water and water is diagonal to the fire. Did this ring a bell."

EARTH --------- LIGHT --------- FIRE

I \ I / I

I \ I / I

I \ I / I


I / I \ I

I / I \ I

I / I \ I

WATER ----------- DARK -------- WIND

"Yeah that the earth is our planet."

BAM!! A fist hit my head "NO, The earth here means Land. This magic type manifests in the soil. With its help, you can create soil out of thin air."

"OK, Ok but how"

"For that" Emily took out a few orbs from a pouch she was carrying on her waist. "These are magic orbs. This will help you."


"I still don't know how to control or manifest magic. I only get a little bit of a hang of my null magic, with which I could create any object I could think of. So there is only one thing I could do. I have to use the next best alternative." I thought to myself.

"Run fast, would you? If you won't be able to keep up then this babe is just as worth less as a bike without fuel" Liam shouted.

"Hay it's not my fault you could run so fast" I replied.

"No, really Liam how are you able to run as fast as me despite carrying such a heavy gun," Iqbal asked.

"It's because I..... " Liam was interrupted mid-way. A nemesis fell from the sky. After a long time, I looked up.

what I saw was very horrifying. Thousands of nemesis, big huge nemesis were coming out of small cave-like holes all around the huge well we were in. But there was something else as well.

"A Smaug " Iqbal points his figure straight up pointing out a Smaug at the mouth of this well.

"You saw that as well. I am not hallucinating then. Still can't believe I will I am seeing an alien with my own two eyes." I commented.

"You two saw a Smaug from a mile away but can't see the trouble right in front of us," Liam shouted with a bit of startle.

Rooorrrrrr.....!!!!!! The nemesis roar in front of all 3 of us. Bang! Bang! Bang!×100 rapid rounds were fired. The sound of bullets firing and their shells hitting the ground echoed in my ears.

Clunk! Clunk! "Shit, I am out of bullets. Hay Rakesh give a refill" I was standing there stunned. Liam pulled out a cigarette and Slam! the dead nemesis fell down. The sean was like that of a movie where the hero defeats his enemy with full swag. Liam flipped the gun vertically and used its red hot barred to light up his cigarette.

"I thought you quit," Iqbal asked.

"Yeah, but who cares. She is dead anyways." Liam looked straight at us with a bit of sorrow in his eyes.

"I can't change the past. But, I will change the future" Liam added and opened the magazine and pointed his hand towards me as of asking me for more bullets. Slam! the old magazine fell down.

I handed him over 3 new magazines.

"2 extra haan, thanks anyways" Liam commented.

"What can I do if you are going to for an overkill," I replied.

"Let's get going" Iqbal suggested.

We went near a cave entrance and ented it. "I thought what we saw back there when we ented the shrine was surprising," Iqbal said while running.

"Surprising, that's a small word for that. But still, this is 100 times more surprising." Liam added.

"What you saw? " Iqbal asked and I was running behind both of them curiously listing.

Crack! Suddenly, the floor cracked while I was running and I was the only one who fell down. Both of them stopped "Not again!" they both shouted in unison.

"What the hell" I tried to stand up but suddenly a sound hit my ears while I was on my knees.


"Are you alright Rakesh?" Liam asked.

I stood up. "Yes, I am," I replied. I realized that I fell down 20 feet approx. "Was that my imagination."

"Twilight" A faint sound from a huge distance hit my ears.

"What? How? " I looked around.

"Hmm... Any problem? Did you sense something ?" Liam asked.

"I was right when I said that an ammature will only get in our way," Iqbal said.

"Old hag also said that before we could use him he needs to have some battle experience," Liam murmured.


"AAh, that sound again." I thought to myself. "You two go ahead. I will meet with you two later" I said to them.

"What are you crazy..." Iqbal shouted.

"Let him." Liam booked Iqbal. "Iqbal let me remind you, he also took down one of the nemesis. An enemy that even your flames were not able to block,"

"If you died then it is not our fault," Iqbal shouted at me.

"Yeah, yeah,....." I ignored Iqbal, not because I thought he was annoying but instead because a voice from a distance was calling me.

I moved towards its source and before I knew it I was running at full pace.


After a few turns and running for a few minutes following the same route. I finally reached a dead end. Unaware of what kind of fate awaited me. A prism-like metallic object about the size of my palm was on the ground. Rays of light were coming out of its top and a man with a wooden mask and black feathery cloak was standing in front of me.

"Twilight. Nice to meet you" He said.

"A hologram ?" I said with a confused expression.

"Yes, it is indeed a hologram."

"Wait did he just read my mind"

"No stupid. This is a recording from the past even before you came here. Even before you came to Japan"

"What the hell? If this is just a recording then how are you predicting my question and thoughts"

"Ooh that we'll I can't explain to you that, it's a long story. Mind not flashing that flashlight of yours towards the hologram please."

"Sh!t, I did it again haan. I clearly don't have any control over my powers" I thought.

"Well, if you managed to control your emotion and have some self-control. You can archive great things. Besides you are the most processing variant after all. TWILIGHT " He replied like he was reading my thoughts.

"Thanks for the advice but, I have a question who are you? and what are you? and how do you know my name ?" I asked or more like shouted.

"Well, if I remember correctly, This name Twilight was given to you by your mother, am I correct."

"B@stard!! just answer the questions already. How do you know this much about me? Answer me."

"Ooh, so much anger. Behaving like your short-tempered friend Piyush "

"How? How do you know this much about me ?"

"How well. Never mind I shall give you a hint. That shall answer most of your questions." The man with the wooden mask removed his mask.

"No way...." I was stunned. A recording from the past was predicting my every thought. I was surprised just by that but this time this was just insane.


Liam and were moving ahead following the path they decided to follow. Iqbal ignited his fist and used it as a torch. They reached a narrow path with a slant height.

"Your ability to use fire is impressive. I have only seen people who only know to destroy with fire. You know always playing offensive, but you are different. You use your power to defend more rather than destroying and burning down everything." Liam said.

"I appreciate your compliment. But I hope you know the reason why I use my power like that." Iqbal replied.

"To save mana." Liam joked.

"That's a part of it." Iqbal played along and chuckled.

Liam smiled and said "Muhammad, he is the reason why you are here right? What comes after that? have you thought about your future."

This time Iqbal was silent for a few minutes. Soon the narrow path ended and a straight path was ahead.

"I think we are very similar at that don't you think? Let me ask you this, What will you do after you saved your daughter?" Iqbal broke the cold atmosphere....