8. You are Mine.

Snow white frowned the moment she saw the man standing behind her.

The man was tall and handsome, with spiked black hair, a pointy nose, black pupils, a normal build, and a sword hanging on his waist.

There was nothing that stood out about this man except for his family background.

'John Wills'

She thought hatefully.

This man was trying to court her from her childhood!

As she also belonged to a powerful family that is 'White' family she had to endure it as strong families cannot open fire and attack each other.

They had to resort to financial and political war which was something that cannot deal immediate damage she endured.

But now even in the game, he was in front of her which made her deepen her frown.

While Snow was in her deep thoughts the latter looked at her with lustful eyes and thought.

'Ahh! As beautiful and Cold as ever huh? One day, one day I will crush that coldness of yours and make that sinful body of yours mine! Ahh! Just imagining you wearing a dog collar makes me drool!'

"I am busy"

Those were the last words Snow White spoke before turning around and starting doing what she was doing.


John Wills clicked his tongue but decided not to follow her.

His so-called pride did not let him do so.

'Just you wait before I conquer this game and you, after all, you will be mine… No… YOU ARE MINE!'

John Wills kept thinking until Snow white left his eyesight.

While this love maniac was lusting some people were grinding.

"Hey, do you know which continent this is?"

One of the players asked the mob of players.

"Yeah! That NPC said this is Wester continent easiest among all five"

"Tsk, I thought I would go directly Central continent."

"That elder said it was according to luck and power you are capable of."

"But that is not what I am worried about"

Another player joined the discussion.

"Actually when I asked that old man about the continent he gave me a weird look before something happened and his face turned blur and then he answered properly!"

"Maybe you are just imagining things, when I asked the person next to me answered properly."

"Yeah maybe you just imagined"

"Well, if you say so."

Although he was unsatisfied with their response he had no choice but to move forward.

"Well, forget that let's first start with the cultivation or monster killing we need to rank up or we will remain unranked forever"


"Let's just kill the beasts first I guess? Then we will sell them off and enter the city with the money!"



And that's how a party of three unknown players formed and they decided to go into the wilderness without having any combat experience.

While everyone was trying to find one thing or another about the game forums about the game were flooded with amused reactions all across the world.

[In-Game Online Forums]

[The claim about tasting food, breathing, and sleeping is true!]

[Cripple by legs person can walk, run, jump and do everything in the game!!]

[I am blind but thanks to In-Game Online I was able to see the beautiful world once again!! Indebted to creator]

[Know More about the ranking system!!]

And so on.

The world was completely flooded with information related to In-Game Online.

However three people were upset with this,

"Sis Amanda, that shit game stole our chance to meet always bored Prince!! Lucy said he went to play the game before meeting us!"

Sam screamed.

"Well, huaaam…He may have thought 'They should be tired from the, I will meet them after playing the game so they can rest' or something like that"

Amanda said giving a yawn and mimicking what Neel would have said.

"But then why miss. Tsuntsun looks so disappointed, is that because a mere game is more important for him than us?"

Sam tried to tease her sister Nina but unexpectedly to her Nina reacted.

"True, he should have visited us first, we were out for a month after all!"

Nina pouted and said, but this made Sam speechless.

"Oh, Sam you seem to have lost this one."

Amanda smirked and laughed at Sam as her plan backfired on her and Nina shamelessly showed her disappointment.

"W-well, it's not like…that"

Sam tried to cover up but failed.

"It's ok Sam, sometimes accept your defeat, and drop it, now that all of us are up, what are we having for dinner?"

Amanda asked changing the subject.


Sam and Nina both snapped out of their daze and looked at each other.

"Well, umm who was supposed to bring groceries?"

Sam was the first one to break the ice.


This time it was Amanda who was confused


After pondering for a second her bulb lit brightly and

"haha… Me! Obviously, I remember! Haha…I-It's just that I-I overslept"

She stuck out her tongue and tried to act innocent.

Both Sam and Nina rolled their eyes as they saw how their sister was being a hypocrite as just a few seconds ago she was telling Sam how to accept mistakes.

It was at this moment the doorbell rang

Ding ~ Dong~