12. Our Lord has Summoned us.

While Amanda, Sam, and Nina were in awkward silence the doorbell was the one who broke that silence.

Ding~ Dong~

Sam who was closest, went to open the door.

Following her the other two look at the person who came at this time.

"Hello, Lucy! How have you been?"

Sam screamed and hugged the robot maid.

"Hoho looks like you missed me, Sam, how was your trip, I felt lonely for a month, you know?"

Patting the head of the 13 years old who hugged Lucy like a koala, Lucy looked at the other two and spoke:

"Young master wishes you three to come over for dinner, he guessed that you will be tired eating the food at the hotel for over a month so come and it some home-cooked delicacy."

Lucy puffed her chest while speaking the last line.

Amanda felt that Lucy was a god-sent and looked at her as if looking at her savior.

"Thank you, we will surely accept this offer,"

The one to speak first was Nina, she wanted to meet Neel the moment she came back, so how was she to deny this offer?

"Very well then, the dinner will be ready in an hour, come before so you can have 'chit-chat' with the young master"

She forced on the word 'chit-chat' to tease Amanda and Nina.

After saying this she put the koala down and went to cook the dinner.

Meanwhile, the world was still flooded with the people who played the game sharing their experiences.

[Inside INDRATH company]

"Sir Director!! You are god-sent!! Not only did you save our company from debts but also we are currently leading the world with 'In-Game Online'. It's all thanks to you"

One of the people sitting in the meeting hall with the company director spoke in a happy voice.

"Indeed, who would have thought this VRMMORPG game will be a golden goose!"

Another Person spoke.

"Well, we should work hard from here onwards, we cannot let this chance go. We have to conquer the gaming industry across the world."

A person with a rather calm voice said.

"Indeed, Mr. Malcolm is right, all of you should stop my praises and start with the work regarding further sales and keeping up with the servers so players will be able to enjoy without any hassle."

A person sitting in the middle, with a short white beard, a powerful build, and an aura oozing confidence spoke.

"Yes sir!"

Everyone spoke in unison as this was not a request but an order.


After everyone left there were only two people in the meeting room.

"Our Lord has summoned us, White."

Malcolm the man with jet black hair, a middle-aged face with a black beard, and a perfect build spoke to the director.


After receiving the summon from their Lord they both went to the rooftop of the building where they saw a man with a height above six feet wearing black robes that had ancient runes glowing in the night. His other features were not visible as he was looking at the city in front of him, having his hand interlocked at his back, he spoke:

"Took you long enough."

His voice was calm yet anyone will feel chills running down their back.

The moment Malcolm and White arrived at a specific distance away from their Lord they both knelt with their heads looking down.

"We apologize for the late My Lord, the workers wanted to celebrate the success."

White spoke without looking at their Lord.

"Hmm… Mortals and their short-lived happiness, huh? Very well, tell me about the progress."

Having a soft smile on his face which was not visible to the two the Lord came to the point.

"Yes my Lord."

This time Malcolm spoke, knowing his lord was in a good mood he wanted to receive more praise.

"According to the reports from the sales team, we sold all the copies prepared i.e. 300 million consoles, we are waiting for the next batch."

Malcolm tried his best to not have a smug look as it was for the first time in human history that a company was able to sell this much amount of game copies in a mere day.

It was astonishing.

However, Malcolm's desire for praise was shattered by the next words of his Lord.

"Population of this planet is around 7 billion, you were not even able to complete 10 percent in the launch, I wonder, have I chosen competent people for this task or not?"

This time it was White who was having a hard time holding back his laughter.

But Malcolm didn't back off and tried to convince his Lord.

"But my Lord, we need time, we humans still think of the games as luxury and not necessary, once the young generation takes the all others will follow for sure."

"Time…huh? That is the only thing we don't have. You better hurry Malcolm. We need forces in this. And sometimes even having a force of ants is better than having nothing."

White didn't like his Lord mentioning humans as ants but what can he do?

What his Lord said was correct, the arrogant humans were nothing more than ants in front of the likes of their lord.

"They will have to adapt to the upcoming changes, they have to taste what power feels like before the 'Mega Event'. Now, White tell me, the real progress report."

Without batting an eye to the heartbroken Malcolm, White spoke:

"Existing value of earth is 30 billion, execution rank number 107300 and Migration progress is 7 percent."

After speaking this White stopped and looked at Malcolm with dead serious eyes.

Taking the cue Malcolm proceeded:

"According to allied clans, the God faction's 5 out of 7 heads will be gone for the slumber in the ongoing year, and at this time 'The families' will divert the remaining forces. We have at least 3 and the half year to utmost 5 years to complete the mission, my Lord."

After hearing the report from his two subordinates the Lord pondered before speaking.

"Any whereabouts of our 'Ace' according to the information they both should be on this planet."

This time answering was white.

"Negative my Lord. We searched the whole planet and it looks like the Moon Princes and Array Prince have left the planet."

"hmm…They should do whatever they want except for meddling with our business, although they are troublesome in this matter our enemy is the same. But still, stay on guard. You may take a leave."

Understanding that their Lord is satisfied both Malcolm and White took their leave.

After confirming that both have left the Lord removed the concealment around and looked in a specific direction before leaving and said.
