11. Is it... a fetish?

Neel was not naïve enough to take whatever an unknown man gave him.

While he was pondering what he should do, a notification appeared in front of him.

[Special Quest]

[Name: The Old man's reward.]

[Quest Difficulty: Rank??]



'Hm? ....I can either accept it complete the quest or decline and try to find a way out…But now that I have come this far moving ahead with this looks interesting, and in any case, I have the option to log out so why should I care?'

Although he was still doubtful of the old man in front of him he was more curious to go ahead.


He said inwardly, and a moment later the quest was registered.

Thanking the old man and following his instructions Neel reached near a shed.

There was nothing except a shed and plain hard ground constructed in the vast desert.

Sitting in the shadow of the shed Neel left an exhausted sigh.

After chugging some water down his throat he looked for the things the old man gave him.

'A slip, a black box, and this transparent potion. I wonder what this quest is.'

He started reading the contents on the slip aloud:

[Hello!! Worthy one!!

I am Celestia one of the creators of this body refining technique.

Do you think magic is bullshit? Do you also cringe when those mages, swordsmen, and adventurers shout names of their techniques and spells?!

Do you also want to roam in this world with pride and a perfect body?!

Then this is the perfect technique for you to learn and if mastered then even the Emperor of gods will think thousands of times before messing with you!

However, the journey toward power is never easy! There is no free lunch in this world!

Accept the challenge only if you dare!!

There are only 3 people in this whole universe who were able to master this technique!

Even we three people were not able to complete the last form of this technique. So? Do YOU Dare!?]

It was like the script of a salesperson. Neel imagined a woman shouting this in front of the rowdy crowd and getting reactions from egoistic people like,

'Bring it On!!!!'

'Who dares to dare this master here!! The audacity!!!'

'Fuck! I accept it!!'

And so on…

'I should stop watching those anime and reading those cultivation novels, because of those my imaginations run wild'

Neel slapped himself inwardly.

"So, what is the name of this technique?"

Neel asked as he was curious.

And the moment he read his face turned pale.

"Talking about others being cringe… and having such a name… bunch of hypocrites."

"Either this is my misunderstanding or the game's creator has a weird naming sense…I prefer the former one… please…"

Neel felt like face-palming himself.

Because the name of the body refining technique was…

(Drum rolls)

[Name: SIMP Body Refining Technique (wink* wink*)]

And what the fuck is this wink* wink*?

'I am having a feeling that this old man had some weird fetish like those…'

Neel felt goosebumps when he imagined the old man acting like a cute anime girl and doing… wink* wink*

"ugh… I should stop this bad habit of mine."

Calming his wild imagination Neel said.

"Well, I guess I should stop for today, I will return tomorrow and continue."

Not able to control his outburst anymore, he completely ignored the bottle of that transparent liquid and the black box, also some content that was written on the slip.


Logging out of the game the first thing Neel saw in front of him was a robot waiting for him to come out.

"Yo! Lucy I am up."

Neel greeted Lucy while stretching his body.

"Welcome back young master! How was your experience?!"

Lucy asked in an excited voice.

Neel was surprised as Lucy never sounded this excited. So a devilish thought came into his mind and he said:

"Oho? Does my dear Lucy want to know about the game? Why so?"

He asked in a teasing tone.

"O-of course I would ask, after all, the young master never looked so excited before. So I was curious to know!"

Swinging her robotic arm in as if claiming her right, Lucy spoke.

"Hmm… I will tell you but in return, you will have to make this week's all menu according to my choice and not the diet given"

A smirk appeared on Neel's face as he initiated the deal and made his move to trap Lucy!

"Outrageous! Young Master you know I cannot disobey Madam Natasha!"

Lucy was now trapped to either follow the orders of her madam or accept the deal and satisfy her curiosity.

"Ok, then I am not telling you. Very well. Huaaaam… I should get fresh."

Neel said and left the bed.

Before leaving the room from the corner of his eyes he glanced at Lucy who was completely flustered.

She had two choices in general.

First, put water on her burning curiosity and obey her Madam like a perfect maid.

Second, accept the deal and disobey her Madam like the dear maid of her young master.


There is also a third possibility the maid took the gamble

"Young master, not for a whole week but only for today! Let's done the deal!"

She chose to bargain!

"Lucy, have you finally started to get malfunctioning? It will be dinner time now. And you expect me to give away my experience for just one dinner?"

She received quite 'Emotional Damage' when she heard this, which worsen her current situation.

"F-fine! Two days!"

She put her two fingers in front of Neel.

"Nah! …For My Dear Lucy, I will compromise and set it for 6 days from tomorrow including tonight's dinner? What do you say? Dear Lucy?"

Intensely looking at Lucy, Neel spoke.

Facing his gaze, the word 'Dear' resounded in her mind and already flustered Lucy's condition worsened.

Her face turned as red as a tomato (Not practically as she is a robot). Not able to take the lead in the conversation, her head started to spin and smoke started appearing from her head.

However, who was Lucy? She was her master's maid. She was created to face difficulties. She will destroy an entire continent for her master. This situation was nothing to her! Calming her mind and clearing all the indecent thoughts from her mind.

She made her decision, resolved her eyes, and said in a firm voice.

"As you wish… M-my Master."

She lost.

She lost to her master, not only that but she also staggered while saying My Master which made her take quite critical damage.

But what Neel did next completely knocked her down.

"Thank you, Lucy!!"

Neel shouted and tightly hugged the robot wearing a maid costume. Although her face was like a robot, she had emotions like a human which made Neel wonder many times.

"Lucy, now I should get fresh."

Leaving the knocked down Lucy there he started making his way towards the bathroom when he suddenly remembered something.

"Ah! Lucy, can you also invite those three for dinner, I can guess that they would have forgotten to buy groceries and prepare for dinner."

Snapping her out of her daze was Neel's voice. Which made her pout.

How can her master talk about other women when what he did a minute before to her?

She hasn't even recovered yet!!

Pouting Lucy snorted.

"Hmph! As you wish, young master."

And Lucy left the room.

Which made Neel wonder what happened to her.