20. Losing Sanity and Rationality.

Just like this 15 Hestian days passed. Neel continued his torture and puked an unknown number of times, whether it be Hestia or Earth this cycle continued.

The whole world kept grinding and after John Wills and Snow White, many people awakened.

The general public who awakened in the game flooded the forums with their experiences and changes that occurred in their body inside the game.

Many people chose to get awakened by the method of slaying monsters and only a small number chose to go for the technical way that is through joining factions and sects.

Magic affinity and talents were measured by the sects, to select only better people out of all the trash.

Some even did common and rare quests to get awakened and currently, nearly everyone was awakened except for one.

People kept joining the game after its publicity reached an all-time high.

A billion people joined the game.

This made the company 'INDRATH' rejoice that their goal was somewhat achieved.

Because of this, an announcement was made which was the launch of 'Leaderboards'.

After completing one month in Hestia, the Leaderboards were scheduled to launch.

Features of leaderboards were quite simple.

The one to last in the top five of leaderboards at the end of the month. Will be given, unique treasures, weapons, and skills, to common treasures, weapons, and skills. However as stated before at the end of the month, means if you were ranked one whole month but dropped on the last day then you won't be considered a rank one.

As simple as that.

While the whole world was enjoying the game, a certain half-naked boy had a pale face.

"Today is the day…haaa…"

Indeed today was the 'day'.

Once the 16th day arrives his sensitivity will rise to 15 folds.

The pain will increase, thirst will increase and hunger will also increase.

"I am tired… I need a break…"

Neel spoke out loud.

{Task progress: (52000/100,000)}

According to Neel, the total should be 50,000 however sometimes his speed and rhythm were so good that he was ahead of his goal.

"48000 remains…"

Once the sensitivity increases the number will be reduced at worst to half and he will have to face the second cycle that will be sensitivity at 20 folds.

"I still have time in Hestia, I should hurry up."

Although he was suffering from major pain, he was determined to not face the second cycle.

"Maybe I will stay in Hestia more as it is the only option to save my ass before the second cycle."

Because of this he once again started completing his stance and stopped only when he felt his pain, thirst, and hunger were increasing…

"I think I… huff… take some rest back at home."

"Log… off."

He decided to take some rest as now his body couldn't move.

"Lu… ha… cy."

Neel's voice was now hoarse.

"Yes! Young master."

Lucy was sitting near the bed all the time.

"Help me…cough… get fresh…"


Lucy was unable to see her young master's condition.

After helping Neel, Lucy went to cook something so that Neel will be able to feel better.

Meanwhile, a woman wearing a red dress entered Neel's house.

"Huh… Even Lucy can forget sometimes… interesting…"

Amanda entered the house without knowing the condition in which Neel was.

Lucy was completely focused on cooking food that she did not bother to notice Amanda sneaking in.

Amanda entered Neel's only to find out him sleeping. However, her face paled when she saw dark circles below Neel's eyes and his pale face. There was a distorted expression on his face.

"Just what were you doing?"

She mumbled and sat beside Neel.

Her face turned paler when she touched his forehead just to know the temperature of his body that was super high.

He was having a heavy fever.


She tried to hold her tears.

As Neel was a special case the doctors from Earth and even from Hestia were useless.

If one had to reduce his pain they will at least need a divine, legendary, or mythical treasure.

Below the rank of divine everything was utterly useless.

The thing next happened was even more shocking for Amanda.

Neel sniffed the air and a certain intent was released from his body.

It was … Lust.

Amanda understood that Neel was on the verge of losing rationality and sanity.

He was the only person that never looked at Amanda with a lustful gaze but right now he was literally on the verge of losing it.

His method to ignore the pain was like a beast, which was not supposed how the potion was supposed to be used.

It was supposed to be used for Dragon Emperors to have determination in the toughest times.

Whenever there was a famine, enemy attack, or anything that can affect the kingdom, the Emperor should think calmly and rationally.

That was how the potion was used.

However, Neel wanted to get rid of the increased sensitivity as soon as possible that is why he sacrificed his rationality and recklessly started completing his task faster than it was supposed to.

Neel did not like to bind himself.

That is why he was relentlessly completing his task without thinking of any other method.

That was why right now he was lusting on Amanda's womanly scent.

He didn't care about the consequences and put his hand on Amanda's thick thigh and squished it.

The moment his hand squished Amanda's thigh he felt a Euphoria.

All of his thoughts about 'how he should not do it.' were thrown in the trash.

He opened his eyes abruptly and saw a beautiful woman with a red dress sitting beside him.

Her face was as beautiful as the Moon itself, her brown hair, red lips, and hazel eyes as if a goddess has descended on the planet. And a womanly scent that will drive any man crazy.

Neel was completely lost in her beauty to the point he was drooling with saliva.

Neel's eyes turned slightly red and he looked at Amanda like a wolf was looking at its prey.

This made Amanda's worry increase many folds as she understood was the person in front of her was neither rational nor sane.

She was thinking of a way to help when suddenly Neel jumped at her and pinned her down.

His grip was firm to break the hand of any normal woman. But Amanda was strong enough to bear this.

She averted her gaze from Neel as she didn't like this Neel even a bit.

Noticing that he is being ignored and his prey was not submitting something happened to Neel and his eyes started stuttering from azure to red.

But the red light inside his eyes remained and he growled.

And Next second…