34. Rewards for his efforts. [2]

He took out the slip from his inventory and started reading the content that appeared on it after completing the task.

{Task status: Completed}


[How was it!!!!? HAHAHAHAH~

-Celestia (wink*)]

If the person who has completed the task has achieved the impossible.

Then to get the reward, please activate the given black box by putting it on the slip.

The black box will show you the correct directions.


"This Celestia!!! Ah! Just you wait!!!"

Neel was completely mad at this woman known as Celestia. At this point, he was not even controlling his anger.

'I will let this woman understand the pain I have gone through!'

This was the only thought he had right now.

Trying to calm he took out the black box from his inventory.

"Now that I look at this box, it sure is weird."

The box in Neel's hand was really weird.

It had a golden key attached to it. It was a rectangular and obsidian black box of the size of his palm.

This time Neel waited before taking any action like last time and his wait was not futile.

As a notification rang.


[Box of the lost]

A box that was created as a medium to travel from any place to its set location.

In dire times, when a person needs to travel back to his place in the fastest way possible this treasure is used.

This box opens a portal to travel to its set location.


"So this is like an emergency portal huh?"

Neel pondered for a while.

"Hmm… as much as I am tempted to use this, there is no information about where they will teleport me to."

This was important.

What if he gets into more trouble?

"But there is no way out of this desert."

Saying this he started looking around and sure enough, as far as his vision can see, there was only desert.

"Should I or should I not?"

That is the question.

He no longer trusted the game nor did he want to test his guts again.

"Well, maybe I should first look around."

This was better.

Before taking any step further first checking the surroundings was a better option.

And so he did. Putting everything back to inventory, he started walking in the East direction.

After walking around a thousand steps he stopped and looked back, and to his surprise, the shade and the statue of the old man were no longer visible.

"Ha… this is why deserts are troublesome."

He sighed as there was no way for him to get out of this desert without any map or direction guide.

After wandering around for some hours, he finally came to a decision.

"I think I should trust that box."

He once again took out the box and looked at it.

It gave him an ominous feeling.

"If push comes, I will just log out."

Once again saying the same words, he said before taking the potion of determination.

He took the box in his hand and walked back in the direction of the shed.

Once again he reached the shed, sat down, and took a deep breath.

"All is well… all is well… all is well…"

As if chanting a mantra he put his right hand on the left side of his chest and started muttering.

Neel took out the slip and put it down on the ground, then carefully took the box and put it on the slip.

He waited.

1 minute passed… 5 minutes passed… 15 minutes passed…

But nothing happened.


After getting impatient Neel looked at the box.

"Did it got damaged or does it not function properly anymore?"

Neel wondered.

He expected something big to happen immediately after he puts the box on the slip.

But to his surprise, nothing happened.

"Let's try again."

He once again put the box on the slip and started doing some weird actions.

"I think this thing will work on that magic power… what was it again?... hmm… anna? No no… ganna? Ranna? Manna? Yes, Mana! That is it! I should think about mana!"

He started imagining some colorful light orbs and magic energy…

But alas…

Even after an hour, nothing happened.

"What rubbish is this!"

He got frustrated… once again he started thinking that the game was pulling some prank on him.

However, just as he was about to log off and lash out his anger, something happened inside him.

His mind started calming down and became clearer.

"Ah…. So this is my ability."

He understood the meaning of his ability as his raging mind suddenly cooled down.


It was also at this moment he took notice of the small key attached to the black box.

"How dumb you have to be to not notice such an obvious thing?"

Neel sighed at his anger issues.

But was he really to blame?

An unknown company launches a too-good-to-be-true game, then he seeks adventure and joins the flow. However, from meeting other players, the elder and the old man the game was full of troublesome people.

Not only that but also when he finally got some breather the Potion of Determination made his life hell, even after he met with the majestic being he did not get time to even know about this game.

So his rational mind was dysfunctional.

"Calm down… Huu…"

Neel took another deep breath.

"All is well…"

He once again started to chant 'all is well' and after a minute or so he focused once again on the black box.

"And here goes nothing."

Just like the old toys, he rotated the golden key on the box until it no longer got rotated.

Then he placed the box on the slip and voila!

This time something happened.

The lid of the box opened and a doll wearing some robes got up from it.

The doll and Neel looked at each other.

Not knowing what to do next he just stared at the doll.

But the next moment.

"How was it!!!!? HAHAHAHAH~ (Wink*)"

The doll did the same as what appeared on the slip.

She laughed, teased Neel, and winked after doing it.


Neel once again lost to his anger and was about to pounce at that doll, then suddenly,

A portal appeared out of thin air and sucked Neel inside it together with the slip and the box.

This all happened so fast that Neel was unable to react.

A small fluctuation happened in the desert area and the traces of Neel were gone.

Once the portal disappeared the shed and the statue present there also disappeared. The area turned normal as if nothing happened.

All the beasts who were hiding their presence started showing up.

The sound of the desert air breeze was the only noticeable thing.

All the traces were gone.

Meanwhile, inside a dark black place, Neel was quite confused.

"What is this place?"