42. Double-Edged Sword. [2]

Ariel's words were confusing and she understood this. So she decided to open up a little more and make Neel understand in a much simpler way.

"You see Neel, the body refining is looked down on by almost everyone.

In Spiritual cultivation, the names are quite fancy and the same goes for their quick results. Even if you were to break through the first realm and become a G ranked, your life span increases by leaps and bounds.

Heaven's supremacy, heaven defying, heaven bending, hell twisting, this shit, and that shit. They got all sorts of cultivation techniques.

But in reality, all they use is the surrounding energy that they have stored inside their body.

However, body refining is different. As you refine your body to the point that it radiates its own light, a power created by the body itself and not the power of your surroundings.

I have some questions to ask you, but before that, I will clear your basics about the body refining and our technique."

"When the power was discovered, there were four majors who created their own cultivation arts and forms.

Celestial cultivation and body refining by gods.

Blood arts by Demons.

Soul Arts by Dragons.

Divine cultivation by Mortals.

And each major powerhouse crafted its secret arts and forms, which are hidden from the world.

You up with me?"

Ariel questioned to which Neel nodded.

"These all cultivation arts and forms have their limitations, pros, and cons.

To tackle this, my master, Celestia, and her best friend tried to find a solution.

Body refining does not require spiritual energy from surroundings to keep up with.

So my master and her friend traveled around the world and stumbled upon a treasure that helped them to create the SIMP body refining technique, which includes the best from each of these factions, powerhouses, and races."

Ariel suddenly stopped speaking took a sip of her coffee put down the cup and continued after wetting her throat.

"And that is why our body refining technique is different from common and is a double-edged sword.

As they were tired of normal cultivation and their limitations, the duo created their technique which will help them to create their energy."

Neel was listening to Ariel's every single word, with his heart in his ears.

"There are in total of 69 forms in the SIMP body refining technique.

Any virgin mortal can partake in our body refining but the problem occurs after the first 13 forms.

You see, this refining technique contains the best from all the techniques all around the world.

These 69 forms can make you an immortal and an opponent that even the creator will think hundreds of times before making an enemy out of.

These 69 forms consist of,

1 rhythmic and determination form,

3 logic and mental techniques,

5 laws defying techniques,

6 martial arts,

8 meditation forms,

10 movement techniques,

10 war arts and dance forms.

12 weapon arts.

13 virtues and sin-oriented arts and forms,

1 Mystery.

I can't tell you about the last form until you reach the 68th form.

As you have started with the 1 st form, you have entered the game.

You cannot practice any other technique until you have mastered all the 69 forms, you cannot satisfy your lust or anything until you complete the remaining 68 forms. That is the only catch of SIMP body refining technique."

Ariel had a stiff smile on her face.

Neel was left speechless.

He didn't know what to say!

It all escalated real quickly! From telling the history she just told him the catch within the flow.

It was the same feeling every salesperson gives. Telling the catch after the product is sold.

"S-so you mean to say I have to stay as I am, U-until I complete the remaining forms?"

Neel still asked in hope of he heard it wrong previously. Just a typical protagonist thing. Making the next person repeat.

"Well, how can I say this?...hm? Yeah! You have to stay a virgin until you complete the remaining forms… and that is why no one besides the three of us was able to learn this body refining technique.

And the problem we faced was a big one… those three things you brought here are related to that problem."

Ariel said while scratching her cheek, which looked so beautiful…

Neel shook his head to break out of her charm.

And looked at her with a serious gaze.

"I really can't do it?"

He asked Ariel once again for confirmation.

After all, he wanted to have his first time with Amanda!

What he will say to her?

"If you want your partner to die with their soul crumbling and turning into particles then you can go for as many rounds as you want."

Ariel said sarcastically.


Neel sighed and looked towards the sky, which was orange…

He remembered the face of a black-haired beauty, who had that seductive look on her face, clinging on to him and pressing her lips on his…

Those soft lips of hers which had strawberry flavor, those two womanly assets of hers pressing over his chest…

"Kehum… stop lusting over other women, you asshole!"

Ariel said with a domineering voice.

How can he think of another woman when he is sitting in front of her?!


Ariel snorted.

Neel was not so dense to not understand why Ariel reacted like that. But he still decided to play the ignorant character.

"So I have to complete those forms huh?"

Nodding his head Neel continued.

"Well, now that's sorted and I have basic knowledge of this all, I am partially satisfied, so go ahead and ask your questions."

Neel gave Ariel a dazzling smile which made the latter's heart skip a beat.

With slightly rosy cheeks Ariel spoke.

"How you came to Hestia from that planet?"

"Oh that, well I don't know the functioning but a company called 'INDRATH' brought a game to the market 'In-Game Online'. The helmet we wear helps us to visit Hestia."

Neel answered vaguely.

"But now that I think of it, I think they transport our souls or consciousness to Hestia, that's a hunch I have."

Ariel's eyes widened at this.

"Y-you know about those arrays?! Transferring souls from one place to another is utterly tedious, I am damn sure that guy should be the one behind this. Do you know anything more specific about hose helmets you wear?"

Ariel stood up and came closer to Neel and asked this question with sparkling eyes.

"No, I don't. As I said earlier, I had a hunch, but looking at you, it looks like I was right."

Neel said as he sipped the coffee from the same cup as Ariel's.

His actions were not intentional.

Ignoring it a sudden thought came into Neel's mind.

"Miss. Ariel, you said that souls can't touch or feel, then when I touched you, how was I able to feel you? Is the person you mention earlier also behind this?"

"Hahaha… it's because of the arrays and runes, I guess? Only someone of his level can do some shit like this. An old friend of mine. He was a child at the time I last met him… I think he must be pretty old now."

Ariel continued chatting, questioning, and answering.

Neel was getting all answers and more information about the SIMP body refining technique.

It was a nice experience to talk with Ariel. As if the both of them were on a date they continued to chat about small things.

Neel still wanted to ask about the history behind those three objects which she explicitly omitted and his future with the SIMP body refining technique. However, he decided to just simply chat with her.

Both of them were not interested in digging into each other's past.

Slowly but surely Neel was getting comfortable with Ariel and the same was happening to Ariel who had doubts about Neel. Although they kept a safe distance, they were still getting closer to each other.

Hours passed and a sudden thought struck Neel.

"Just a moment miss Ariel, I will be right back after telling Lucy that I will be here for a while. Otherwise, she will be worried sick."

Without waiting for Ariel's reply, Neel said.

"Log off."

A second passed, then a minute, but nothing happened.

It was at that moment… realization hit hard to Neel.


[A/N: If you have made this far in the novel please consider giving this author some power!]