43. Become my Partner.


Suddenly a thought struck Neel.

"log off."

Neel said out aloud.

A minute passed and Neel's face darken.

As nothing happened he started panicking.

"Miss. Ariel, if no one can enter this place without your master's permission, then is it the same for leaving this place?"

Neel asked with a long face.

"No. Master can only permit the entrance, if you have to leave this place you need to complete two tasks.

The first is to completely master 68 forms and the second is to complete a certain task that you are not eligible to know… not yet."


Neel muttered.

This was habitual for him.

To sum up his life 'From the frying pan into the fire' is more than enough.

That means he was stuck inside this place, and there was no way out until he completes 68 forms.

"H-how are Lucy and Amanda supposed to know that I am inside t-this w-world."

Neel's voice started to crack. He will be lying on the bed while wearing a helmet over his head, back on Earth all time until he can complete the task.

"I don't know how much helpful it is for you but our domain has a time difference."

Snapping Neel out of his thoughts, Ariel said while sipping her coffee. Enjoying the indirect kiss, with rosy cheeks she continued.

"You came from Hestia, right? So the time ratio will be a day in Hestia equals to twenty-four days in the Soul World."

Neel who heard this baffled.

"H-huh? Is the time different from every place?"

"Well, yes. There is a concept of gates, which you don't know and I don't want to explain. But to simplify, there is a difference in time through this gate from each place, the difference may increase or decrease according to the place where you enter from. So when a month passes in Hestia, we get two years here."

Ariel calmly said.

"Two days in Hestia are equal to one on Earth as well, so can I consider a month equal to four years here?"

Neel asked as he saw a small hope.

"Well yeah, you can consider. But the thing is even I took a few hundreds of years to learn those forms, and then millennia to master them.

You get what I mean?"

When Ariel said this Neel froze on the spot.


That was all he was able to say.

A few more hours passed, and Neel finally calmed down.

It was not the correct time, in fact, there was no time to waste.

"Miss. Ariel, how am I supposed to learn the further forms?"

Neel asked with a serious expression.

"Ah! Now that I think about it, I wanted to ask you something."

Ariel retrieved the things she got from Neel.

"Do you know what this bottle had inside?"

She asked.

"Yes, mythical grade potion of determination."

Neel answered.

"Right, so tell me honestly did you complete the task and not cheated?"

Ariel's question dumbfounded Neel.

"What do you mean?! I have been answering you honestly this all time!"

Neel got angry.

'Is this woman serious?' He thought inwardly.

They have been talking for hours now, so he had a good impression of Ariel, but her sudden distrust made Neel angry.

"Well, I can say you are not lying but it's hard to believe, and when I know that the effect of this potion can be nullified, asking this question is only natural."

Ariel said with a straight face.

Because it was true, that the effect of the potion can be nullified.

"What?! The effect can be nullified? Then why I was not informed about it?"

Neel looked at Ariel and started shouting.

"I fucking took that shit at 20 times sensitivity! God Damn! If I knew I would have already nullified it!"


Ariel once again had a dumbfounded expression.

"W-wait… you just completed the task… at only 20 times sensitivity? That fast?"

"Yeah! I did not sleep! Traveled from Hestia to Earth and back to Hestia! The amount of time I vomited was so insane! I nearly died a few times!"

Neel's anger was on the seventh heaven.

"And that bitch left this doll for me! God damn, I am serious when I am going to meet her!"

Neel didn't complete his sentence. He doesn't need to.

Ariel who saw this gulped hard.

'Master I hope, you never come back here… otherwise,"

Ariel thought as she saw Neel rubbing his hands in anticipation.

"Just to confirm, can you show me the first form?"

Ariel asked in a low voice.

"Huh? Then after that, you better help me get out of this place."

"Oh! Sure, sure."

Neel took out his upper clothes.

As Ariel had already given him new and different robes.

His muscular body was revealed.

After doing some basic stretching he closed his eyes.

Neel found himself inside a room filled with darkness. But it didn't matter to him. His target was to show her his best.

He took the stance and started.

Holding each form for 5 seconds, after correct 1 minute he did 1 Surya Namaskar.

But he did not stop there. As the main goal of Surya Namaskar is to show rhythm and accuracy, one has to do a complete set of 12 Surya Namaskar. And so he did.

Without breaking the rhythm he started with the second one.

Perfect 12 minutes later,

Neel's body was sweating profoundly, and he opened his eyes.

Looked around the surroundings.

And it was then he found out.

The previously pitch black dark room was not dark anymore.

There was the sun rising in front of him, filling the room with light. Orange-red light. Destroying the darkness completely and filling every space with light.

This was enlightenment.

A soft and satisfied smile appeared on his face. And as if replying to his smile, the light particles started dancing around his body.


Waking Neel out of his focused state was a loud thud sound.

Neel looked and saw, that Ariel had fallen on her butt and looked at him with disbelief.

"Y-you! H-how the fuck you mastered the first form so fast!?"

Neel only tilted his head at her question.

"I just completed the task."

That was the only answer Neel thought at that time.


'Just who is he!'

Ariel thought while pulling her blonde hair and biting her nails.

There was a comedic history to the task that Neel completed.

At the time when Celestia and Agatha mastered the 68 forms, they required a male to help them complete the 69th form.

And there was no problem in males lining up to join their body refining technique.

When people heard that the two celestial beauties were going to teach them the body refining technique they all came to join.

But they all were incompetent.


No one was able to complete the simple task given by Celestia and Agatha.

These all courting young masters were utterly useless. As the first norm to become a disciple was to be a virgin, these young masters were removed without any problem.

But when the duo realized that people were complaining, they simply put a challenge, to shoo this pest away.

And it was the same challenge Neel truly completed.

A challenge they put forward to hurt the male ego, the moment people heard the name of the potion they simply rejected it.

Celestia and Agatha were picky about males. They didn't want pushovers. They wanted a true man, who can take the challenge and complete it.

As the potion of determination was a mythical treasure people didn't know about its nullification property.

And that is why what Neel did was truly monstrous.

"Listen Neel."

Ariel said while composing herself.

Neel gave her hand to stand up.

"I will teach you the remaining forms… but promise me one thing."

Ariel waited for Neel's reply.

"What is it?"

Neel asked.

"Become my partner afterward."


[A/N: Smooth~]