Threw Sew Art Skill

The more she explained the more he got it until he nodded.

'Those Skills I created are all Spells but because I didn't truely grasped them they are now mere Skills I can spam. but why is Illusory N'day Steps a Spell!'

Seth pondered.

As he thought about the process and the items he used, some kind of knowledge began to enter his head.

The Sun Moon flower meaning, the Insect that feeds on them, the Void Leaf and the rest of the items' meaning and functions seemed to unravel in his head but also cloudy.

The easiest way one needed to understand was as if he was being educated about what constitutes a machine and their whole functions.

Seth felt his head throb and also his Lava Scripture in his stone heart heat up. More than that, the Blood Aura Pathways glow and sting him.

Worse, his Pure White Stone Will kinda crumbled more before it returned to normal as his head cleared and his eyes widened, staring but unfocused to his hand.