Bloodline Merchant

Seth wants to use his art in combat but he can already see many problems stemming from that desire.

He sighed and shook away from that focus. He then noticed the variety of canvas and papers.

Without wasting time, Rena began to explain their materials and what they are good at. A lot of them were made from the skin of various animal, including Gawee Beasts and Monsters

There were also a few from Menos and Medos. Then from the pulp of trees.

"The best way for me to develop was to study and learn about them and then attempt to replicate them!" Rena explained.

Seth nodded as he observed them and felt them with hands and Aura Sense. He added his own insight and they set a goal of 6 days.

They were at that when Zambia and Skylar came to him. They greet and talk for some time before they request bloodlines.

"Well, I have some."

"You should ask for Gawee Coins as the currency. It's universal in all of Amma!" Rena said.