The surprise was unbearable. Jena was standing there even though she was supposed to be in Giba, yet down her trademark ponytail and flowing smoothly her long black hair, which was in pair with the ranger clothing that she wore. And with her to be disguising herself as Carta, too many questions had overflowed Ahli's mind at the same time.
"...What are you doing here? What's with Carta? Were you here this whole time?"
A smile on her face had been decorating her face since the reveal, yet Ahli did not feel comfortable with it as it was not the same smile that he knew of her. This one felt wicked, like a side of her that he never saw just popped out of the closet and ready to kill.
"Whoa…so many questions there…"
She stopped and stood beside the edge of the pond, kneeling, touching its water and said, "...But I'll answer you…"
Turning her head at him, she then continued, "So, which one do you want to hear first?"