His date

I returned home by 6pm. I spent the whole day playing and eating with Anna. She is so nice and fun.

I managed to go my room feeling heavy. I moved to the bar and grabbed a drink. I heard alcohol lightens the system.

I grabbed one and drank directly from the bottle. It tasted so nice. I read the name after so much efforts. Cocktail.

I kept drinking until I became drunk in few minutes. Don't blame me, I've never taken alcohol before. I felt bile rise in my throat and ran to threw up. I went straight to bed afterwards.

I felt a tap and opened my eyes to see Shugar. I glanced at the time. 11:30 pm. Why is she still awake by this time?.

"Go freshen up and meet me in my room. You have thirty minutes" She said and left. Today is certainly cursed! I grumpily stood up.

I freshened up and went to meet her all dressed in a glittering red mini dress.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she forced me to sit in front of the mirror. Everything is just weird.

"It's Splash night silly and you are going to be Canaan's date. It starts by midnight but since when do we go early for anything? " She shrugged.

Wait... What!! A party at midnight? Scratch that, she said I'm Canaan's date?. I must be in the wrong dream.

"No.. I don't want to go. I'm not a party type and I want to sleep and... "

" Seriously?! After everything, are you really going to say no to me? " She asked making a puppy face. I couldn't talk. Cuteness runs in this family. She proceeded to make me up.

She made it simple but stunning and packed my hair too. She took her time to teach me how to work in heels until I got it.

"I don't have anything to wear" I confessed and she smiled. She pointed to her bed and I saw ten boxes.

She ordered dresses for me?. She really planned this, didn't she?. She opened all so we could pick the perfect dress.

The first was a black mini dress which I rejected at once. She brought out a blue fish tail dress. It was beautiful but I didn't like it.

We kept criticizing the dresses until we got to the purple one. I tried it on. It hugged every part of my body, bringing out my curves.

It had a split up to my mid thighs, exposing my legs. It was strapless with a deep v-cut that stopped below my cleavage, giving an enticing view of my boobs.

It had pretty silver stones on it and that was what brought out the beauty. I liked it immediately though I felt a little bit uncomfortable. I wore silver heels.

"So this is what you hide beneath those baggies. I'm so jealous right now. Canaan has to see this" She giggled. I timidly followed her downstairs.

He was on the couch with his phone. He wasn't dressed though. Just white shorts and a body warmer.

As we descended, he glanced our way. His eyes swept through me. His eyes didn't leave until we were right infront of him.

"So, how does she look?" Shugar asked. I got ready to digest his insult but I stared down shyly, avoiding his gaze.

"Well...shy and still short...." He walked to me and lifted my face. I gulped nervously.

"But absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful. Stunning. What other word is there?".

I blinked twice. Am I hearing things?.

" I'll go change" He said simply and walked away like he didn't just complement me few seconds ago. Or maybe he didn't.

It was probably my imagination. I watched him ascend the stairs and Shugar squealed beside me. Okay, it wasn't an imagination.

I know I should be happy but it was weird coming from him. Then it hit me. He said it because of Shugar. He knew she would kill him if he said something else.

"I need to go. Canaan will bring you, okay?" She said, pecking me quickly. I wanted to go with her. It would be safer with someone who actually cared.

He finally came down and my jaw dropped. He was clad in a stripped purple and white designer suit. I don't know how he did it but his hair was now white and it brought out his charming eyes. Premiers deserve a lot more than they are getting. Their designs are on a different level.

"When you're done staring, meet me in the car" He said, walking pass me. He was back to being grumpy. I followed him quietly.

He dismissed the driver and guards and got into the Tesla. I entered and fiddled with my fingers as he drove. I was very nervous.

I kissed my bracelet. It's another thing I got from my parents and it helps a lot in calming me down. I shut my eyes feeling a bit better.

"Relax, Kim. Your nervousness will get us killed" He said and I found myself chuckling. Did he just say that to calm my nerves?.

I glanced at him but he was intentionally avoiding my gaze. I smiled and stared out the window. My jaw dropped as we reached the exotic hotel.

The mere sights of the cars made me cringe. There were mostly the ten most expensive cars in the world. He parked and got out, I swallowed, unable to move.

My door opened and he offered his hand. I slowly took it as he helped me out.

I shifted closer to him as I saw the paparazzi. I held on tightly to his arm as we approached them. I felt eyes boring holes into my skin.

"Breathe, Kim. They don't bite. Just smile and pretend they are made of toilet papers" He whispered.

" Toilet what?" I laughed. He shrugged and ignored the reporters. I felt as ease as we walked pass them, ignoring their questions.

Inside was designed like a dinner party. I thought Belle said it was a pool party. He smiled at a few celebs and snubbed the rest as he led me to a table.

He pulled out a seat and sat, ignoring me. Seriously?. I pulled mine and sat too.

"Care for wine?" He asked popping one that looked like water.

"Is that water?. I don't want to get drunk" I said and he rolled his eyes. He poured for me and I tasted it.

"This isn't water" I muttered drinking more.

"Ofcourse it's not. It's white wine. Finish up, let's go to the pool. Can you swim?" He asked and I nodded, filling the glass again.

He glared as I finished it and refilled the glass again.i finally followed him to the pool where I saw a lot of celebrities.

Most of them were already in swim suits and lingeries. Some were swimming in the large pool while others were chatting and giggling on the floor.

I saw Annabelle and left Canaan to meet her. On my way, some female celebs trapped me and started complementing my dress. I smiled as they talked.

"What's your name?" One asked. I told them Ariel and they started asking questions about Canaan which made me a bit uncomfortable.

I eye searched for him and found him with Cheng and Kim Hyuk. Mi Rae was with them but Canaan was barely giving her attention.

"So do you share a bed with him? I would faint if I had the opportunity" Another said and we giggled. They seemed to love him. Well who doesn't?.

"I would try my luck but he's a snub. Aside that, Mi Rae would probably have my head but I like you" Keera said and I smiled shyly.

" I like you too and I like the pool too. I really want to swim but I don't have a swim suit" I pouted and they laughed.

They teased me to ask Canaan and I went to him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked and I shook my head. I noticed a lot of eyes on us so I whispered to him and he rolled his eyes.

"I'll take you to change. The trunks are probably...."

" I'll take her" Mi Rae said suddenly, interrupting him. His expression was skeptical but he nodded.

As I followed her, I noticed Shantel and two other girls join us. I tried to think positive.

I felt uneasy as we got to a dark hallway. Where are we going? One of them grabbed my wrist roughly and my bracelet fell off. I couldn't tell whi it was because of the dim lights.

"Please let me go" I pleaded but I got a slap.

" How dare you get close to my Canaan like that! Can't you tell when someone's off limits?. The guts! What's your stupid name anyway?" mi Rae huffed. I could recognize her voice.

"A-Ariel" I stuttered.

"Now isn't that a nice name?. I hope after this you will learn to dream within your level" Shantel said.

They dragged me somewhere and pushed a door open. The cold hit me and I gasp in realization. It's a freezer room!.

"Please don't..." I pleaded.

"We'll think about it" One said and pushed me in. The door jammed immediately. I banged the door and screamed.

I pleaded but no one answered me. I shivered as the cold was becoming unbearable. I curled up, trying to feel a little warmth but it wasn't working.

I was freezing. I suddenly remembered my phone and pulled it out of my pocket. It was almost dead but I couldn't loose hope yet.

Canaan's number was the only thing in my head at the moment. I called him.

"Help please... Help..." I managed to say before blacking out.