We tried our best

~Mi Rae~

I went back to Canaan wearing a confused face. His eyes scanned around for the Ariel girl. I almost rolled my eyes. Does Hecate about her?. I stood beside him but he was busy searching. Who is she to him? Is she so important that her absence is making him restless?. Why would he look for someone else when I'm right beside him?.

He returned to his gaze to me questionably. I stared back with raised brows.

"Where Is she?" He asked.

"I thought you were together" I shrugged. He narrowed his eyes.

"Obviously we aren't".

"Where could she be then?. I directed to her to the restroom cause she was pressed but I left to check for a perfect swimsuit for her. When I got back, I couldn't find her. I thought she came back and.... "

" What nonsense are you saying? Where's she?" Canaan snapped, interrupting me. I blinked rapidly. I didn't want to believe it. Did he really snap at me because of some girl he came with?. He couldn't possibly care about her. Canaan doesn't even care about himself.

"I don't know. I left to get a swimsuit for her. I thought she came back but obviously I was wrong. I don't think there is need to panic though. I will search for her" I assured him, inwardly hoping she would freeze to death in there.

Canaan however, wasn't buying it. He walked pass me quickly and Cheng followed. I smirked. By the time they find her, she'll probably be dead. I trailed after them.

Canaan checked all the rooms while Cheng checked downstairs. I pretended to check the hallway while watching them secretly. I watched him ruffle his hair and suck his lip aggressively.

That single gesture turned me on. He pushed the hair away from his face and sighed. I guess things are not going the way he hoped. Cheng came back.

"I can't find her. I checked all the rooms there and asked a few people but no one saw her. " He said.

"Let's check the other side" He suggested and I frowned. That's where she is.

"Only the store and freezer rooms are there. Why would she be there?" I asked.

"That's right... But how do you know that?" He asked and I gulped. I glanced at Canaan but he was busy trying her number.

"Any luck?" I asked instead but he didn't reply me. His eyes were fixed on his phone as he started walking down the hallway.

Cheng and I exchanged glances before following him. I got close enough to steal a glance at his phone. My eyes widened. He is tracking her phone!

This is bad! This is bad! I tried to talk him out of it but he suddenly broke into a run towards the freezer room. I guess the stupid phone finally pinned her location.

Fortunately, the door was locked and the key was with me. I smirked as I washed them try in vain to get it open. That girl must freeze to death.

"Hold on a bit. It's locked and we can't get it open without a key. I'll rush down quickly and get it" Cheng said so quickly that we barely heard him as he ran down.

Canaan paced around restlessly. He ruffled his hair repeatedly, cussing inaudibly. Cheng ran to us minutes later with a key. I seethed inwardly. Ofcourse they would have a spare key!

Cheng barely opened the door when Canaan rushed in. The cold hit us. Now that is promising. I walked in behind Cheng and they tried to find her in the foggy room.

It didn't take long cause she was close to the door. Her phone lay beside her half frozen body. Canaan carried her immediately while Cheng picked her phone.

I scoffed inwardly and shut the door. My plan would have worked out if not for that stupid gem phone.

I watched him run downstairs with her. Does he like her?. Why is he so worried about her?.

As I tried to catch up, I stepped on something. I stopped and picked it up. A bracelet. I was almost sure it was hers. It was made of shells with written letters that formed the word 'ARIEL'. It even had a mermaid on it.

I guess even if you do save her this time, I will still find her. Her face did look familiar but I couldn't remember where exactly I saw it. The makeup didn't make it easier either. None of it mattered anyway, this bracelet would do the job.

Finding her won't be easy but, if she attends ABD then I don't have to worry.

By the time I got to my car, Canaan was already leaving. I got into my car and instructed my driver to follow them. He had to put up extra speed to catch up with Canaan.

I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the jealousy even if it was threatening to tear me apart.

She's probably as good as dead anyway. If she truly means a lot to him then this will work better than killing Shugar.

Shantel's call came in. Right on cue, I thought swiping the answer button.

"Where are you, Rae? Everything is in motion and....."

" There's been a change of plans. Leave Shugar alone for now, we've got better things to handle" I said.

" What is that supposed to mean?" She asked. I could tell she was displeased.

" Canaan found her and he's taking her to the hospital. She looks dead but one can never be too sure. I need to be there inorder to control the situation" I explained.

" Alright. I'll tell the girls to stand down but make sure you bed that man. He's going to need it" She said and I laughed.

" Yes Captain".

I didn't notice the driver had stopped until I hung up. Canaan's car was ahead but empty. I stepped out and walked into the hospital.

By the time I got in, she was already taken to the emergency ward. I sat quietly, studying Canaan who suddenly looked like he didn't care.

I don't just understand him. One minute, he seems pained, the next, he's acting like nothing happened.

After few hours, the doctor came in and we rushed to him.

"You brought her a bit late. We tried our best.."