"What does the fastest man alive do on his day off?" Barry asks himself. "Before the lightning bolt, if I wasn't still at the crime lab, I'd be at home chilling, but now my days off are different. Now they aren't so lonely. The lightning didn't just give me speed. It also gave me friends." He says as he plays chess against Lady Macanese, the both have superspeed so it also helped train him.
"This isn't even remotely anatomically correct." Caitlin complained to Cisco who just rolled his eyes as he laid against the table and looked at the two playing.
"That's not the point, Dr. Snow." Macanese informed her as she made another move, making herself closer to beating Barry in the chess game.
"Then what is the point?" Caitlin questioned.
"To have fun." Cisco answered so that Macanese could concentrate on beating Barry, who he focused on what he was going to say. "And to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask. "I'm waiting on you, Dr. Wells." He finished.
"182 seconds, gentlemen and women. " He said. Macanese and Barry looked at each other intensely, both wanting to win the match.
"Heads up! I think we got something." Cisco suddenly exclaimed, looking at the monitors which were linked to the CCPD network.
"2-11, 2-11. We're being robbed!" A random voice said coming through the comm system, a voice that was from the police radio, turns out they had patched into it without Barry or CCPD knowing.
"Hey, cool it." Cisco warns them as the chess board starts to heat up due to the kinetic energy that both the speedsters let off when they were playing, especially as they were using some of their Superspeed when playing.
"158 seconds to go." Dr Wells tells them, looking at the timer on the screen that was connected to his wheelchair.
"Checkmate." Macanese cheers with joy written on her face. Barry looks at her skeptically.
"Wait, checkmate?" He baffles. Macanese chuckles.
"Checkmate." She conforms. Her face was happy and showing no quilt in beating Barry, who on many occasions had said that he was smarter than her. Well he wasn't when they did things at their new speed.
"I guess we still have a few things left to learn, don't we, Mr. Allen?" Dr Wells asks. Barry hangs his head low and nods
Barry stops putting at his loss when he gets a call from Joe, to which he almost automatically picks it up. "Armed robbery at 4th and Collins." Joe informs him before hanging up. Barry looks up at them and runs to the door before stopping and turning around.
"For the record, I crushed it in operation and ping pong." Macanese reviews the footage of Barry failing terribly at what should be such an easy game. "It's not as easy as it looks." video Barry admits, then Macanese shuts off the recording and looks back up at Barry. He gives her the stink eye before running off. When he gets to the robbery in process on the highway he sees that one of the robbers had lost their mask. He looks at him as another guy tries to take the driver out of the truck. When the driver doesn't oblige he shoots him, Barry was so unfocused that he didn't realize. But when he regained his bearings he ran over to the injured driver and picked him up before speaking in the comm system. "Ugh! Where's the nearest hospital?'' He asks them.
"St. Andrews... Seven blocks north, two east." Cisco answers.
"Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW." Barry replies before running him to the hospital. Later that day Barry arrives at the precinct where they are going over the evidence that they had found at the crime scene.
"Tow truck was stolen." A cop says looking over the information on a tablet. "Driver of the armored car is in a stable condition at St. Andrews, and no one's exactly sure how he got there." Barry smiles, knowing that he was the one that had saved the guy's life.
"Did you check the security cameras?" Captain Singh asked.
"Camera's storage drive was stolen. Guys are pros." He answers. "Though everything's still here, including what I think they were after, the Kahndaq dynasty diamond. It was on its way to the central city museum for exhibition."
"Right, Iris is trying to talk me into going with her and Atchaco. Though I'm not much of a museum guy, but when she really wants to do something…" Barry stops what he was saying and slowly backs away. "I'm just going to walk away now." Joe sighs and Barry walks over to the captain. "Sorry, captain. I was at the hospital visiting a friend." He tells him. He gives him a look of understanding and then goes back to what he is doing,which at this case is what they found out at the crime scene.
"There's nothing missing." One of the cops. "It looks like someone interrupted a robbery. Guard says there were three of them."
"Actually, there were four." Barry interrupted before realizing what he had said and quickly coming up with an excuse to how he knew that. "I mean, that's how many I would bring if I were doing a robbery of this nature. That's definitely a four guy truck. A driver, two more to cover the guards, and... Somebody used liquid nitrogen to crack open this door, so four bad guys." He sheepishly finishes.
"Thank you, Mr. Allen, for your brilliant insight." Captain Singh compliments before Barry and Joe walk off to the side.
"For somebody so fast, you're a little slow at improvising." Joe warns him, Barry sighs, he already knows that, Macanese has told him before. They both walk up into Barry's lab and lean on one of the tables in there so they can talk about Barry's alter ego involvement without the worry of someone else dropping in on what they are saying. "Did you see anything that could help us catch these guys?" He asks, changing the topic so that Barry no longer feels uncomfortable.
"Yeah, one of them lost his mask. I saw his face." Barry informs him.
"So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted, and see if you can find our guy." Joe says as if he was stating the obvious.
"That's him." Barry says after a few seconds of skimming through the pages at superspeed before landing on who he had saw.
"Damn. Leonard Snart." Joe says.
"Leonard?" Macanese questions, walking into the room. "That's almost as bad as Bartholomew, almost but nothing is as bad as Bartholomew. Take that from the person named CyAmze-Atchaco-Leigh." Barry shrugged. "Snart ain't sexy, either."
"Snart's father was a cop…" Joe continues from where he left off before Macanese interrupted him. "Was a bad cop. Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison." He informs them.
"Snart's dad's in prison too? We should start a club." Barry jokes.
"He shows up, like, every six months." Macanese says, internally searching up his criminal record and active records on cyberspace and through any cameras. "He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move. Then, he does the job... Gets away."
"That's before The Streak was around." Barry says.
"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" Joe questioned. Barry just shrugged.
"I referred to The Streak, which I'm pretty sure I can top. I've been thinking of a new name. What do you think about The Fla…" He stops as Iris walks into the room.
"Coffee break." She says holding out drinks for them. "Thought I would bring Central City's finest java over to Central City's finest. I don't have one of you, Lady Macanese." She does an awkward bow and Barry raises an eyebrow of confusion at her. "She's the goddess of the Multiverse, I'm pretty sure you are meant to bow down or something to her."
"You are right, I am the goddess of the Multiverse, and unlike those before me, I feel uncomfortable when people bow or treat me as a higher status figure. Just because I am. Doesn't mean I want to feel like it. In my opinion, everyone one is equal to the other. We should not treat anyone other than such." Iris nervously smiles." It's okay, you didn't know and therefore did nothing wrong. Not that in any circumstance would you be, plus not having to also saves you some form of embarrassment. Thanks for the thought and drinks about them. I am off caffeine anyway and therefore not bothered by you not getting me any." They exchange a nod of understanding and Macanese goes and stands outside the room as Joe goes back down to his desk, keeping an eye out, she always cares so much about the two of them anyway, they are like one big, messed up, happy family.
"My dad's been mad at me ever since I told him about me and Eddie." Iris tells Barry.
"No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him." Barry replies.
"Uh, first, that sounds like you're taking his side, and second, do you know how he does this whole, "I'm not talking to you, but I have a whole bag full of judgmental looks I'm gonna try out on you later" yeah, I've been on the receiving end of those a few times." She argues, Barry sighs, he isn't taking Iris's side, he is just giving her an option. "Speaking of communications, or lack thereof, after all of these journalism classes, I got an idea. Huh. I started a blog." She informs him.
"All right, what's it about?" Barry askes, semi-interested. "Your brownie obsession?" He sasses. "'Cause, you know, you probably shouldn't broadcast that."
"No, something important." She answers. "Something that Central City needs to know about, The Streak. He's out there, Barry. Rumor has it, he stopped an armed car robbery earlier. I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and…" Barry shook his head."
"What? I'm not at liberty to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you." He sighed.
"Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth?" She snarked.
"Take it from someone who's been investigating the impossible since they were 11." He says. "Blogging about this is only gonna bring the crazies to your front door."
"My blog is anonymous." She reassures him.
"All right, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe. You never know what kind of weirdos are out there trolling on the internet." Barry warns her.
"I can vouch for that. The internet is full of weirdos and nerd rage... Lots and lots of nerd rage." A woman said as she walked into the room. The rest of them chuckle before she introduces herself. "Hi. Felicity Smoak."
"Iris West." She said holding out her hand, which Felicity shook.
"Barry Allen." Barry said. "But you both already knew that. Felicity is…"
"The girl that you met in Starling City, the computerer, right?" Iris questioned, stopping Barry from saying whatever he was going to say." You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases."
"Which, long story short, was definitely explainable." Felicity says. "Also the cyborg out there, who's that?"
"They are Lady CyAmze Macanese, a Muliversal Goddess." Barry replied without batting an eye and in a tone that makes them assume that she is nothing more than they are, as if it is normal to have the goddess of the multiverse just standing outside your door keeping an eye on you.
"So the lightning came through here?" Felicity asks, waving a hand around the room, also seemingly unfazed by who Barry just said was outside the door. Barry nods and she continues to look around. Across the city Snart is talking to a bunch of men, possibly the men that were helping him steal from the armored car.
"There's been some rumors the last few weeks. People saw a red blur tearing through the streets. What the hell is it, man?" One of the thugs asked, generally confused.
"Maybe it was a drone. Some top secret army thing." Another one of the thugs answered.
"When I was a kid, my grandfather used to take my sister and me to this diner, the motorcar." Snart started. "Food was for crap, but the view was great, right across from the Central City precinct. I still go there. I listen to their radios. I learn their response times." He informs them. "There are 40 banks in Central City, each of them within 60 seconds of police response. That's the advantage of hitting a moving target. Once the armored car called 911, we had 182 seconds before any cop could be on the scene." He excitedly continues. "No one could have gotten there fast enough to stop us. But something did, and you lost your cool. You know the rules. We don't shoot guards or cops unless it's the only option. We don't need the heat."
"The heat? What the hell do you think the blur is, Snart?" He argues. "Right. Screw this. Screw you. I'm out." He goes to leave but Snart shoots him and he falls limp to the ground.
"Well, if you're out, you're out." He tells his limp form. "This blur is a man." He tells the others, sure of his judgement. "We're gonna have to up our game."
Back at Barry's lab at CCPD, Felicity is inspecting her surroundings. "Iris seems very nice." She tells him. "And really pretty. Like, super pretty. Congratulations."
"Well, Iris isn't my girlfriend." Barry tells her. "My girl is the cybernetic goddess you passed walking into the room." He informs her. "She's just a friend who actually has a boyfriend."
"Oh, that's…" She struggles to find the right word. "Interesting, I guess." She finally says.
"What are you really doing here?" Barry asked. "I mean, it's good to see you, but do you and Oliver need something, or…" Barry wondered.as they walked through the city.
"No, no, I came because I wanted to see you." She reassured him, she didn't need him worried about something that wasn't happening in his city, his messed up and powerfilled city. "I heard you were out of the coma. Didn't call, didn't write, didn't race over…" She laughed.
"Oliver told you?" Barry asked, hoping that Oliver hadn't, as he had not warned him of such doings.
"Honestly, I heard you two talking on that rooftop in Starling City that night." She joked. "I want to see it. And by "it," I mean your speed, in case you thought I was talking about something else, which I... which I was not." She hesitantly finishes.
"Okay. Okay, you see that building?" Barry points up to the top of the tall building that they had stopped by.
"Uh-huh." She says.
"Keep your eyes on it." He tells her as he takes her phone. "Whoo-hoo! Whoa." He says as he super speeds up the building, stopping at the top of a nanosecond, taking a picture of Felicity and running back down. Felicity gasps the moment Barry comes running back down and to beside her. Then he hands her phone back to her as she looks at it amazed.
"You took a picture of me?" She quivered. "From the top of that building?" She pointed upwards.
"Yeah." Barry confirmed. "Don't Instagram that." He tells her.
"Unbelievable." She admits. They both look at each other and chuckle before she suddenly points down at Barry's feet. "Your shoes are smoking." She warns him. Barry looks down at his feet casually and puts out the flames.
"That... that's fine." He reassures her. "It's... it happens sometimes. That's why I have a friction-proof suit."
"Where did you get that?" She wonders as they start to walk back.
"I'll show you." Barry tells her to which her face transforms into a huge grin. As if she was a kid who had just been told he was going to a candy shop. A little while later Barry has shown her around most of STAR Labs while telling her a little bit about what they are doing here. "And this is where my team monitors the police bands for criminal activity." He finishes off as they walk into the Cortex where the others are.
"We can track anything that's happening in the city." Macanese says with a smug look on her face. "Check this out. We've got our own satellite." She goes to show her the images but Felicity stops her.
"I know. I've hacked into it from time to time." She admits. "Was a little bit hard which is impressive but I still did.
"Yeah, it would be hard to hack, it goes through my cybernetic security protocols, then the primary STAR Laboratory security measures and then through the on board Satellite maintenance firewalls to get to the motherboard. And… wait rude." Macanese finishes as she understands what Felicity said.
"It is, of course, so wonderful to see you again, Felicity." Cisco's greets,he the turns to Barry. "I'm just wondering how much of our operation she needs to know about."
"I'm really good at keeping secrets." She comforts them.
"Yeah, Felicity works with The Arrow." Barry says, backing her up.
"Sweet." Cisco says as Felicity looks at Barry sternly.
"And you apparently are not." Felicity says.
"Now it's all making sense." Macanese admits.
"You know who The Arrow is?" Felicity asks Macanese, though she kind of already knows that there is a high chance that she does.
"Wait, do you know who The Arrow is?" Macanese smirks.
"Uh... Let's just say that my team has a similar set up, but with... More pointy objects." She tells them.
"Welcome, Ms. Smoak." Dr Wells greats holding out his hand.
"Dr. Wells?" She questioned, unsure if what was happening was real or not or just a dream, but either way she shook his hand. "The Dr. Wells?" She repeats. Dr Wells chuckles, he understood why she acted like this, if his research was correct he was the person that helped inspire her to be who she is today.
"Please, call me Harrison, Felicity." He answers.
"Oh, you know who I am?" She questions.
"Ranked second in the national informative technology competition at age 19, graduated M.I.T. With a masters degree in cyber security and computer sciences." He answers. "I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. It's what brought me Cisco, Caitlin, and I foresaw great things from you."
"Speaking of great things, want to see something cool?" Cisco asks.
"How fast can they run?" Felicity asks as she watches Barry have his shot breaking this sound barrier while running on the treadmill.
"Barry hasn't reached his top speed yet, theoretically speaking." Dr Wells informs her. "And Macanese, we theorize that she might not have a top speed due to alien biology, cybernetics and enhancements within the basic structure of her body. Higher metabolic and cellular division rate as well as bionic attachments. Her body will be able to handle higher velocities than Barry would ever be able to. So we might never really know, for either of them actually."
"So is he really okay?" She asks.
"His heart rate is within normal range for him." Dr Wells replies.
"No, I mean, the lightning bolt changed him. Do any of you really know how much?" Felicity questioned further.
"We know a fair amount." He admits.
"If everything about him is sped up, is he going to age faster?" She wonders, scared as to what could happen to Barry. "What would happen if he ran too fast? I mean, would he just be running, and then, poof, he's dust in a red costume?"
"Everything we do here at S.T.A.R. Labs is to protect Barry Allen and Lady Macaese. Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here." He says as Barry's voice fills her ears.
" Want to see how fast I can run backwards?
"Don't worry. He heals quickly too." Cisco reassures her.
At the Central City museum Joe is looking around the mess of a crime scene that Sbart had made as he talks to his partner Eddie. "Eh, I don't get it. Why would Snart come here?" Eddie asks as they walk around the crime scene and inspect everything.
"Snart's been deterred before, but once he goes after something, he doesn't stop until he gets it, ever." Joe tells him.
"Joe, I want you to know that I'm really serious about Iris. She's an amazing woman, and I can really see myself…" Eddie starts to say as they finish up what they are doing.
"I ever tell you about that wild night I had on my last day of college?" Joe asks, already knowing what the answer will be.
"I don't think so." Eddie replied.
"No? Not even after we kicked back a few beers after work?" Joe questions, trying to prove a point.
"We've never done that." Eddie reminded him, not that he needed reminding.
"Oh, right." Joe says sarcastically. "That's the things I do with my friends, and since we've never done those things we ain't friends. So there's actually no reason I need to know about your dating life." He admits.
"I just don't want my personal relationship with your daughter to affect our working relationship." He tells him.
"It ain't about you, Eddie." Joe admits to him. "It's about her. So as long as we don't talk about you and her, we will be cool. Maybe we should just listen to the radio." He reaches for the power button and presses play, suddenly a love song fills the air. They look at each other and Joe quickly turns it off. "Quiet is good." He says and focuses back on driving.
"Thank you." Eddie says.
"Yeah. Hey, you two." Iris says shouting at Felicity and Barry.
"Hey. We're not two." Barry says, correcting her. Though he already knows how Iris wants to see the two of them, even if they both know that he is in love with another woman.
"Oh, no. We are one and one. Yeah. Has Barry been showing you some of the sights in Central City? Yes, I have seen some pretty amazing things. Really? Well, if you've got some time, maybe we can show you some of Central City's nightlife. Oh, no. I get plenty of nightlife in Starling City.
"Oh, this is something that I don't think that you're gonna want to miss." Iris tells her. "Trivia night at Jitters. Eddie's not really excited about it, I admit. But it could be our night, guys. Our night to win $75 worth of cappuccinos."
"Uh, yum." Felicity says her intelligence will give her an upper hand and she does love cappuccinos. "You know what, I'm gonna go call work, check in, make sure everything's okay. I'll be back in a second." She tells them and goes away to talk to her boss.
"Why are you doing this?" Barry asks Iris.
"Doing what?" She says confused.
"The trivia night with you and Eddie, forcing this whole double date thing with Felicity.
"Because that girl is great, and she happens to come from your very rare species of adorable nerds. Why didn't you tell me more about her?" Iris asks.
"There's nothing to tell." Barry diverts. "She's just a friend."
"Barry, girls don't just hop on trains and travel hundreds of miles to see someone that they don't Like, I think Atchaco is going to have some compaction. Hey, why doesn't she come along as well." Barry looks at her solemnly, he would love to bring Atchaco to the trivia night but seeing as she is also the cybernetic goddess Lady Macanese it wouldn't be fair on anyone else going. "See, this is why you need my help. Bring her tonight. We'll have fun."
"Yeah, fun." Barry sarcastically replies. "Also I can't bring Atchaco, it just wouldn't be fair. The explosion took a number on her and her intelligence skyrocketed, nothing more to it.
In a private art gallery Snart is talking to another man while looking at two interesting and modern looking guns. that has been hung in front of them. "You wanted state of the art, Snart." The man said. "I bring you state of the art, my good sir."
"What's this?" Snart questioned the man.
"It might not look like much, but never judge a book by its cover, you know?" He answers. "Fires highly concentrated, combustible liquid fuel that ignites on contact with the air." He describes.
"I don't need to heat things up." Snart replies. "I need to slow them down." He informs him, thinking about the Streak and the Goddess that has appeared in Central City.
"That's the one, then." He says pointing to the other gun on the table, this one had a faint blue glow rather than a faint red glow like the other one. "You were drawn right to it. Stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs after the incident, and with nothing but a skeleton security crew to guard the tech inside. Emits some sort of substance. I'm not sure what it is. Like a white flame, but it's not hot, it's cold." He informs him.
"Glasses look like they're made of the same tech." He says picking them up and putting them on and picking up the gun, powering it up. "What are they for?"
"The glare. You'll see." He answers him.
"Who else knows you took this?" Snart asks, pointing the gun at him.
"Just us." He tells him.
"No, just me." He freezes the man, and kicks him, the ice breaking into bits, the man now dead. And he smiles, the gun held firmly in his hand. He looks at the other gun still in the briefcase and icks it up and walks away. "Sorry, pal." He says with regret in his voice, but he can't leave anyone who might be able to turn against him later.
At CC Jitters Bary, Iris and Eddie were sitting around one the tables.
"Party people, who's ready to get their trivia on?" The host says and everyone applauses and cheers happily. "Okay, everybody, welcome. We've got some new challengers." They tell them. "Please, welcome e=mc Hammer."
Barry looks at them. "No, you see, I did it because E=mc squared is Einstein's formula for kinetic energy, right? And, you know, I can't touch this." He breaks the name's meaning down for them.
"That's great, Barry." Iris asks. "So where is Felicity?"
"I'm not sure." He replies. "I told her it started at…" He was going to say but then Felicity walks into the building in a lovely dress and comes over to them and sits down at the table. "Feel free to buy yourself that dress." He jokes as they laugh a little bit.
"I totally overdressed for trivia night." She said looking at the semi-casual clothing that the rest were wearing.
"No, you look amazing." Barry told her.
"Yeah, you do." Iris confirms.
"E=mc hammer. That's funny." Felicity says.
"See?" Barry says indicating to Felicity, so it was funny to them too, it must be a cute nerd thing. Later they were well into the game. "It wasn't until 1852, when the transcontinental railroad laid their tracks through this thriving cattle town, that they became officially incorporated. That same year, the worst flood this area's ever seen hit. But from that disaster rose Central City's greatest hero, cattle rancher Bobby "Bovine" Mcfeely. Bovine Mcfeely saved 17 cows from the great flood." Barry said, answering the question correctly, the others looked at him amazed, they knew there was a reason for bringing them with them.
At the museum a tour guide is showing some people around the exhibits. "And now, for the exhibit I'm sure you've all come here to see the historic Kahndaq dynasty diamond." He tells them, and smiles form over the faces of a bunch of them. "Be careful. Get too close and you'll set off the proximity alarms. Wouldn't want to do that." He says in a joking type manner.
Back the CC Jitters Felicity is answering another question given to them all. "Three is Pasteur." Felicity disagreed with him." Three is Erdel." He corrected himself. "And four are Pasteur. Right."
"Five?" Felicity asks him. He thinks for a moment.
"Descartes." Barry and Felicity stay practically in the sink.
"Are they even speaking English?" Eddie asks Iris as she has more experience with being with Barry due to living with him for a good number of years.
"And the points go to E=mc Hammer." The quizmaster announced.
"I knew you two would make a good team." Iris said. "So, Felicity, what do you do?" She asked, trying to spark some interesting conversation.
"I work in computer sciences at Queen Consolidated." She replied.
"Really?" Iris asked, intrigued. "Do you have a boyfriend in Starling City?"
"No, no, there is no one." She says. "I'll get us some more drinks. And I had too many of those first ones, so I will be right back." She said as she stood up and walked over to the bar counter and left the others sitting by the table.
"Are you still gonna tell me that she's not into you?" Iris said with an eyebrow raised, making her seem intimidating, a trait that she had gotten from Joe much to Barry's disgust. The look was scary to say the least. "Look at that dress." She tells him pointing to the wonderful frock that Felicity had worn to come here. "And when I asked her the boyfriend question, she froze."
"Yeah, you were particularly sly with that one." Barry admitted.
"Felicity is smart, nice, and pretty. And most importantly, she is the first girl I have seen that really understands and appreciates you for the amazing person that I am always telling you that you are." Iris finishes. "She's perfect for you, so what are you waiting for, Barry?" She suddenly asks him and he blushes. He does have some affection for Felicity but his heart is still for Atchaco. He likes them both and he doesn't know how to admit it.
Back at STAR Labs, Dr Wells and an angry looking Lady Macanese are staring venomously at Cisco who has just admitted to losing something very dangerous. "How long has it been missing?" Dr Wells asks.
"I don't know." Cisco's replies with a little bit of fear in his voice.
"We're gonna ask you again, Francisco." Macanese's AI, Triton, tells him in a serious manner, she had been too angry with what Cisco did that Triton thought they were under threat and activated, leaving Cisco scared as he answered the questions. "But when we do, we expect a more specific answer than 'I don't know.' Now, how long has this weapon been gone?" He asked him.
"A day, maybe two." He estimates. "One of the janitors didn't show up for work this morning. He was probably the one who took it. I didn't think that…"
"You didn't think, because if you had, you would have discussed with me first your desire to build something that could, in theory, hurt anyone, and in particular, Barry Allen." Dr Wells says, taking over from the highly angry cybernetic being.
"I'm sorry. If you just let me explain…" Cisco tries to explain.
"You know how I feel about weapons, Cisco. They do not belong in S.T.A.R. Labs." Dr Wells growls at him.
"Now, you are gonna figure out a way to locate this gun, and you are gonna do it right now." Triton orders him as he let's Atchaco resume command of their body.
Later after Maz reviewed footage from the museum after having some suspicions about the location of Leonard Snart she automatically phones Joe. "You said to call if there was anything suspicious." Macanese says as Joe picks up the phone. "This guy went through the tour twice." She says transmitting the feed over to the detective's phone. "Nobody does that."
Joe looks at the video of the same guy going through the tour. One from an hour ago and the other is a live feed from the museum. "This is Detective West. I have a visual on Leonard Snart at the museum. Requesting immediate back up." He speaks into his radio.
"I'm sorry. I thought I knew it, and I got excited, and I... I just hit it. No, I mean, maybe they'll get it wrong too. Oh, yeah. I am sure that the team named Pride and Padawans doesn't know the name to Han Solo's ship.
Oh, honey, you are so cute when you're confused. [Cell phone beeping]
"Someone spotted Snart." Barry whispers to Felicity. "I gotta go."
"I'll cover for you." She tells him as they both walk outside so they can talk about this matter in private without the fear of the rest of them finding out their secret.
"All right, what are you gonna say?" He asks her, trying to get this over and down with before running off the get Snart.
"I usually tell people Oliver's at a nightclub with a girl or nursing a hangover." She tells him, already knowing that it won't work for a cover story for Barry.
"None of which will work for me." He tells her.
"Bad stomach ache…" She suggests. "Really bad diarrhea."
"Yeah, I'm not comfortable with that excuse." Barry sighs.
"Just go. Stay safe." And with that Barry runs off into the night. She sighs. "And I'm talking to air now, which is odd." She tells herself. "And I'm still doing it." She rolls her eyes before walking back inside and praying that Barry knows what he is doing.
Somewhere else Snart is standing on the road as many cars try to get past him. Many other presetrians are screaming and running away from the scene as Barry appears. Snart is dreaded in mainly a pastel blue winter jacket and dark blue trackies. He is wearing sunglasses of some sort, but with his winter theme going on it will be for something different, maybe to protect him from whatever his gun does. "Snart!" Barry commands, walking towards him with a face of no mercy. Snart just chuckles and raises his gun. It powers up quickly as he points it at him. Barry's eyes widen under the mask and he shoots it. Barry tries to run away but part of the ice cold blast hits his side and he falls to the ground.
"You okay?" A concerned voice fills his ears as he tries to stand up. Snart laughs at him but Barry doesn't react like he would want him to.
"Ahh, aah, it burns." He tells them faintly standing up, to which he slowly backs away from the violent Snart.
"Time for a test run." Dr Wells says. "Let's see how fast you are." Barry nods and does a few laps around the city before running into the med bay of STAR Labs and collapsing on one of the beds there.
"Gah!" He screams in pain as the cold still affects his body. "No! No. It's still numb." He tells them.
"It's presenting itself like a third degree frostbite." Caitlin informs him with sadness shown in her face.
"I thought he had hyper healing like Macanese over here." She says pointing to the cyborg.
"It's been slowed down. If your cells weren't regenerating at the rate they are, your blood vessels would have frozen solid and the nerve damage would have been permanent. You're lucky to be alive." Caitlin tells him, studying the results of the scans and the layout of the injuries on his body.
"Snart wasn't another meta-human. He has some kind of gun. It froze things, slowed me down…" He stopped what he was saying as the events from the scene with him and Snart flash through his eyes. "Enough that I wasn't in time to save someone." He admits as the terrified face of the man fills his vision after he was unable to save them.
"According to his record, Snart didn't even bother to finish high school, so how did he build a handheld high tech snow machine?" Felicity asks them, eyeing all of them to see who will give her the answers that she needs to know.
"S.T.A.R. Labs built the cold gun." Macanese tells him, her eyes staring into the soul of Cisco, trying to make him feel as uncomfortable as possible for causing all of this trouble.
"Dr. Wells and Caitlin had nothing to do with this." Cisco admitted, his sacred gaze never moving from Macanese's accusatory looks. "I built the gun." Barry looks at him in disbelief. He was the one that fraught for him the most and talked the others into letting him not just stop meta's but save other people too. And yet now, he was just being told that the reason for what just happened was all of his fault. In short Barry was appalled.
"You did? Why?" He orders him
"Because speed and cold are opposites." He informs him, the bored look on Barry's face tells him that he already knew that and he should continue on with the point he was Trying to make. "Temperature is measured by how quickly the atoms of something are oscillating. The faster they are, the hotter it is, and when then are cold, they're slower on the atomic level. When there's no movement at all, it's called…"
"Absolute zero." Barry bits in.
"Yeah." Cisco conformed. "I designed a compact cryo engine to achieve absolute zero. I built it to stop you. I didn't know who you were then, Barry. I mean, what if you turned out to be some psycho, like Mardon or Nimbus?" He admits.
"But I didn't. Did I?" Barry reminds him in an almost questionnaire-like tone.
"We built the entire structure you're standing in to do good, and it blew up." Caitlin reminded him, pity filling her voice. "In the wake of that, you can understand why Cisco would want to be prepared for the worst."
"I can understand that, but what I can't understand is why you didn't tell me what you did. I mean, after all we've been through, I thought you trusted me. I thought we were friends." Barry argues with him.
"We are Barry." Cisco tries to defend.
"I mean, if you would have just told me, I could have been prepared. But instead, someone died tonight." Barry sighs.
"And I have to live with that." He growls at him, trying to tell Barry that it is his fault and that he understands it as such.
"No, Cisco. We all do." Barry informs him." Barry looked up at the TV that was playing and sighed. At the West family household Joe walked up to Iris, the same News station that Barry was watching was background noise to what they were doing. It was on but forgotten, much like Joe's affection for Iris, it was there but not showing.
"Theatergoers remain shaken after surviving tonight's brutal and bizarre attack in a downtown theater…" The newscaster tells them. Iris looks at the screen for a moment, not really listening to what it is saying. "The news... Are you okay?" She looks at Joe and wonders.
"I'm fine." He tells her bluntly, not wanting much interaction with her at this moment in time after the secrets he kept from her.
"How long is this gonna go on?" She asks him. "Seems like the cold treatment is going around."
"Not now, Iris, please." Joe pleaded.
"Yes, now." She shouts at him. "You did the same thing when I tried to sign up for the police academy without telling you. You didn't speak to me for weeks… Not until I withdrew my application." She remembers. "Well, I am not withdrawing this time, dad. I am dating Eddie whether you like it or not."
"Eddie's my partner." He snarls, trying to get a point across, not that Iris can see it.
"I know." Iris told him, he didn't need to tell her what she already knew.
"But you don't." Joe argues. "You're not a cop. You don't know what having a partner means. Wherever I go, he goes, and where I go isn't always safe, Iris." He tells her. Iris looks down at the ground feeling a little ashamed. "I need to be 100% focused. Now, there's a part of me that isn't focused, that doesn't see Eddie as my partner, but as your boyfriend." He admits. "So if he gets hurt or worse, and I'm there, how am I gonna look at you? How are you gonna look at me? Now, I'm not mad at you, but that's why this is so hard for me. Do you understand?" Iris nods and Joe sighs, bringing her into a small hug.
At an unknown location in Central City Sbary is talking to his crew. An exciting plan formed in his head. "We're going back tonight." He tells them.
"Back where?" One of them asked.
"To the museum. That diamond isn't going to steal itself."
"Super gun freeze your brain, Snart?" He snarled. "The museum's gonna be crawling with police by now, and The Streak." He tells him, a hint of fear lingering in his voice.
"This can stop The Streak. It hurt him, and I know his real weakness." He informs them. Some of them smile and agree with the plan but others think that it is still to trisky. "So we go, unless you want out."
"We both want out... Alive." He tells Sbart.
"So you thought ahead and made a plan." He jokes. "Least I taught you something. "So what are you waiting for? Shoot me. You better put a bullet in my brain right now, because if you don't, if I ever see either one of you again…"
"You don't get it, do you?" He asks. "This blur is out there, and Central City ain't your playground anymore." The thug warns.
"Sure, it is." Snarts says as he walks away from the room.
Back at STAR Barry is sitting in one of the many rooms dotted around the place. "Barry? Barry." Felicity calls walking into the room and grabbing his attention.
"What?" He says, confusion laced in his voice. "What are you doing? You should go back to your hotel. Get some sleep." He tells her, not once looking up at her.
"You should too." She replies, worried for him and his well being, she wants him to be safe. "Not to go back to my hotel…" She tries to correct herself but does it and makes a slight fool of herself. "I meant to get some sleep." She finally manages to say.
"I can't." He admits. "Every time I close my eyes, I see that man's face. I watched him die. I have to go faster."
"Barry, it's not your fault." Felicity tells him, placing a comforting hand carefully on his shoulder. "And it's not Cisco's, either." Sbw reminds him. "Barry, I know you're upset, but you have to look at this from his point of view."
"No, I get it. He didn't trust me." Barry interrupts.
"Barry, when you met us…" Felicity says. "Me, Oliver, and Dig... We were this well-oiled archery machine. But it didn't start out that way. And unlike you guys, we weren't tossed together overnight. We came together one at a time. Believe me, it took much more than watching Oliver do the salmon ladder to make me trust him." She admits but Barry just scoffs as if what she was saying was nothing compared to the point he was trying to make. "I've seen firsthand what this life can do to people. It's a lonely path. Don't make it any lonelier than it has to be."
"I figured out a way to track Captain Cold." Cisco says walking into the Cortex where everyone else was sitting.
"You gotta stop naming these guys." Barry tells him.
"Barry, listen to him." Felicity says looking into his eyes with a comforting nature.
"How?" Barry sighs.
"The cold gun is powered by an engine control unit, a microcomputer that regulates air-to-fuel ratios so the subcooled fluid in the chambers don't overflow and... Explode." He tells them. "This E.C.U. was receiving updates wirelessly from my tablet." He holds up his tablet which has information about the cold gun on it.
"If I boost the signal using Central City's network and send a false update, we'll get a ping back, and then…" Macanese finishes for him and he nods.
"We can locate Snart." Barry says. "How long will it take?"
"First I have to hack into the City's network, so I don't know, 30 minutes, maybe?" He says, doubting himself.
"I can do it in less than one." Macanese and Felicity retort in sync. They both look at each other with death glares and then chuckle. "When it comes to hacking, I'm the fastest woman alive." She points to Macanese. "She is the fastest human hybrid alive, both in hacking and in speed." After a few moments Felicity and Macanese high-5 each other which ends in Felicity quickly moving her hands and stroking it trying to get rid of the stinging pain of hitting solid metal. "Ow! That was not as badass as I pictured." She admits.
"All right, I'm in." Felicity says as Macanese leans against the wall and projects the images and information they have onto the TV's in the room.
"Are you kidding?" Cisco asks. They both shake their heads and Cisco smiles. "All right, I'm sending the updates. We're connected. Network is triangulating the location. We got him. He's heading west on Nelson toward the train station."
"If he's leaving, it appears Mr. Snart may have gotten what he came for." Dr Wells observes.
"When we put our minds to it, dude, nothing can stop us." Cisco says as Barry fiddles with the earpiece in suit before Cisco understands what he did. "Oh, you turned your ear piece off. How are we gonna talk to each other?"
"I don't feel like talking right now." Barry replies and then in an instant he and Macanese are both gone.
"You should go after Barry." Felicity said to Cisco.
"You heard him, Felicity. He wants to do this alone; just him and Macanese." Cisco reminds her.
"Of course, he said that. He's hurt." Felicity tells him. "And you're his team and his friends." She says. "If I had a nickel for every time The Arrow told me to back off, I would be as rich as Oliver Queen." She looks at the questioning looks that she is being given. "Who I mention because he's the richest person I know, or used to be." She tells him. "The point is, you have your partner's back no matter what." She says getting back on track.
"There's nowhere to run." Barry says as the 2 speedsters corner him.
"I didn't see you before." He looks at them, his cold gun tightly in his grasp like it has been every other time they have met. "Your mom know you're out past your bedtime?" Snart snarled.
"If you wanted to get away, you should've taken something faster than a train." Barry informs him, then again, what is faster than himself and Macanese, they are both speedsters after all.
"That's if I wanted to get away." Snart replies. "I've seen your weakness at the armored car, then at the theater. See, while you're busy saving everybody, I'll be saving myself." Barry looks at him confused as Macanese suddenly runs at Snart.
"Good luck with that." Macanese says pinning him to the ground.
"Ahh! Pretty fast, kid, but not fast enough." This time it was Macanese's turn to be baffled by his sentence before suddenly the train derailed. They both run over to the train and help get as many people out as possible, which being who they were, was a lot.
"Thank you." For what? You forced me to up my game, not only with this gun, but with how I think about the job. It's been educational.
"Drop it. Cisco says walking forward holding a large gun type object in his hands. "This is a prototype cold gun, four times the size, four times the power." Cisco tells him. Barry looks at Macanese who is smiling a little bit, the reason? Barry didn't know.
"I was wondering who you were talking to." Snart admits walking forward only for Cisco to lift the gun bigger than his small frame and aims it at him as it starts to glow, singling that immense power was flowing through it.
"Hey, unless you want a taste of your own medicine, I'd back the hell up." He threatens.
"Your hands are shaking." Snart notices. "You've never killed anyone, unlike one of your pals." He says looking intensity at the taller of the 2 speedsters.
"There's a first time for everything, Captain Cold." Cisco growls ignoring the other thing that Snart said, probably assuming it was another one of his lies. "I will shoot you." He says trying to show courage in his voice.
"You win, kids." He says putting his hands up mockingly as he walks backwards. "I'll see you around."
"Hey, leave the diamond." Macanese orders.
"Don't push your luck." He replies before quickly leaving. Cisco sighs and turns to the speedsters.
"Couldn't shoot him even if I wanted to." Cisco admits. "This is actually the S.T.A.R. Labs vacuum cleaner with a lot of L.E.D's." They all chuckle. "Let's get you warm." He says as Macanese takes them back. Later they are all siting in the Cortex looking over the information they have prior to Snart escaping from their grasp. "We've been trying to track Snart, but he must have disconnected the signal somehow." He informs them. "And by 'we' I mean Felicity, me and Macanese's AI."
"We'll find him, Cisco, together." Felicity reminds him. "You have a great team here, Barry. Speaking of teams, I should probably get back to mine." She says backing away.
"It was nice meeting you, Ms. Smoak. Please extend a hello to The Arrow for us." Dr Wells tells her.
"I will." She says.
"Good-bye, Felicity." Barry shouts.
"Bye, Barry." Felicity replies.
"Remarkable young woman." Dr Wells compliments. "She's special."
"Yeah, she is." Barry agrees.
"Cisco, don't you ever do anything like that again. Do you understand me?" Dr Wells almost bellows.
"Yes, sir." Cisco quivers. At CCPD Iris walks through the elevator and over to Joe.
"Hey, dad." She greets.
"Hey. If you're looking for Eddie, he's in evidence." He replies without looking up from his ever growing stack of paper.
"I am looking for you." She tells him. "I came to apologize... Again."
"You're really trying to hit that magic number, aren't you?" Joe chuckes.
"Look, dad, I just want you to know that there is nothing that you could do that would ever change the way that I look at you. And I'm sorry. I should have thought about how it would affect you if Eddie and I…" Joe put his hand up in front of his body, singling for Iris to stop talking,
"Listen…" Joe interrupted. "Chasing down this Snart character tonight? He had the draw on me. Eddie saved my life. Maybe I underestimated him." He admits. "From now on, no more secrets."
"No more secrets." Iris conforms.
"Well, go see Eddie." He tells her.
"Okay." She smiles at him.
"Thank him for watching out for your old man." Joe shouts after her.
At a train on the railway Felicity is looking out of the window when she suddenly yelps as Barry speeds in and sits down in front of her. "Did I just yelp?" She asks. Barry nods. "I yelped." She confirms to herself.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Barry tells her.
"Don't tell me you're here to save me." Felicity complains as she sits comfortably in her seat. "Taking the train is still one of the safest ways to travel."
"I thought that was airplanes." Barry stated.
"Mm... You remember when you told me you had a little experience liking somebody who didn't see you the same way, only saw you as a friend for the long time you knew them?" Felicity says. "That was Macanese, right?"
"How did you know?" Barry asked her, confused.
"It's the little things. The way you linger on her when she isn't looking, the smile you fake to play the part, quiet dreams you keep to yourself. Like you and Oliver."
"Take one to know one." Felicity chuckles.
"I'm afraid it'll change everything."Barry admits. "Even though we have been friends for over 20 years.
"It will, but maybe that's not such a bad thing." Felicity tells him.
"What is wrong with us?" Barry asks. "We are perfectly perfect for each other."
"Yet we're sitting here, pining for people we can't have." Felicity replies.
"I guess what they say is true. Opposites do attract. If you ever need anything, I will race over in a heartbeat." Barry tells her, meaning it, due to his speedster capabilities he really can race over in a heartbeat.
"Same. Well, as fast I can run, which might take me a while, but I will still come." Felicity jokes.
"Bye, Felicity." He says.
"Bye, Barry." She calls and leaves the room.
Somewhere else, in a rundown factory somewhere in Central City Mick and Snart are talking to each other, a briefcase has been placed on one of the dusty tables and Snart has his hand placed protectively on top. "I know it's been a while since we pulled that job. I know it didn't go so well for you, and I know I said we were finished. But things have changed. If I want to keep working in Central City, I'm gonna need a new kind of crew. I'm gonna need someone like you. You're tolerant of extremes. You have certain skills. You just need some direction. And I can give that to you. You still like playing with fire? You're gonna love this. So…" He lifts up the lid to show a gun gleaming in all it's deadly glory. It is slightly bulker than a standard gun and it glows a faint red at one end. "Are you in, Mick? Or are you out?" He asked him.
Mick picks up the gun and looks at it with a smile spread over his face. "Yeah buddy, I'm in." He chuckles, Snart looks pleased and they both walk away, guns in both of their dangerous hands, and a new plan forming in their heads.