Weeks after what happened, Barry was at the airstrip dodging Cisco's drones as part of training. "My name is Barry Allen." He tells himself. "I am not the fastest man alive. That title belongs to the man who killed my mother. But not for long."
Cisco, Caitlin, Wells and Macanese were watching Barry train. "That was too close." Macanese pointed out as Barry just managed to not be hit by the bullets from the drone.
"He told me to make it hard." Cisco argued.
"Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead." Caitlin replied in a serious manner.
"Remember, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed." Wells reminded them.
"Wait, if it is to improve speed, then why am I not doing it as well." Macanese asked.
"Because you are a technopath and a cyborg, an exercise like this wouldn't work as you would know where the drone was going to strike next." Wells tells her.
"And your boyfriend said no." Cisco continues.
"Who said that he was my boyfriend, he is not." Macanese states.
"Yet." Cisco smiles.
"Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?" Barry asks as he continues to run.
"Bring it." Wells orders him. Cisco then shoots a missile out of the drone and it explodes behind Barry, sending him tumbling down to the floor. Barry groans as he gets onto his knees and he looks up at the drone.
"Why isn't he running away?" Caitlin questions as Wells places a foot on the ground, ready to expose himself to save the other speedster. "Barry, run away."
As the missile was heading towards Barry, he runs towards it and catches it in mid air then he swings it around and throws it at the drone, making it explode, Wells, with a smile on his face, sits back down in his chair without anyone noticing. Minutes later, Barry had finished eating a large mountain of food, which appeared to be about 100 burgers from Big Belly Burger. "Very impressive, Mr. Allen." Wells compliments him. "Your reaction to stimuli at super-speed continues to improve."
"It's still not enough." Barry complains.
"It will be." Wells reminds him. "You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around."
"I think you mean the reverse-Flash." Cisco smiles. They all look at him. "What? He said it, not me. And he's right. Yellow suit, red lightning, and evil… the reverse of Barry."
"Meh." Caitlin groans.
"Actually, I kind of like it." Wells admits.
"All right, I'm still ready for another round." Barry tells him. "How many more drones do you have left?"
"Two." Cisco answers with a smile on his face. "And they've got lasers."
"No." The others say in sync.
Later at night, at a warehouse filled with expensive cars, a sudden crunching and crackling sound could be heard coming from the door. Ice made its way around the door, as soon as it was completely covered in ice a car burst through the door. Leonard Snart was sitting in one of the seats, his friend Mick was in the other. "Told you it would break." Snart tells him.
"And the shrink says I'm crazy. What is this place?" Mick asks.
"Customs warehouse." Snart informs him. "Imported cars from Europe, all worth a fortune."
"Question. How do you suggest we drive all these cars out of here?" Mick questions.
"We're not." Snart answers. "We're not stealing anything."
"What are you talking about?" Mick asks.
"Our entrance set off the silent alarms. The cops will be arriving in 2 minutes and 14 seconds." Snart explains.
"Bring them." Mick smiles as he takes a metal case out of the boot of the car.
"That's not for the cops, as we discussed. They'll be here." Snart smiles as they start to hear police sirens in the distance.
"You do hear that, right?" Mick questions.
"They're not coming. We're leaving." Snart answers.
"This better make sense real fast, buddy." Mick warns.
"It will. Let's go." Snart orders as they both get into the car.
"You promised me I'd get to do my thing." Mick complains.
"I always keep my promises." Snart replies. "Seat belt."
Minutes later, still at the warehouse, cops were going about the police looking for evidence of what could have happened, and Mick and Snart were gone. "Are you sure nothing's missing?" Joe asked.
"That's what the supervisor said. I can check again." A cop answered.
CyAmze was looking down at the debris on the floor when Barry walked up next to her and started to look at what she was looking at. "Bar, Maz." Joe greets as he walks over to the two of them.
"Hey." Barry returns.
"Well, the breakage indicates that the door somehow had zero viscoelasticity when it hit the ground." CyAmze informed them.
"What does that mean to normal people?" Joe questioned.
"The steel shattered like glass." CyAmze explained.
"It was frozen, Joe." Barry simplified as he picked up a piece of the metal.
"Snart." Joe groaned.
"He's back." CyAmze nods.
"I thought Snart was some world-class thief." Eddie says. "All these expensive cars… He didn't take any of them? It doesn't make sense."
"Eddie, put out an APB on Snart." Joe orders.
"Got it." Eddie tells them and walks away as Barry drops the metal back on the floor and it clatters.
"Snart wasn't here to steal anything." CyAmze points out.
"He was setting a trap." Joe realises.
"For us." Barry sighs. "And by us, I mean…"
"Yeah, I know who you meant." Joe interrupts them.
Later Mick and Snart are at an abandoned warehouse. Mick is looking at the flame coming from his slighter. "God, you're beautiful." He admits.
"Mick." Snart tries to say.
Mick turns around and turns off his lighter. "This is a joke." Mick argues. "How do you know this Flash and Thunder didn't skip town, hmm? Maybe that's why they didn't show up. Or maybe they're dead. Or maybe someone smarter than when you iced them."
"They're not dead, and they didn't leave town." Snart informs him.
"You will tell me what we're stealing this time." Mick orders. "We are partners, after all."
"This is what we came for." Snart answers him as he shows Mick a picture of an art piece.
"That's worth money?" Mick asks.
"It's called fire & ice, an abstract modern-day masterpiece said to represent the dichotomy of being." Snart explains.
"It represents to me that people with lots of money buy dumb stuff." Mick retorts.
"Osgood and Rachel Rathaway, one of the richest couples in Central City, paid 25 million for it in Paris. They're flying home with it today." Snart informs him.
"Mm." Mick hums.
The next day, everyone is in the Cortex of STAR Labs. "Captain Cold is back?" Cisco asks.
"For a non-metahuman, Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the Nemesis." Wells answers.
"He still has the cold gun, the one he stole from us, the one I built." Cisco sighs, regretting ever making the gun in the first place.
"Well, what does he want this time?" Caitlin questions.
"The Flash and Thunder." Atchaco tells her.
"If Snart wants a fight with the Flash and Thunder, then we'll give him one." Barry informs them.
"Well…" Wells groans.
"You don't think we should?" Atchaco asks him.
"I didn't say that." Wells replies. "But, Barry, Macanese, as fast as you two are, you both cannot be everywhere at once. And it becomes then a question of priorities. Now, in the last month, you two have made a commitment to increasing your speed, enhancing your reflexes, and it's working. You're finally getting faster."
"Okay, but what are we supposed to do, just ignore Snart?" Barry questions.
"The last time you had a fight with Snart, a train derailed." Wells reminds him. "You were lucky to get all those people to safety. And if you don't give him that fight…"
"He may just back off, and there'll be no casualties." Atchaco finishes.
"Look, Barry, Macanese, Cisco and I will work with Joe and the police and devise a way to catch Cold." Wells tells them. "Yes, I said it, Cisco. As soon as it came out of my mouth, I heard it."
"Yeah, we can definitely come up with ways to neutralise Snart." Cisco admits.
"Listen, Barry." Wells says. "Whether or not you and Macanese go after Snart, that's your guy's choice. We here, we will do whatever we can to support you. But after this past Christmas, after the events with the reverse-Flash… I just think he poses a greater threat to all of us."
"Okay." Barry nods.
Later, at the precinct, Eddie was sitting at his desk when Iris walked up to him. "T-minus three days and counting…" Iris smiled. "Till the big move in. You know, I've never had a roommate. But it did occur to me that if we ever get in a fight, I can't just storm away and go home, because home will be with you."
"Are you predicting many arguments?" Eddie questions.
"Have you met me?" Iris retorts.
"I remember the night we met. I stopped a mugger who stole your bag." Eddie reminds her.
"My hero." Iris chuckles as she gives him a kiss.
"Hey." Barry greets as he walks up to them.
"Hey, Barry." Iris returns.
"Eddie, you know where Joe is?" Barry asks.
"Uh...I think he's upstairs in your lab." Eddie answers.
"Okay, thanks." Barry says as he trunks and leaves.
"No second thoughts about moving in together?" Eddie questions.
"None." Iris tells him.
Up stairs, Barry walks into his and CyAmze's lab to see Joe sitting at his desk. "Joe, hey." Barry smiles.
"Hey. I'm glad you're back. I've been going over Snart's file." Joe tells him.
"Thanks. Yeah, I need to talk to you." Barry says. "As CSI, my work on this case is done. And as the Flash, I don't think I can focus on Snart right now."
"You mind telling me what brought about this change of heart?" Joe asked.
"This man in yellow, the man that killed my mom, is still out there." Barry answers. "I have to be ready to face him, which means amping up my speed. It's a question of priorities."
"Your mom's killer isn't the only reason you've been doing this." Joe realises. "You told me that if you and Atchaco could use your powers to save someone from a burning building, you two would."
"Look, Dr. Wells and S.T.A.R. Labs are gonna work with you." Barry informs him. "Cisco thinks he has a way to protect the police against Snart's cold gun."
"Barry, I can understand if you're scared. We talked about this." Joe reminds him.
"Of course I'm scared, Joe." Barry admits. "This guy could run into the precinct and kill everyone in here in seconds. He threatened Iris, he hurt Atchaco, tore through the metal on her body like it was nothing. I won't let him hurt the most important people in my life again. If that means devoting every second I have outside this place to getting faster and to stopping him, then that's what I'm gonna do. I'm sorry. I've made up my mind." Barry then turns and walks out of the room.
Later, at the West family household, Atchaco was helping Iris pack when Joe came down the stairs. "Aw. Mcsnurtle the turtle." Joe said. "How have you been? When did you stop sleeping with this? It was your favourite."
"He was." Iris agrees.
"But if I remember correctly, Iris told me that took him away from her after she broke your Duke Ellington: Live at the Blue Note vinyl." Atchaco remembered.
"Oh, yeah." Joe said.
"Mm." Iris hummed.
"You can have him back now." Joe tells her.
"Oh, gee, thanks." Iris answers as Atchaco chuckles. Joe looks sadly at her.
"Oh, dad." Iris smiled as she hugged him.
"I'm going to miss you, baby." Joe admits.
"Dad, I'm only ten minutes away." Iris reminds him.
"I know." Joe sighs. "Don't you worry about me. I'll be fine, just like always."
"You should have seen my twin sister's reaction when I moved out, I had to peel her off of me as she cried." Atchaco tells them and they chuckle slightly.
"Hey." Barry greeted as he walks through the door.
"Hey." Atchaco returned.
"Hey, Barry." Iris says.
"You came to help her pack?" Joe asked.
"Oh, no. No, no, no." Barry answered. "Iris said that she had something for me.|
"Oh, um… Atchaco." Iris mumbles. Atchaco walks over to the stairs and hands Barry a red backpack. "I found this in my closet." Iris and Joe laugh slightly.
"I haven't seen this in years." Barry reminds them.
"Well, the nerd survival kit is still intact." Atchaco informs him.
"Wow." Barry gasps as he pulls out a comic book from the bag.
"I thought those might be worth something." Iris admits to him. "I am so late for work."
"I'll come with you." Atchaco tells her, standing by the door. "I need something to drink and was planning on going over there anyway."
"I promise I will clean this up when I get back, okay?" Iris tells them.
"Bye." Joe says.
"Bye." Iris returns and she and Atchaco walk out of the door.
"Okay. You mind telling me what's going on with you and Atchaco?" Joe questions.
"Nothing." Barry answers.
"Hmm." Joe hums. "That's funny, because I have these two things called eyes, and it doesn't look like you two are fine, and it looked like she couldn't get out of this house fast enough."
"I told Atchaco." Barry sighs.
"Told her what?" Joe asks.
"I told her how I felt about her." Barry admits.
"Oh, God." Joe mumbled.
"Mm-hmm." Barry agrees.
"What did she say?" Joe questions.
"Well, despite both being speedster, or maybe because of it, we haven't really had the time to properly talk about everything that is going on with each other. But, I just want to pretend like it never even happened. I mean, that's what we're both doing, so…" Barry informs him.
"Well, not saying how you feel is what got you in this mess in the first place." Joe reminds him. "Speaking of which, we both know she's not gonna clean this mess up anytime soon."
"Nope." Barry agrees. Joe looks at Barry. "Sure." Barry says, already knowing what he was going to ask and speeds around the room, cleaning up the mess Iris had left.
Later, Cisco was standing in the precinct with two canisters mounted on his back. "Uh, excuse me. If I could have everybody's attention, please." He calls.
"You have our attention, Mr. Ramon." Singh sighs.
"Okay, check it." Cisco smiles. "So Dr. Wells and I, we took your ballistic shields and… and we lined them with a pretty sweet compacted heating ribbon designed to repel temperature at especially those reaching absolute zero, like Captain Cold's gun."
"And that's supposed to keep us from getting turned into popsicles?" An officer asked them.
"Um, yeah, Yeah, they will." Cisco answers.
"How are we supposed to trust anything from S.T.A.R. Labs after you nuked the city?" Another officer questioned.
"You're right." Cisco tells them. "You're right, you shouldn't trust us. What happened a year ago… that was our fault. And we can't change the past, as much as we wish we could. But tomorrow is a different story. Tomorrow's a different thing. We just want the chance to make things better. Observe." He turns around to face a dummy dressed as a police officer holding one of the modified shields. He shoots it with his own cold gun and it melts quickly off of the shield.
"Dummies are one thing. My officers are another." Singh reminds him and everyone walks away after seeing the demonstration.
"You seem pleased with yourself, doctor." Joe noticed.
"Well, I'm just happy to help the police catch Snart, Joe." Wells answers.
"Barry and Atchaco might be able to help too." Joe said.
"I think Cisco's heat shields are more than up to the task." Wells replies. "And, Joe, if Barry and Macanese feel like they are gonna endanger lives by taking on Snart and, conversely, if Barry feels he's gonna save lives by training to take on the man in yellow… That's ultimately his call."
"You know what makes Barry so special?" Joe questions. "He wants to help everyone he can, however he can. Always has. Until now."
"I guess it's just a question of priorities then." Wells smiles.
"You know, Barry said the exact same thing to me." He told him. "And I thought, 'doesn't sound like him.' I guess because it sounds like you."
Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin was looking at the computer screen about Firestorm when Barry walked into the room. "Hey." Barry greets her and Caitlin gaps.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Barry apologises.
"No, it's okay. I was just kind of focused." Caitlin replies.
"Gotcha." Barry says as he looks at the computer screen. "What's Firestorm?"
"It's one of the last things Ronnie said to me before he... Flew away. My dead fiance can fly. I haven't broken that to my parents yet. Are you doing okay?" She asks.
"Yeah, yeah." Barry answers. "No, I just… I told Atchaco how I felt about her."
"Bold choice." Caitlin smiles.
"I knew where we stood before." Barry reminds her. "We were best friends. And...I don't know. Now I just don't know what's normal for us anymore."
"Before I met Ronnie, I knew exactly what was going to happen every day of my life." Caitlin tells him. "It was predictable. I like predictable. But when Ronnie and I started dating, everything started to change. He made me try Indian food and scuba diving. At first it was scary. But then it was better. Things weren't really normal with you pining after Iris and her being totally unaware. Whatever happens next, it will be better."
"Wait, Caitlin." Barry interrupted as he turned around from going to leave. "Scuba."
"What about it?" Caitlin asked.
"Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, It's an acronym." He answers. "What if firestorm isn't a word?"
Caitlin starts searching for the name and sees what comes up on the screen. "Fusion ignition research experiment and science of transmutation originating rna and molecular structures." She informs him as she looks up. "It's 800 pages long."
Barry clears his throat and starts reading all of the pages at superspeed, when he finished he looked back up at her. "There's a lot of stuff in there, but it mostly focuses on transmutation, which is the process of altering the structure of an element by unzipping the atoms…" He summarises.
"And rebuilding it to create an entirely new element." Caitlin realises.
"Well, the article was co-written by Jason rush, who's a grad student here at Hudson university. So if anybody knows what happened to Ronnie…" Barry tells her.
"Maybe he does." Caitlin finishes.
"Maybe." Barry says softly.
"Thanks." Caitlin replies.
Later at night, in a private airport, Mister and Mrs Rathaway were getting off of their plane with the painting. "Pleasant flight, Mrs. Rathaway?" An attendant asked her.
"Yes, quite. Thank you." She answered as she handed him the painting. "Careful, please. It's worth a fortune."
"Welcome home, Mr. Rathaway." He tells the woman's husband.
"Thank you, Ethan." He replies.
"Sir, your son Hartley... he called again." Ethan informs him.
"We don't have a son anymore." Mr Rathaway replied as Captain Cold came in, shooting his cold gun around everywhere.
"Someone better call 911." Snart mocked and minutes later the police arrived.
"Snart, freeze." Joe ordered, but Snart shoots them with his cold gun, but they bring up their shields and block it.
"Mick!" Yelled Snart.
"Gaaaah!" Shouted Mick as he comes from behind a plane.
"What the hell?" Joe questioned.
"Why do they call you people the heat?" Mick asked as he held up his heat gun. "I'm the heat!" He starts shooting his gun at them and this time the shields weren't helping them.
"Forget them, Mick. Get ready for him… and her." Snart orders.
"It's beautiful." Mick states as he ignores Snart's order and keeps shooting.
"Mick. Mick. Mick!" Snart shouted at him as Joe shot Mick's heat gun, causing him to stop. "We go, now!" They take off running, leaving everyone else in shock to what had just happened.
Later, at the precinct, CyAmze and Barry come out of the elevators and walk over to Joe. "Hey. Hey, are you okay?" CyAmze asked him, scanning Joe to make sure he wasn't hurt.
"I'm fine." Joe answers. "Snart's new partner, he's got this handheld flamethrower. Almost everyone was treated on the scene, but… We got two in the burn unit, though."
"I'm sorry. I should've listened to you." Barry apologised.
'It's all good." Joe reassures them. "But… The next time Snart and his pyro pal show up, you make them sorry they ever messed with you. I got to call the hospital."
At a warehouse Mick was finishing up on fixing the gun. "The cop's bullet ruptured the secondary internal fuel chamber." He tells him. "It could've been worse. You were right to get me to learn every part and circuit of this thing. Repairing it was…" He points his heat gun towards Snart. "A snap."
Snart holds up his cold gun with a stern face. "Give me one reason I don't kill you right now." He orders.
"It's gonna be hard to find someone else to listen to your winning speeches." Mick mocks.
"You lost it out there, just like the last job. You lost focus, became obsessed." Snart reminds him.
"I'm obsessed? What about you?" Mick questions. "You're usually counting the seconds, getting the whole thing planned out, dotting "t"s, crossing "i"s. But all you care about now is the Flash and Thunder."
"We have to put them down." Snart argues.
"Why?" Mick asks. "We got the finger painting. It's worth millions. It's ours. We're rich. Job done."
"And what about the next job, Mick?" Snart questions. "And the job after that? With weapons like these, no one can stand against us, no one except the Flash. If you want out, take the painting and go. But if you want Central City to be our home where we can do and take whatever we want… This is our chance… Your chance."
"Mm." He shoots his heat gun at the painting and watches as it catches on fire. "Very motivational. How do we get them?"
"For now, let's focus on The Flash, Thunder shouldn't be as big of a problem once The Flash is out of the picture. And he isn't so different from us. He's got partners too." Snart answers.
Later, at Jitters, Caitlin walks in and walks over to a man, who was sitting and waiting for her. "Jason Rush?" Caitlin greets him.
"Yes. Dr. Snow?" He answers.
"Please, call me Caitlin." She replies. "Thank you for meeting me."
"Oh, happy to." He tells her. "Although, to be totally up front, if this is about the resume I mailed in to S.T.A.R. Labs, I've already accepted a position at Mercury labs."
"No, actually, I wanted to talk to you about Firestorm." Caitlin informs him.
"I'm sorry. This was a mistake. I have to go." Jason says as he starts to walk away.
"No." Caitlin replies as she stands in front of him. "Look, someone I care about is in trouble, and you're the only clue I have to help him. Please."
"What's the line?" Jason asks as they sit down at one of the tables. "I never got paranoid till they started plotting against me?"
"Why would they be plotting against you?" Caitlin asks.
"Because of our work, because of F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M." Jason answers.
"Transmutation, the ability to alter matter on a molecular level." Caitlin questions.
"We had some rudimentary success with our stage one testing, working with sand grains. But Professor Stein said that we should…" Jason replies.
"Sorry, Professor Martin Stein? He was the co-author of the paper?" Caitlin buts in.
"Yeah, he was our team leader." He tells her. "He didn't believe in baby steps, so we skipped to stage three."
"Which was?" Caitlin asks.
"We melted a concrete wall." Jason informs her. "But the university threatened to shut us down. So Professor Stein published his paper without them giving permission, and they went nuts. So he went to talk to a friend of his to secure private backing."
"And who was that?" Caitlin questions.
"He didn't say." Jason answers. "He just said he'd call me later. And no one has seen or heard from Professor Stein since."
"What do you think happened to him?" Caitlin asks.
"All I know is that the army showed up the next day and confiscated all of our research. So tell me, Dr. Snow, do you think I'm being too paranoid, or not paranoid enough?" Jason questions.
Minutes later, Caitlin is walking out of Jitters and Atchaco walks up to her. "Hi." Atchaco greets.
"Hi, how did you know that I was going to be here right now?" Caitlin wondered.
"Well, Cisco said that you were going to talk to someone about this whole Firestorm thing that was going on." Atchaco tells her. "And I'm a technopath and you always have your phone on your person." Caitlin nods. "So, how did it go with them?"
"You're not here to ask me about how my meeting went, are you?" Caitlin asked.
"Of course I am, why else would I be here?" Atchaco replies. Caitlin looks at her suspiciously. "Okay, it's about Barry. He told me how he feels about me."
"I know." Caitlin admits. "He actually told me about it."
"He did, oh." Atchaco gasps. "Well, what did he say to you?"
"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Caitlin questions.
"I will." Atchaco sighs. "Once, this whole shabang with Snart is over."
"Okay, fair enough." Caitlin answers.
"Hey, you mind giving me a ride home?" Atchaco asked.
"But you normally run home, I thought, am I wrong?" Caitlin wondered.
"No, I can't really be bothered right now." Atchaco laughs. "With everything that is going on I just am tired and drained beyond even Triton's control."
"Okay." Caitlin replies.
Minutes later, they walked into the parking lot and towards Caitlin's car. Caitlin looked at her phone, which was showing information about Professor Martin Stein. "So, this Professor went missing?" Atchaco asked.
"Yeah." Caitlin agrees. "And no one seems to know where he is."
"Weird." Atchaco states as they walked to the car, but the door was frozen solid. They both turn around to see Snart and Mick standing there.
"Car trouble?" Snart smiles.
"Caitlin, run, get out of here." Atchaco yells.
"What about you though." Caitlin wonders.
"Forget about me, just get out of here." Atchaco shouts back. Caitlin looks at Atchaco before taking off, but Snart shoots his cold gun on the floor, causing Caitlin to slip and she falls to the ground, knocked out. "Caitlin!"
"Well, originally we were just going to take your friend here, but if you know her then you must know the Flash." Snart grins. "So you'll do nicely for us. So, what is it going to be? The easy way, or the hard way." Snart holds up his cold gun and points it to Atchaco and she gulps.
Later at STAR Labs, Barry walks into the training room and looks at the treadmill. "I hope we're not enemies." Wells tells him as he wheels into the room.
"What? No, of course not." Barry reassures the man.
"I thought you might blame me for pushing you to pursue your training rather than help the police." Wells admits.
"Look, I'm an adult." Barry reminds him. "I make my own choices, my own mistakes. And I'm glad you push me to be better. It's so weird. There was a time in my life that I would've paid money for your autograph. And now we're…"
"Partners." Wells suggests.
"I was gonna say friends." Barry tells him.
"In case you doubt it, you push me to be better too." Wells informs him.
"Guys, you have to come look at this." Cisco calls as he walks in.
"When the heat gun was fired, it increased the surrounding temperature of the air dramatically, sort of like an extreme heat wave." Cisco tells them, showing them a diagram of the heat gun that Mick has and he smiles. "Heat wave."
"Stop doing that." Wells tells him.
"Okay." Cisco replies. "I measured the temperature output of both the cold and heat guns, right? And while the cold gun achieves absolute zero, the heat gun successfully reaches absolute hot, or the hottest temperature an object can reach."
"Planck temperature." Barry tells them and Cisco nods.
"So potentially, these two guns could cancel each other out." Wells realises.
"Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams." Cisco informs them.
"You mean like Ghostbusters?" Barry smiles.
"That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate." Cisco replies.
"And really quite funny." Wells admits.
Barry's phone vibrates and he answers it. "Hey, Joe. What's up?" He asks. Suddenly Barry's face drops and he zooms out of there.
Later at the crime scene at the parking lot, Barry walks over to Caitlin who was sitting in the back of an ambulance. "Caitlin, are you okay?" Barry questions.
"Yeah, I'm fine, you need to talk to Joe." Caitlin answers.
"Joe, anything?" Barry asks him as he walks over to Joe.
"There's no sign of Atchaco." Joe sighs.
Barry then sees the ice covering Caitlin's car and Atchaco's watch lying on the ground next to it. "Oh, my God." He whispers. "She can't show her macianain or bicain form, not to mention use her powers in front of them without risking an exposure of her powers. We have to find Snart."
"Damn right we do." Joe agrees. "Come on, let's go."
Minutes later, Joe and Barry walk out of the elevator and into the precinct. "Joe, Joe." Eddie calls as he comes running down the stairs. "We got a hit, a second pair of prints. They belong to Mick Rory." Eddie hands Joe a file.
"Who is he?" Barry asks.
"Big-time arsonist." Eddie explains. "He and Snart worked a job last year that went bad. Half of Rory's body was burned in a fire that got out of control. He escaped from an ambulance on the way to the hospital, but hasn't been seen since. Why would they kidnap someone like Atchaco?"
"Joe, thawne, it's on every station." Singh tells them coming out of his office, turning on the TV to show Snart standing there while Mick was holding onto Atchaco.
"Greetings, citizens of Central City. I am Leonard Snart." He introduces himself. "But you can call me Cold. I'm gonna make this very simple for everyone. That red streak you've been hearing whispers about, the one mysteriously saving people these past few months? Well, surprise, he's real. He calls himself the Flash. Porter and main, tonight, sundown. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Flash. Show the whole world you're real." Everyone was watching his livestream, even Cisco, Wells and Caitlin were watching from STAR Labs. Atchaco grunts as she tries to pull out of Mick's grasp without exposing herself. "Or this woman dies."
"No, don't come for me. Stay away! He'll torture you." Atchaco screams as Snart turns off his camera and ends the livestream.
At the warehouse Snart was at, Mick was tying Atchaco to a chair. "You know I can release my prostheses and get out of here, right." Atchaco wonders.
"Don't, you'll save yourself some pain." Mick snarls. "You're a friend of his, huh, just like the other woman? He's fast… Like fire. Fire, it's undefinable. Heat, light, energy. It's an evolution when things burn." Mick held a light above his head.
"You're sick." Atchaco growls.
"Maybe you're the sick ones. Have you ever thought about that?" Mick questions.
"Not really." Atchaco said angrily.
"Mm." Mick hummed.
"You've got third-degree burns." Atchaco notices, looking at the burn on Mick's arm. "Why didn't you get skin grafts?"
"The fire revealed my true self, showed me who I really am." Mick admitted. "I wonder what your Flash will reveal when I burn his suit and skin off, and then we can go after Thunder."
"Do whatever you want to me, but leave him alone." Atchaco spits, anger filling her voice and Triton threatening to release, only not because he knows how dangerous it would be.
"Oh, okay." Mick smiles menacingly. "You and this Flash must be really close if you're willing to die for him, hmm? You want me to show you who you really are?" Mick holds up the heat gun and points it at her. "That'd be fun. Show you who you... Really are."
Snart appears behind Mick. "Mick. Time to go." Then he walks away.
Mick looks back at Atchaco and connects a bomb to her chair, which halts Atchaco's plan to extend her metallic appendages from her back and use them to escape. "You better pray the next people that come through this door is us." Mick tells her as he places a gag over her mouth.
Later, Barry was pacing back and forth at STAR Labs, when his phone started to ring. "Hey." Barry greets the person on the other end.
"Okay, you're on." Joe answered. "Good luck, son."
"Thanks." Barry replies.
"Barry, after tonight, everyone's gonna know that the Flash exists. Are you ready for that?" Joe questions.
"I'll see you soon." Barry exhales.
Later at night, Barry was running to where he was going to meet Snart and Mick, who were getting ready for him as well. The police were there two, and saw when Barry passed them by. "Did... did you see that? That was him. That was the Flash." A police officer smiles.
"I don't believe it." Singh gasped as Barry stopped in the middle of the road.
"Believe it." Eddie replies.
"The Scarlet speedster." Snart calls as Barry turns to face Snart and Mick. "Any preference on how you'd like to die? The flame or the frost? Not in the mood for chitchat. Gotcha. Ready when you are." Barry looks at them angrily as lightning glows in his eyes. Then as Mick and Snart shoot, Barry zooms past them. "Cover me!" Snart yells. Then as Barry was running, Mick blew up a fire hydrant and Snart freezes the water. "Run on this." He smiles as Barry crashes through the ice and tumbles to the ground.
"Barry. Barry, are you okay?" Wells said through the comms. "You know what you have to do."
"Yeah, get them to cross their beams and cancel their guns out. I know." Barry answers.
"Mick!" Snart yells.
Mick shoots his gun at the car Barry was behind and it explodes. "Ah! Gotcha!" Mick laughs as Barry runs out from the explosion.
"Yeah, not as easy as it sounds." He tells the team through his comms.
At the police block on the other side of the street, Iris comes running towards Eddie. "Eddie, Eddie!" She calls as she comes towards him.
"Iris, what are you doing here?" He asks.
"They evacuated Jitters." Iris answers him. "I saw your car."
"No, you can't be here." Eddie warns her. "It's not safe."
Cisco, Caitlin and Joe arrive at the warehouse where Snart had live streamed from. "Are you sure Atchaco's here, Cisco?" Joe asks him.
"Starting from Caitlin's car, I pieced together surveillance footage that led us to this general area." Cisco told them.
"But there's over a dozen warehouses here." Joe reminds them.
"Yeah, but only one of them has had the heat on the last three nights, and that same one show a electronic signature similar to the one emitted by Atchaco's cybernetic body." Caitlin answers.
"And I'm betting Mick Rory likes it hot." Cisco replies.
"Okay. Stay behind me." Joe orders as they walk over to the warehouse door and open it up.
"Atchaco." Caitlin calls into the darkness.
"Hmm!" Atchaco groans.
"Atchaco, is that you?" Cisco asks.
"Mm-mm." Atchaco tries to answer.
"Atchaco." Caitlin said.
"No!" Atchaco muffled.
"We're gonna get you out of here." Cisco comforts her, but it does anything but that, as she yells muffled words, trying to tell them to get out.
"Cisco!" Joe yelled but it was too late and Cisco had tripped the wire to the bomb that connected to Atchaco's chair. "Cisco, down!" Joe yelled again as he tackled Atchaco to the ground just in time for the bomb to explode.
Back with Barry, he was still fighting with Snart and Mick. "The fight is spreading beyond the evac area. We need to expand the perimeter." Singh calls.
"We can't. We can't let this spread." Eddie argues as he walks over to him. Barry was still running up a building when and when he came down, Snart shot him with his cold gun.
"Oh, my God!" Eddie gasps as he quickly grabs a shield.
"Thawne, where are you going?" Singh asks him but Eddie doesn't listen and runs over to help the Flash.
"Eddie, Eddie." Iris called out.
"Thawne!" Singh yelled, but still Eddie did not listen.
Back at the warehouse, Atchaco groans as she lists her head. "Thanks guys." She smiles. "Don't think I would have been able to out run a bomb, or be unsaved if I did.
"No problem." Cisco tells her as Atchaco uses her extendable limbs to get out of the ropes.
"I got to go and help Barry." Atchaco reminds them as she zooms out of the warehouse as her cybernetics form around her.
Back with Barry, he was lying on the ground when Mick and Snart shot at him, but Eddie stepped in front of Barry with his shield. "Hold on! I got him! Look out, look out, look out!" Eddie groaned. Suddenly, Eddie and Barry get zoomed out of the way by Atchaco, who was now standing in her macanian form.
"Maz, you okay?" Barry whispers to her.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She answers.
"I can't get them to cross streams." Barry tells them as he stands in front of the two criminals. "Speed isn't getting it done."
"You're right." Wells agrees. "Maybe the way to do this is not by going faster."
"It's going slower." Macanese realised.
"Yes." Wells answers.
"Okay." Barry says as he starts to walk and Macanese walks with him.
"No, I have to do this on my own." Barry told her.
"No." Macanese argued. "I'll handle the temperature better than you ever will, I'm doing this not you."
"You can't. You're made of metal and your cybernetics will freeze up with the contrasting temperatures, and you know what." Barry said as he continued to walk. "And besides, I got us into this mess, I need to be the one to get us out of it." Macanese stops walking with him, he was right, not about him having to do it, but that she physically couldn't do it.
"Thanks for playing, kid." Snart tells him as the monitors in STAR Labs start beeping rapidly because of Barry's vital signs. Snart and Mick were laughing happily as they keep shooting at Barry when the two guns crossed each other. As soon as they crossed each other, Barry was out of there and their guns went haywire, then they both got thrown backwards and onto the ground. Snart starts crawling for his cold gun when Atchaco and Barry step on it.
"I didn't see that coming." Snart laughs. "I guess you two win this time."
"There won't be a next time." Macanese tells him.
"Thank you, detective." Macanese and Barry congratulate him in sync as Eddie walks over to them and points his gun at Snart.
"Aah!" Mick yells. "I'm gonna burn every last one of you pigs! Get your hands off me!" He shoves one of the police officers.
"Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey." Joe calms.
"Yaaaaah!" Mike yells and growls at them before being taken away as he passes CyAmze and Barry standing there.
"Partner's a real hothead." Joe smiled.
"That's funny." Snart groans in an unamused tone of voice.
"You know what's hilarious, Snart?" Joe questioned. "We got you."
"Congratulations." Snart snarls sarcastically.
"Get him out of here." Joe ordered and Snart was taken away as Eddie walked by.
"Nice work, Eddie." Barry cheers.
"It wasn't me." Eddie told him. "It was the Flash and Thunder." CyAmze nods with a smile on her face.
Eddie walks over to Eddie with the cold and heat guns. "We're not gonna be needing these for the trial. You'll make sure…" Eddie starts to say.
"They'll never hurt anyone ever again." Cisco informs him as Singh walks up to him.
"Mr. Ramon." Singh says as he shakes Cisco's hand. "Thank you."
Barry and CyAmze walked past some officers who were talking about the Flash and Thunder. "They were like a lightning bolt, zipping through the streets. The Flash took them both out single handedly." One of the officers said.
"That's amazing." Another replied with a grin on his face.
"I wonder who they are." They ask.
"If you ask me, they are heros." The other replies.
The next day, Barry and Eddie were coming down stairs in the West house with Iris's lost box while Iris and Atchaco were supervising. "I think that's it." Iris told him.
"This better be it." Eddie joked.
Joe walked over to Iris. "Well, like you said, you're ten minutes away, so if you forget something…" Joe smiled.
"Okay." Iris answered. Joe looked at Iris with a sad look on his face. "Dad." Iris laughs as she hugs him.
"I can't say it enough. I'll miss you." Joe admits as he lets Iris go.
"You know you can come around anytime, Joe." Eddie reminds him. "Just give us a heads-up. Or not. Come around whenever. You want a key?" Eddie chuckles nervously before backing away and standing by the door. "I'm gonna go. I'll wait... In the truck." Eddie grabs the box and walks out of the door as Atchaco and Barry look at each other deeply, which both Joe and Iris notice.
"Iris… Why don't we give you two a minute?" Joe says, to which she nods and they both leave the room.
"I believe this belongs to you." Barry says as he places the watch back around Atchaco's wrist.
"Thanks." Atchaco replies.
"Well…" Barry sighs deeply. "Look, I know things have been really weird between us recently"
"Yeah, they have." Atchaco agreed.
"Well, did you know that I can see into the future?" Barry questioned.
"Really?" Atchaco wondered.
"Oh, yeah." Barry answered. "Did I forget to tell you that?"
"You did not mention it, no." Atchaco replied.
"Wow." Barry laughed.
"So what do you see?" Atchaco asked.
"I see that things aren't weird between us anymore." Barry informs her. "It took a little time, but everything's back to normal, and we're still best friends."
"The future doesn't sound so bad." Atchaco admits.
"No." Barry agrees. "And it'll be here faster than you think." They both lean in and kiss each other when all of a sudden they hear cheering coming from the living room and they sharpley pull away. They turn around to see Iris with a huge smile on her face.
"Sorry." She apologises. "But it was about time this happened." Atchaco and Barry shake their heads slightly. "I'm really glad that I was here to see this, but I guess it is time for me to go. Hey dad, is it okay if I…" She picks up a picture of her, Barry and Atchaco.
"Yeah." Joe answers as they give each other a quick hug. "Bye my baby girl. She walks over to Barry and Atchaco and hugs them.
"Bye guys." Iris smiled.
"See you." Barry waves goodbye to her. Atchaco looks at him as while not saying any words to Iris, she just smiles and then Iris leaves the house.
"Pffft. Well…" Atchaco sighs as she plops down onto the couch, Barry following suit.
"So, are you guys a couple now?" Joe asked.
"I think maybe we should wait until after me and Atchaco have our first date." Barry answers.
"I agree, you never count the chickens until they hatch, and now we should not hurry to what might never become. But first Joe, how about you?" Atchaco questioned.
"It was bound to happen sometime, right?" Joe wonders.
"Mm-hmm." Barry nods.
"You two want to order some pizza and watch the ball game?" Joe asked.
"Make it pizzas and you're on." Atchaco answers with a smile on her face.
"You know, if you ever need somebody to come and eat your food, I'm there." Barry told him. "Besides, the laundry machines in my building have been broken for, like, a month, so…"
"I don't know why you moved into that deathtrap in the first place, since you still got a perfectly good room here." Joe reminds him.
"You said you were turning it into a gym." Atchaco points out.
"We all know I'm not turning it into a gym." Joe replies.
"Yeah." Barry and Atchaco laugh.
"Besides, you got me running around enough as it is." Joe jokingly complained.
"You know, it is getting hard to hide the blasting in and out of my apartment at all hours of the night from my neighbours." Barry admitted. "I suppose it would make sense for me to move back in. I mean, I am a millennial. That is what we do." Atchaco chuckles.
"Well, don't do it on my account. I'll be fine on my own." Joe tells them.
"Oh, yeah, me too. Sure." Barry replied. He looks at Atchaco and she nods. Barry zooms out of the house, and zooms back in with all his stuff. "All right, roomie. You order the pizzas. I'll unpack."
"No way." Joe said. "I want to help you. I want to enjoy this."
"I'll help too." Atchaco said.
"All right." Barry grasped his hand together as he sat down, Joe handing them both some beer.
"You know this does nothing to us." Atchaco reminds him.
"Just drink it." Joe told them.
"Mm-hmm." Barry hummed. They all smile from where they are sitting and start to drink their beers.