A Perfect World for Him

These magic crystals were found mainly in dungeons that were guarded by all sorts of creatures, or they could also be found in what they called dimensions here.

These dimensions were created when there was a break in space-time, and absolutely everyone dreamed of getting a hold of one of them.

There were two kinds of dimensions, those that were virgin and that you could shape as we wished or those that had belonged to powerful individuals, now deceased, and that were generally filled with treasures.

The latter that were left without an owner usually appeared for a certain period of time and then disappeared again, as for the first one, it was the law of first come, first served which prevailed.

The information he had on these dimensions was not very accurate, and he would probably learn more about them later, as they seemed to play a big role in this world.

As for these powerful individuals, they were called the Guardians and as he was still having a very bad headache, he didn't want to look for too much information for the moment… But a few minutes later, he still focused on the basic information about these Guardians because the curiousity was killing him.

What he discovered was that anyone could become a Guardian and that the Guardians all started at level 0 and that the most powerful of them could reach level 12, which was the highest level that existed, and in order to become a Guardian, one had to be 18 years old and buy a license.

Mika stopped there in the exploration of his memory when his headache became more violent, and he couldn't believe it, he had never believed in reincarnation or transmigration, but he had to admit that his soul had just transmigrated into this body which was in another world than his.

And as a bonus, as he had assumed this young man had just turned 18... Now that he had recovered his memory, he knew that his name was Mikail, which was rather similar to his own name, and that he had turned 18 only 5 days ago, and he had fallen ill not long after unfortunately for him.

Mikail hadn't had the chance to taste the pleasures of life, just like him who had spent his time fighting, so he promised himself that this time he would do everything he hadn't had the chance to do in his past life, life was definitely too short, and now that he had been given another chance, he would enjoy this life to the fullest.

He wouldn't try to save the world and he would have a good time. He would make a lot of friends and a lot of enemies too, otherwise his life would become too boring.

And above all, he would try to find someone who could make his heart beat faster, give him butterflies in his stomach and make him smile like an idiot every time he thought about him.

And yes, he had always been more attracted to men than to women and he was still waiting for the one who would make his heart skip a beat.

Apparently that wasn't a problem in this world, gay couples even seemed rather common here, what a relief he thought.

This world was really made for him, not only did he keep the comforts of a modern world, but by becoming a Guardian, which for him was an obvious choice, he was going to be able to experience a lot of new adventures by looting dungeons, fighting against strange creatures and who knows, he would perhaps become the happy owner of a dimension.

Anything was possible when you were given a second chance, right?

Mika finally decided to get up, he was still slightly dizzy, but considering that Mikail had just struggled for 3 days with a fever that had finally killed him, he considered himself lucky to only be dizzy.

He wanted to go back to the bed to digest all the information he had about this new world, but when he got near his bed, he saw on his bedside table a small bag that looked like a purse.

And when he rummaged through the memories he had just received, he realized that this small purse contained absolutely all of Mikail's possessions inside.

He took it curiously and opened it. This little purse was called a magic bag and it was the equivalent of a USB key where one could store all sorts of data, except that in a magic bag one would rather store his clothes, his money, his furniture, everything that wasn't alive could be stored inside.

And again like a USB key, there were different sizes of storage. It could go from 10 m² to 100 m², and as Mikail lost his parents when he was still very young, he didn't have much means and not many possessions.

But he didn't mind, the fact that Mikail had lost his parents and didn't seem to have any other family was a real plus for him, as he was free and didn't have to answer to anyone. No family pressure either, it couldn't have been any better.

And when he saw the kind of clothes that Mikail had stored inside, he was pleasantly surprised, there was everything he needed, sportswear, school uniform, casual clothes, and everything was in good taste.

He was a little surprised by the good quality of these clothes, but digging into his memory he realized that not only did Mikail have a scholarship due to his excellent results, but he also worked in a cafe for 2 hours every day after school, and 8 hours on Saturdays and Sundays, which allowed him to live quite comfortably if he didn't spend too much.

But as the month came to an end, he didn't have much left. There were still 5 days left before he received his next pay and he only had 78 silver coins left which was just enough to feed himself for a few days, 6 and a half days to be exact, as a meal at his high school canteen cost 6 silver coins.

He didn't know how much the license to become a Guardian cost, but he hoped that he would have enough money to pay for it, he had a hunch that looting dungeons would bring him much more money than being a waiter.

In his magic bag there was also a bracelet that served as his ID, this bracelet was connected to a central system, and before he turned 18 it was really only used as an ID and a phone.

But now that he had turned 18, which was the majority of age in this world, it could be used as a bank account, a GPS and above all this central system was also used as a living encyclopedia.

He took the bracelet out of his magic bag and he put it on his right wrist, and that was it, he thought, that was all he had in this magic bag, the rest of his possessions were in his room at the dormitory of the High School.