Level 1 Guardian License

Seeing him look at her surprised, she explained to him, "When you turn 18, your identity bracelet needs to be upgraded so that you can access all the new features you might have heard about."

Mika then told her, "I didn't have time to do it, I turned 18 only 5 days ago, and I got sick right after that, I had completely forgotten that I need to upgrade my bracelet after I turn 18."

The nurse reassured him, "We have a special department at the hospital that handles this, and it's free as you are a patient, if you want I can take you there, it's quick you'll see."

Mika replied warmly, "Really, that would be great, thank you very much!"

The nurse, seeing him get up immediately wanted to reprimand him and tell him to be more careful and that his body must still be weak after the fever he had had, but when she saw that he seemed to be perfectly fine, she said rather perplexed, "Well, you seem to recover quickly, it's very unexpected, I understand better why you want to leave the hospital so hastily."

Mika smiled, he was also satisfied, his headache was finally gone and he no longer felt dizzy, he said to her with a warm smile, "Yes, I feel much better, and it is thanks to you, thank you again."

The nurse blushed a little under the compliment and she motioned for him to follow her, and after guiding him as promised, she reminded him to rest and she finally left.

As she had told him, the bracelet update went quickly and once back in his room, he went to sit on his bed with his back to the wall and decided to take a quick look at it.

He pressed the red button and this time he managed to connect to the central system without any problem and thanks to this bracelet, the central system was connecting directly to your mind.

It was like a voice in your head and the information you asked for always appeared only on your left eye, so you could continue what you were doing without too much discomfort.

[Update Success, would you like to change any information about yourself? YES / NO]

Mika wondered if he could change his name so he thought of YES and his information appeared immediately.

[Name: Mikail

Address: Cally High School Dormitory, Room 21, Northern City n°3.

Status: Student

ID Number: 07112017]

Mika then tried to change his name but the central system refused, apparently the only thing he couldn't change was his name and ID number.

Too bad, he thought, but Mikail was very close to his original name so he would just have to tell the people he met that he would prefer to be called Mika.

And now that his bracelet was working just fine, it was time to get down to business and find out how much a license to become a Guardian cost.

He was surprised then when he received an immediate answer from the central system, because after all he hadn't really formulated the question yet, he had just thought about it.

[Level 1 Guardian license, allows you to loot low level dungeons and buy magic herbs from level 1 to 3, costs 50 silver coins, beginner without experience accepted.

Would you like to buy this license ? If so, please scan the necessary money with the red button on your bracelet]

Mika was really overexcited and relieved that Mikail had enough money for him to buy this level 1 Guardian license, it might not fulfill the ambitions that Mikail had planned for his future, but he would make sure to take full advantage of this second life that was offered to him.

He took the 50 silver coins out of his magic bag and put them on his bedside table, then he brought his bracelet close to them and a red light came out directly from the button on it and after wrapping the silver coins, they disappeared as if sucked by the bracelet.

And right after he saw a new message appear.

[Congratulations, you have just purchased a level 1 Guardian license.

You must choose your Guardian name before you can access the map that lists all the dungeons in your area that you are allowed to loot.

This map is updated automatically as soon as a new dungeon appears or disappears.

You can also buy magic herbs from level 1 to 3 to make magic pills that you can sell directly at the Guardians' market]

Mika thought quickly and he felt a bit nostalgic, so he chose Shadow Leader as his Guardian name because that was the nickname given to him by his teammates.

The central system sent him a new notification and what he saw surprised him a little.

[Guardian, Shadow Leader, level 0.

To get to level 1, you must loot a minimum of 10 dungeons including a low level 3 star, or you must make 50 level 1 magic pills, and once you have met these requirements, it will cost you 50 gold coins and 1,000 experience points to level up]

'Wow, what was that?' Mika couldn't help but think. And the system answered him at once.

[All Guardians start at level 0, and in order to level up you have to meet certain requirements, the higher your level becomes the more rewards you will get and the more requirements you will need to continue to level up.

All Guardians who have a level 2 license and reach level 4 are automatically teleported to Continent B and when a Guardian reaches level 12 he can create a passage to the world of Nihava]

This was a lot of information at once and he decided that he would have plenty of time to study it while he was in class, after all he had already chosen his career, whether he graduated or not didn't matter much now.

Tomorrow he would go back to class, and after he broke that girl's heart and quit his job as a waiter, he would be free to devote himself to his new job as a Guardian.

He was really curious though to know how much he could earn by looting a dungeon and now that he had a good rest and felt better, he really wanted to test the capabilities of this new body.

He then asked the central system to open the map of the dungeons he was allowed to loot and which were near the hospital, because curiosity was itching him too much, he wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of creatures were inside.
