Thinking outloud

Alanis joined him immediately and he looked at the cuts on his arms that were already starting to heal and he frowned saying to him, "Mika, you still have the bottle of water I gave you, don't you?"

Mika nodded and then Alanis said to him, "Your wounds are already healing but it would go faster if you drank some of this water, as I told you, it is very special and very useful in this kind of situation, you'll see."

Mika made it appear immediately in his hand and he drank a few sips curious to test this so-called magical water, the fact that his wounds were already closing when Alanis had joined him had already surprised him but apparently it wasn't going fast enough for him.

And when he felt a cold current running through his body, he looked again at his wounds which this time had practically disappeared, there was only a slight trace that was already fading in their place, and then he exclaimed not really believing his eyes, "Wow, this is truly amazing!"

Mika felt like he was in some sort of video game where all he had to do was drink a potion to recover his HP, it was a fascinating experience.

Alanis smiled at him and he said, "See, it's already much better like this."

Mika thanked him very much, and they went together to scan his rewards, and after that the central system gave him as usual a summary of what he had won.

[Congratulations, you have earned 12 gold coin, 48 experience points, 6 furs and 4 cheetah bodies]

Mika, who perhaps thanks to the water Alanis had given him, felt absolutely no fatigue, said excitedly, "Let's go, in the 1 star dungeon after facing rabbits and wild dogs I had directly fallen on the boss of the dungeon who was a Viking. I don't know what I'm going to run into this time but I'm really looking forward to finding out."

Alanis looked at him a little incredulously and he said to him, "Mika, aren't you even a little scared?"

Mika couldn't tell him that he was used to completing impossible missions and that he was used to finding himself in very perilous situations and that the adrenaline he had always felt in those moments had never been due to fear but to the excitement of danger.

In the past they were a team of 6 and they were all complementary, and even if the missions they were entrusted with seemed totally unachievable, for them it was a way to face challenges and when they were all together nothing seemed impossible.

In each of these missions, he had been able to count on his men and they on him and they had always come out unscathed... Until one of them betrayed them.

With Alanis, even though they didn't know each other yet, he felt confident and knew that he would protect him if anything went wrong.

That certainty kept him from being afraid, and he couldn't help but tell him honestly, "I'm not scared, because I know you're there, so I admit that I'm taking more risks and that I'm being less vigilant than I would have been on my own, but that's not a bad thing because it'll help me get ahead faster."

Alanis smiled then, this confidence Mika had in him was reassuring but he still told him, "Keep going at your own pace, I don't want you to rush and hurt yourself unnecessarily, we still have time, okay?"

Mika frowned and he asked him suddenly, "I thought you were pressed for time?"

Alanis then hugged him and he said to him, "I am, but I'm way ahead of the schedule my clan leader had prepared for me, so even if you take 10 years to get to be a level 12 Guardian it doesn't matter, plus he gave me other missions that are all equally important and it will take time to complete them... So you see, there's no need to rush."

Mika nodded and he said to him, "Okay, I will be more careful, I promise."

And before continuing to move forward he said to Alanis, thinking outloud, " I have already had to face these wild dogs two times and whether it was in the 1 star dungeon or this one which is 2 star dungeon, their attacks were the same, and so were their strengths, the only thing that was different was their numbers, they were more numerous in this dungeon.

I guess if I do several 2 star dungeons, I would regularly run into the same creatures, and if my theory is correct, then I could predict their movements and avoid getting hurt unnecessarily."

He then said to Alanis, "I'll take your advice but that doesn't mean it will slow me down, after all to level up to level 1 I only need to loot one 3 star dungeon, so we can save it for my tenth dungeon, when I've gotten my hands on the others first, is that better?"

Alanis nodded and he told him, "That's much better, let's see now how many dungeons you are able to loot tonight."

Mika smiled at him and he decided to keep his scimitars to face the dungeon boss, they finally started moving again and the scenery changed again.

Just like in the first dungeon they found themselves on a green plain, and they could already see the black hole that would allow them to get out of the dungeon.

Only this time the black hole wasn't guarded by a single Viking but by several of them.

There were 6 of them in total, 5 seemed to be simple soldiers, they had no armor and their weapons were less impressive than the Viking who seemed to be their leader.

He was taller and more muscular than the others and his armor seemed thick and protected all his vital points, and when he saw his axe which was made of a double blade and had the end of a spear he couldn't help asking Alanis, "Tell me, just by chance, do you have a weapon that would allow me to go through his armor or to cut his head off in one strike, I'm not sure that my scimitars would be efficient enough against this kind of armor."