I like it even more

Of course he could have just disarmed him like the last time and used his own weapon against him, but he was also curious to know if Alanis had any weapons.

And Alanis didn't even hesitate for a moment and he brought out a short sword which he immediately gave to Mika.

Mika was surprised because it looked like the elven swords that appeared in the movies of his home world, except that its blade was golden with red reflections, and just by taking it in his hands, he could feel its power.

Mika smirked as he looked at those Vikings, they were going to taste this blade soon, and he said to Alanis before dashing towards them, "I won't be long, wait for me here."

When Alanis saw him dashing towards his opponents without even taking the time to think of a strategy, he wanted to yell at him to be more careful, but he bit his lip and kept his mouth shut.