The underground water source part 4

Mika smirked as they broke and disappeared as soon as they touched the shield, and instead of letting Alanis do all the work, he decided to fight too.

He grouped 3 of his small orbs together which should be more than enough to defeat this elemental creature and he used the 3 he had left to stop it from running away.

The mermaid who had targeted him then also conjured up a sword in one of its hands and in its other hand an oval shaped shield that was as large as the mermaid itself materialized.

It sword succeeded in destroying one of his orbs but the powerful explosion when it sliced it with its sword really surprised the mermaid which allowed him to send his 2 remaining small orbs against its shield, and under the shock of the two consecutive explosion the mermaid found itself impaled on the wall of the cave which was filled with crystals.