A huge lava wave

He said to Alanis because he knew that he wasn't strong enough yet, "If you think that the creatures we are facing are too strong for me, just tell me okay."

Then, he handed him his sword and said to him, "You can finish this dungeon, I will just watch you from afar, because I guess the elemental creatures guarding the boss will be even more powerful than these ones."

Alanis took the sword and he said to him after kissing his forehead, "I promise, after this dungeon we'll find plenty for you to loot by yourself."

Mika nodded and Alanis waited for his short swords to join them back.

When they were there, he motioned for Mika to take one and he took the other one, storing it for the time being in the inventory of his dimension, and after that, he told Mika to wait here and he went to take care of the 3 lava spirits that were a little further away.